So basically something like
would spit out mumble voice server information on how many users are online and some connection info if you click it to be displayed in a window. You would also allow this info to include a copy/pastable url that mumble uses for quick connection, as well as a url to download the client. The code is already created for use in a website with php, the module could easily be converted to spit info in chat.
The server info is pulled from xml with serverid code from this url.;opt=ServerXml;serverid=<insertidhere>;fake=server.xml
its displayed in sorted info like this
server ip below Server Name N/A 2 50 0 0 157 0 1347 2087 2087 online
after N/A the number 2 is how many ppl connected atm
so sort that info neatly and allow it to be clicked for more info on downloading mumble and connection url.
heres the php already written on the other site:^^ that should make this quicker process. Many people using mumble would love this bot addon