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Author Topic: AoC Raid weapon search module  (Read 17210 times)

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Offline heljeere

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AoC Raid weapon search module
« on: July 24, 2009, 10:11:21 am »
Since Funcom changed all the raid weapon names in patch 1.05, I've had a hard time looking them up before the need/pass requester times out in pugs, so I made a quick little module to search for a specific item or just list them all.

In case anybody else finds it useful, I thought I'd post it here.


To search for a specific name:
Code: [Select]
!raidweapon search Twinned
To list all raid weapon information:
Code: [Select]
To list all weapons for a specific class
Code: [Select]
!raidweapon dtor
Code: [Select]
!raidweapon Dark Templar
It's a bit more hacky than I usually allow for, but it does the job.

EDIT: Updated with item references. Please note that some of the links point to the old T1/T2 items. I'll look into getting that fixed.

Code: [Select]
   * Raidweapons.php - An Age of Conan raid weapon Module
   * For BeBot - An Anarchy Online & Age of Conan Chat Automaton Developed by Blondengy (RK1)
   * Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Holmen
   * As usual place this file in ./modules
    Add a "_" at the beginning of the file (_Raidweapons.php) if you do not want it to be loaded.

$raidweapons = new Raidweapons($bot);

class Raidweapons Extends BaseActiveModule
var $bot;
var $raidweapons;
var $returnstr;

* Constructor:
* Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
function __construct (&$bot)

$this -> register_command("all""raidweapon""MEMBER");

$this -> help['description'] = 'Raid weapon information';
$this -> help['command']['search'] = "Search for a specific item";

function command_handler($name$msg$origin)
$output "";
if (strtolower($msg) == "raidweapon")
$output $this->generate_list();
else if (preg_match("/^raidweapon.*$/i"$msg))
// Handle arguments
$cmdparam explode(" "$msg);

// Handle commands
if (preg_match("/^search$/i"$cmdparam[1]))
$searchstring preg_replace("/^raidweapon.*search(.*)/i""$1"$msg);
$output $this->search($searchstring);
else if (preg_match("/^class$/i"$cmdparam[1]))
$classname $this->get_class_name(preg_replace("/^raidweapon.*class(.*)/i""$1"$msg));
if ($classname != "")
// Class name found, display weapons for class.
$output .= $this->generate_list($classname);
// Check for class names without any command prefix
$classname $this->get_class_name(preg_replace("/^raidweapon(.*)/i""$1"$msg));
if ($classname != "")
// Class name found, display weapons for class.
$output .= $this->generate_list($classname);
$output "Unknown command/parameter";

return $output;

function get_class_name($name)
$aliases = array(
"sin" => "Assassin",
"barb" => "Barbarian",
"bs" => "Bear Shaman",
"shammy" => "Bear Shaman",
"conq" => "Conqueror",
"dt" => "Dark Templar",
"demo" => "Demonologist",
"guard" => "Guardian",
"hox" => "Herald of Xotli",
"necro" => "Necromancer",
"pom" => "Priest of Mitra",
"ranger" => "Ranger",
"tos" => "Tempest of Set"

$lowercasename trim(strtolower($name));
foreach($aliases as $key => $value)
if ($lowercasename == $key) return $value;
if ($lowercasename == strtolower($value)) return $value;

return "";

function generate_list($class "")
$output "";
$weaponslist $this->get_weapons();

$lastclass "";
foreach($weaponslist as $key => $value)
if ($class == "" || $class == $value[0])
// Display header for each class
if ($lastclass != $value[0])
if ($lastclass != ""$output .= "<br>";
$lastclass $value[0];
$output .= "<font face='HEADLINE' color=#c0c0c0>".$lastclass."</font><br>";

$output .= " <a href='chatcmd:///tell ".$this->bot->botname." item ".$value[5]."'>[".$value[4]."]</a> (".$value[1]." ".$value[2].")<br>";

if ($class == ""$linktitle "Raid weapon list (Click for info)";
else $linktitle "Raid weapon list for ".$class." (Click for info)";

return "<a href=\"text://<div align=left>".$output."</div>\">".$linktitle."</a>";

function search($searchstring) {

$output "";
$singlematchoutput "";
$multimatchoutput "";
$matches 0;

