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Author Topic: relay colors  (Read 18657 times)

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Offline Nytridr

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relay colors
« on: November 30, 2008, 02:26:48 pm »
not sure if this was never noticed or if it is meant to be this way but when you change the colors in the relay it will change the color for the outgoing text not the incoming text.

!color    edit color ....  >  relay

I would personally think just by looking at it, that it would change the color of the incoming text to some other color that you want to see.  who cares what the color is that is going out to the bot your sending the message to.  let them figure out what colors they want to see. 

if they really want to see the colors they could maybe have an option to turn on the colors of the other bots or something I would think.

The color module I would also like to see a bit more definitions in, that way people would know exactly what they are changing and would not have to guess at it.


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Re: relay colors
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 02:48:31 pm »
Let's divide your post into the two topics:

1. Colors in relay: I can follow your argument, putting some special tags in there instead of color tags seems like a great idea. Color tags always get changed before they go out to the chat-server. Which explains the current behavior.
Putting some special tags in there to divide the relayed output into guild name, sender and sent text would allow for easy parsing on the incoming side. As everything is already parsed by the !gcr command this shouldn't pose any problem.
I'll take a look at it.

2. More definitions in color module: I can't really follow you here. Do you want us devs to use more color schemes so you can adapt your output more detailed? Or are you missing some explanations there?

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Re: relay colors
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2008, 07:56:41 pm »
1. Done by Default chat is Relayed Uncolored and colors by the out that outputs, this can by changed back in setting

Offline Nytridr

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Re: relay colors
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2008, 12:55:14 am »
Let's divide your post into the two topics:

2. More definitions in color module: I can't really follow you here. Do you want us devs to use more color schemes so you can adapt your output more detailed? Or are you missing some explanations there?

Like in edit colors > AO   its just the name of the colors but there is not description as to what they will affect on the bot. 
Code: [Select]
...............  and more is listed.........

If you change any of these what would be the affect on the output of the bot.  I know these have been like this since very early on.  (Just kind of an idea)  Maybe a very short example as to what they would change.
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Offline Nytridr

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Re: relay colors
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2008, 01:02:24 am »
1. Done by Default chat is Relayed Uncolored and colors by the out that outputs, this can by changed back in setting

Well as it stands right now. (found out last night)  If you change the colors in relay it affects to output to the other orgs that are connected to the relay bot.  So it is being relayed "colored" not "uncolored"   The incoming information from the other orgs is not affected by this at all and stay the standard color.

I did not see anything in settings anywhere to affect the coloring of anything except in tower attacks where you can custom the display string sent out.

edit : Just updated to the very latest svn version as of now, and will be looking through it for these.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2008, 01:43:27 am by Nytridr »
Co-Prez of Rising Sun RK1 (1st & only org I will ever belong to)

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Re: relay colors
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2008, 01:49:41 am »
ok seems to be working even though it is (sorry to say) VERY ugly looking.. here let me paste this and hopefully it will speak for it's self.

Code: [Select]
To [dwbot1]: join
Nytridra joined the private group Dwbot1.
Dwbot1: 1 members online in Guild. 0 characters in privategroup. 4 Users on IRC:: click to view
[Dwbot1] Dwbot1: Nytridra (218/19 Clan Agent, Rising Sun) has joined Dwbot1
To [dipitydoo]: join
Nytridra joined the private group Dipitydoo.
Dipitydoo: 9 members online in Guild. 0 characters in privategroup. 4 Users on IRC:: click to view
[Dipitydoo] Dipitydoo: Nytridra (218/19 Clan Agent, Rising Sun) has joined Dipitydoo
[Dipitydoo] Nytridra: ..
[Aotf] Dipitydoo: !gcr [##relay_channel##Serendipity Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Nytridra:##end## ##relay_message##.. ##end##
[Aotf] Aotf: !gcr [##relay_channel## Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Dipitydoo:##end## ##relay_message##!gcr [##relay_channel##Serendipity Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Nytridra:##end## ##relay_message##.. ##end## ##end##
[Dwbot1] Dwbot1: [Serendipity Guest] Nytridra: ..
[Dipitydoo] Dipitydoo: [Serendipity] Draell: heya nyt sup?
[Aotf] Dipitydoo: !gcr [##relay_channel##Serendipity##end##] ##relay_name##Draell:##end## ##relay_message##heya nyt sup? ##end##
[Aotf] Aotf: !gcr [##relay_channel## Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Dipitydoo:##end## ##relay_message##!gcr [##relay_channel##Serendipity##end##] ##relay_name##Draell:##end## ##relay_message##heya nyt sup? ##end## ##end##
[Dwbot1] Dwbot1: [Serendipity] Draell: heya nyt sup?
[Aotf] Vabot: !gcr [##relay_channel##VA##end##] ##relay_name##Djantro:##end## ##relay_message##heya Nyt ##end##
[Aotf] Aotf: !gcr [##relay_channel## Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Vabot:##end## ##relay_message##!gcr [##relay_channel##VA##end##] ##relay_name##Djantro:##end## ##relay_message##heya Nyt ##end## ##end##
[Dwbot1] Dwbot1: [VA] Djantro: heya Nyt
[Dipitydoo] Dipitydoo: [VA] Djantro: heya Nyt
[Dipitydoo] Nytridra: not to much look checking out the updates
[Aotf] Dipitydoo: !gcr [##relay_channel##Serendipity Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Nytridra:##end## ##relay_message##not to much look checking out the updates ##end##
[Aotf] Aotf: !gcr [##relay_channel## Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Dipitydoo:##end## ##relay_message##!gcr [##relay_channel##Serendipity Guest##end##] ##relay_name##Nytridra:##end## ##relay_message##not to much look checking out the updates ##end## ##end##
[Dwbot1] Dwbot1: [Serendipity Guest] Nytridra: not to much look checking out the updates

Before I updated to the latest svn the color codes were never in there and actually looked a lot nicer.. I would hate to have to trouble shoot something like this from the relay bot..:)

It shouldn't be sending any color codes out over relay I thought.  I should only be adding color to the incoming relayed text.

This is also what is on the IRC  remember IRC has a 500 char limit.. 457 useable limit so this could really start causing some errors.. (which the bot SHOULD catch if I am correct)

Code: [Select]
<AO> [##relay_channel##RS##end##] ##relay_name##Juggymorph:##end## ##relay_message##I'm trying to convince her to molest me...actually ##end##
<AO> [##relay_channel##RS##end##] ##relay_name##Juggymorph:##end## ##relay_message##but I don't want her knowning about that, jeez ##end##
<AO> [##relay_channel##RS##end##] ##relay_name##Juggymorph:##end## ##relay_message##trying to get me caught here ##end##
<AO> [##relay_channel##RS##end##] ##relay_name##Luckycloverz:##end## ##relay_message##!whoiscooldude1 ##end##
« Last Edit: December 01, 2008, 03:59:07 am by Nytridr »
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Re: relay colors
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2008, 06:58:29 am »
Uhm this is a bit strange, it's working as intended for me - even if the log output looks a bit ugly now.

I don't see any tags in my relayed output.

Is this on ingame relay or on IRC?

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Re: relay colors
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2008, 07:54:56 am »
ok i have Fixed the issue with IRC outputing the tags
the large chat box above is actually him inside the Relay bot (Aotf)
log already removes tags


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