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BeBot v0.6.2 released
This release is a maintenance release, fixing several issues as well as delivering an updated server list for due to the Age of Conan server merges.
As this release moves the server list into a dedicated file any updates there will be easier in the future.
[BeBot 0.6.2 Tar GZ Archive]
[BeBot 0.6.2 Zip Archive]
- Fixed a bug in buddy list handling of the Roster core.
- setcraft now has the option to set it as None, Update by gerborg
- Moved ServerList into conf folder and Checked US server List, 9 Updated, 6 Added
- Logon Spam now has Setting as to what user level they have to be for logon spam, Default Member Only
- Fixed Command Links for Guild in AoC
- Enabled BotStatistics for AoC, Fixed Dim Issue, Fixed Output issue
- Fixed Issue with !admin del <group> <name> not working when name has number
- Fixed issue of Guest always being added to notify regardless of settings
- Fixed bug were user removed from notify stay in online
- Updated All US and some EU Servers with New names and ip's
- Added sending of shutdown/restart reason
- Now allows password to be entered on loading of StartBot.php
Tyranny Port is still wrong needs to be 7003 :) serverlist has it as 7009.
$server_list['aoc']['Tyranny'] = array('server'=>'', 'port'=>7003);
Hey one more quick thing.
The crafting option set to none was causing the following error in the console when setting crafts to none.
Skybot [TELL] [INC] Deadybear: !setcraft none none
MySQL error (# 0) on query: UPDATE whois set craft1 = 'None', craft2 = 'None' WHERE nickname = 'Deadybear'
Data truncated for column 'craft1' at row 1
Skybot [TELL] [OUT] -> Deadybear: Thank you for updating your crafting information.
and the following error when the user that set craft to none logged on or off (coming from the whois database)
MySQL error (# 0) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VA
LUES ('184785414', 'Deadybear', '80', 'Necromancer', 'None', 'None', 96591, 1, '1232849982') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id
= VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = V
ALUES(online), location = VALUES(location), updated = VALUES(updated)
Data truncated for column 'craft1' at row 1
i tracked it down and did a manual update to the DB using the following command that will probably have to be added for people that are not installing from scratch and already have this table existing.
the whois.php that is specific to AoC is that is. :)
mysql>ALTER TABLE whois MODIFY craft2 enum('','Alchemist','Architect','Armorsmith','Gemcutter','Weaponsmith','None');
Query OK, 155 rows affected (0.13 sec)
Records: 155 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
one more thing
i THINK that i may have solved this issue
WARNING: The following entries timed out: Kaoken.
This happens when a char lets say Kaoken ID 23 was moved to a new server and had to have his name changed because Kaoken was already exisiting as a name, but the user had him registered as an alt so when you do a !is on his main you get this error
oh and a quick one that will only take you 2 seconds but isnt big .. when you do !irconline it says 3 users only reports 2 i made mine say 2 users but i suppose you could make him say 3 users and put his name in there as well (his being the bot)
Great job on 0.6.2 the ghosting appears to be gone so far ;)
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