$weaponslist $this->get_weapons();

foreach($weaponslist as $key => $value)
if (preg_match("/^.*".$searchstring.".*$/i"" ".$value[4])) {
$singlematchoutput $value[4].' ('.$value[1].' '.$value[2].') - '.$value[0]." <a href=\"text://<a href='chatcmd:///tell ".$this->bot->botname." item ".$value[5]."'>[".$value[4]."]</a> (".$value[1]." ".$value[2].") - ".$value[0]."<br>\">(Click for info)</a>";
$multimatchoutput .= " <a href='chatcmd:///tell ".$this->bot->botname." item ".$value[5]."'>[".$value[4]."]</a> (".$value[1]." ".$value[2].") - ".$value[0]."<br>";

if ($matches == 0$output "No results.";
else if ($matches == 1$output "<font color=#4444bb>1 result: ".$singlematchoutput."</font>";
else $output "<a href=\"text://<div align=left>".$multimatchoutput."</div>\">".$matches." results (Click for info)</a>";

return $output;

function get_weapons()
$weaponslist = array( // Class, Tier, Item Type, Old name, New name
array("Assassin""T1""Dagger""Dagger of Deadly Guile""Song of Demise""3772330"),
array("Assassin""T2""Dagger""Dagger of Black Whispers""The Silent Knell""3772333"),
array("Barbarian""T1""One-Handed Edged""Axe of Violent Rage""The Crescent of Blood""3772397"),
array("Barbarian""T1""Two-Handed Edged""Greataxe of Violent Rage""The Twinned Moons""3772413"),
array("Barbarian""T2""One-Handed Edged""Axe of Brutal Carnage""Axe of Red Ruin""3772403"),
array("Barbarian""T2""Two-Handed Edged""Greataxe of Brutal Carnage""Greataxe of the Crimson Sea""3772414"),
array("Bear Shaman""T1""Two-Handed Blunt""Hammer of Vernant Fury""Hammer of Primal Wrath""3773797"),
array("Bear Shaman""T2""Two-Handed Blunt""Hammer of the Savage Fang""Arm of the Great Bear""3773813"),
array("Conqueror""T1""One-Handed Edged""Longsword of the Triumphant""Bloodseeker Blade""3770717"),
array("Conqueror""T1""Two-Handed Edged""Greatsword of the Triumphant""Bloodseeker Claymore""3770774"),
array("Conqueror""T2""One-Handed Edged""Longsword of the Martial Paragon""Sovereign Battleblade""3770719"),
array("Conqueror""T2""Two-Handed Edged""Greatsword of the Martial Paragon""Bloodregent Claymore""3770775"),
array("Dark Templar""T1""One-Handed Edged""Broadsword of Black Spite""The Baleful Blade""3770801"),
array("Dark Templar""T1""Shield""Shield of Black Spite""Gorulga's Shield""3770817"),
array("Dark Templar""T1""Talisman""Mark of Black Spite""Gorulga's Mark""3771955"),
array("Dark Templar""T2""One-Handed Edged""Broadsword of Baleful Blood""Blade of the Fallen King""3770812"),
array("Dark Templar""T2""Shield""Shield of Baleful Blood""The Shield of Alkmeenon""3770828"),
array("Dark Templar""T2""Talisman""Mark of Baleful Blood""The Mark of Gwahlur""3771968"),
array("Demonologist""T1""Dagger""Dagger of the Ecliptic""Blade of Marred Spirits""3772420"),
array("Demonologist""T1""Staff""Staff of the Ecliptic""Stave of Malefic Rites""3773762"),
array("Demonologist""T1""Talisman""Talisman of the Ecliptic""Fetish of Caged Fiends""3772416"),
array("Demonologist""T2""Dagger""Dagger of the Bloodmoon""Zukala's Rites""3773744"),
array("Demonologist""T2""Staff""Staff of the Bloodmoon""Clutch of Black Terrors""3773763"),
array("Demonologist""T2""Talisman""Talisman of the Bloodmoon""Zukala's Reliquary""3772417"),
array("Guardian""T1""One-Handed Edged""Longsword of the Valiant""Broadsword of Okeanos""3770675"),
array("Guardian""T1""Polearm""Trident of the Valiant""Trident of Okeanos""3770712"),
array("Guardian""T1""Shield""Shield of the Valiant""Aegis of the Warlord""3770703"),
array("Guardian""T2""One-Handed Edged""Longsword of Heroic Soul""Edge of the Golden Age""3770701"),
array("Guardian""T2""Polearm""Trident of Heroic Soul""Teeth of the Drowned""3770713"),
array("Guardian""T2""Shield""Shield of Heroic Soul""Aegis of the Jackal""3770704"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T1""Dagger""Dagger of Ardent Fire""The Lost Soul""3770878"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T1""Talisman""Tome of Ardent Fire""Blood Scripture of Xotli""3771989"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T1""Two-Handed Edged""Greatsword of Ardent Fire""Rage of Xotli""3771971"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T2""Dagger""Dagger of Infernal Zeal""Pain of the Damned""3771941"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T2""Talisman""Tome of Infernal Zeal""Elder Scripture of Xotli""3772002"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T2""Two-Handed Edged""Greatsword of Infernal Zeal""Fury of Xotli""3771975"),
