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BeBot v0.6.2 released
--- Quote from: Serbaa on January 25, 2009, 02:35:01 am ---Tyranny Port is still wrong needs to be 7003 :) serverlist has it as 7009.
$server_list['aoc']['Tyranny'] = array('server'=>'', 'port'=>7003);
--- End quote ---
Fixed in SVN
Fixed Issues with whois table
it was a simple bug in the update function preventing it was actually running
simply getting the latest /core/aoc/Whois.php will update table
--- Quote from: Serbaa on January 25, 2009, 04:15:52 am ---oh and a quick one that will only take you 2 seconds but isnt big .. when you do !irconline it says 3 users only reports 2 i made mine say 2 users but i suppose you could make him say 3 users and put his name in there as well (his being the bot)
Great job on 0.6.2 the ghosting appears to be gone so far ;)
--- End quote ---
unable to reproduce this
[Leet] Chris05: !irconline
[Leet] Leetchat: 2 users in #Leet: q, temar
this was with 0.7 but there has been no change that would affect that command between 0.6 and 0.7
Skybot [GROUP] [MSG] [Sacrosanct] Dacaro: !irconline
Skybot [GROUP] [MSG] [Sacrosanct] Skybot: 2 users in #Skybot: serbaa,
Total Count: 58120
Count: 1
thats all i get
going by the , after ur name it seems there is a blank entry in the list of names, duno why its there but thats why is says 2
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