array("Necromancer""T1""Dagger""Dagger of Dark Terror""Edge of Tartarus""3772283"),
array("Necromancer""T1""Staff""Staff of Dark Terror""Axis of Tartarus""3772404"),
array("Necromancer""T1""Talisman""Tome of Dark Terror""Opus of Ash and Blood""3772246"),
array("Necromancer""T2""Dagger""Dagger of Necrotic Dread""Knife of Dessication""3772286"),
array("Necromancer""T2""Staff""Staff of Necrotic Dread""The Narthex of Hell""3772406"),
array("Necromancer""T2""Talisman""Tome of Necrotic Dread""Tome of the Undying""3772248"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""One-Handed Blunt""Mace of Illuminant Conviction""Vise of the Anointed""3773832"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""Shield""Shield of Illuminant Conviction""Pavis of Fealty""3773873"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""Staff""Staff of Illuminant Conviction""Staff of Devout Piety""3773907"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""Talisman""Tome of Illuminant Conviction""Tome of Holy Obeisance""3773913"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""One-Handed Blunt""Mace of Effulgent Devotion""Hammer of Solemn Vows""3773842"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""Shield""Shield of Effulgent Devotion""The Haven of War""3773874"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""Staff""Staff of Effulgent Devotion""Staff of Eternal Confluence""3773909"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""Talisman""Tome of Effulgent Devotion""Tome of Deific Reverence""3773914"),
array("Ranger""T1""Ammunition""Bolt Quiver of Jagged Barbs""Bolts of Black Sorrow""3772260"),
array("Ranger""T1""Ammunition""Arrow Quiver of Jagged Barbs""Quiver of Barbed Tongues""3772301"),
array("Ranger""T1""Bow""Bow of Jagged Barbs""The Fleeted Wing""3772217"),
array("Ranger""T1""Crossbow""Crossbow of Jagged Barbs""Draw of Fangs""3772172"),
array("Ranger""T1""Dagger""Dagger of Jagged Barbs""The Gilded Grave""3772166"),
array("Ranger""T1""One-Handed Edged""Cutlass of Jagged Barbs""The Scimitar of Dunes""3771998"),
array("Ranger""T1""Shield""Shield of Jagged Barbs""Sepulcher's Ward""3772163"),
array("Ranger""T2""Ammunition""Bolt Quiver of the Swift Talon""Spines of Repose""3772282"),
array("Ranger""T2""Ammunition""Arrow Quiver of the Swift Talon""Quiver of Black Asps""3772320"),
array("Ranger""T2""Bow""Bow of the Swift Talon""Brace of Kuthchemes""3772220"),
array("Ranger""T2""Crossbow""Crossbow of the Swift Talon""The Serpent's Pull""3772173"),
array("Ranger""T2""Dagger""Dagger of the Swift Talon""The Agony of Ages""3772168"),
array("Ranger""T2""One-Handed Edged""Cutlass of the Swift Talon""Sirocco's Lament""3771999"),
array("Ranger""T2""Shield""Shield of the Swift Talon""The Shield of Entropy""3772164"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""One-Handed Blunt""Mace of the Cloudcleaver""Mace of the Cloudseer""3774386"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""Polearm""Spear of the Cloudcleaver""The Cloudscar""3774384"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""Shield""Shield of the Cloudcleaver""The Storm Harbor""3774406"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""Talisman""Tome of the Cloudcleaver""The Tome of Storms""3774410"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""One-Handed Blunt""Mace of the Riftcaller""Heaven's Torment""3774392"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""Polearm""Spear of the Riftcaller""Spear of Ishti""3774387"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""Shield""Shield of the Riftcaller""Shedu of Arcing Skies""3774408"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""Talisman""Tome of the Riftcaller""Scripture of Coronal Skies""3774411")

return $weaponslist;

« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 11:25:41 am by heljeere »

Offline Kyr

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2009, 11:50:15 am »
I like this module.  Thanks for creating and posting it here.

The help section was incomplete and what was there didn't work, i fixed it for my bot and thought I would post the fix here.

Code: [Select]
replace (line 32 and 33):

$this -> help['description'] = 'Raid weapon information';
$this -> help['command']['search'] = "Search for a specific item";

$this -> help['description'] = 'Raid weapon information';
$this -> help['command']['raidweapon'] = 'List all raid weapons';
$this -> help['command']['raidweapon <class>'] = 'List all raid weapons for a class';
$this -> help['command']['raidweapon search <itemname>'] = 'Search for a specific item';
$this -> help['notes'] = 'Created by Daniel Holmen<br /> If searching by class please use the following classes:<br />sin or Assassin<br />barb or Barbarian<br />bs or Bear Shaman<br />shammy or Bear Shaman<br />conq or Conqueror<br />dt or Dark Templar<br />demo or Demonologist<br />guard or Guardian<br />hox or Herald of Xotli<br />necro or Necromancer<br />pom or Priest of Mitra<br />ranger or Ranger<br />tos or Tempest of Set';
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 11:55:11 am by Kyr »

Offline heljeere

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2009, 01:15:05 pm »
Ah, thanks for the nice addition Kyr. I never had any focus on the help part :)

Offline Kyr

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2009, 02:23:11 am »
you are very welcome.  im php n00b and am trying to get my feet a little wet.  seemed like a good starting point.

Offline Jiheld

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 08:45:29 am »
If i click a weapon i get a error

Code: [Select]
Embot [TELL]    [INC]   Jiheldar: item 3772283
Embot [TELL]    [OUT]   -> Jiheldar: Error in query to database
Embot [TELL]    [INC]   Jiheldar: item 3772283
Embot [TELL]    [OUT]   -> Jiheldar: Error in query to database

Offline Poonjab

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 05:28:08 pm »
I'm just curious how you came up with all the item IDs on this?  Is there an easy way to get the item IDs or do you have to search them one by one?


Offline Getrix

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2009, 07:07:22 am »
Mostly one by one if you dont have them stored in a table as i do for itemDB.
Or if you are eleet and open up the rdb file. Dont have skill for doing that, but that will open up everything aviable ingame.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
- Sorry, i dont have time to reply question on PM. Make a topic.

Offline Jiheld

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2009, 07:59:59 pm »
can you post the .sql file?

Offline TBK

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2010, 02:19:06 pm »
I updated (added the known T3) and changed it a little bit.

The command is now !rweapon.

Code: [Select]
   * rweapon.php - An Age of Conan raid weapon Module
   * For BeBot - An Anarchy Online & Age of Conan Chat Automaton Developed by Blondengy (RK1)
   * Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Holmen
   * As usual place this file in ./modules
    Add a "_" at the beginning of the file (_rweapon.php) if you do not want it to be loaded.

$rweapon = new rweapon($bot);

rweapon Extends BaseActiveModule

      * Constructor:
      * Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
function __construct (&$bot)

$this -> register_command("all""rweapon""MEMBER");

$this -> help['description'] = 'Raid weapon information';
$this -> help['command']['rweapon'] = 'List all raid weapons';
$this -> help['command']['rweapon <class>'] = 'List all raid weapons for a class';
$this -> help['command']['rweapon search <itemname>'] = 'Search for a specific item';
$this -> help['notes'] = 'Created by Daniel Holmen<br /> If searching by class please use the following classes:<br />sin or Assassin<br />barb or Barbarian<br />bs or Bear Shaman<br />shammy or Bear Shaman<br />conq or Conqueror<br />dt or Dark Templar<br />demo or Demonologist<br />guard or Guardian<br />hox or Herald of Xotli<br />necro or Necromancer<br />pom or Priest of Mitra<br />ranger or Ranger<br />tos or Tempest of Set';

$output "";
         if (
strtolower($msg) == "rweapon")
$output $this->generate_list();
         else if (
// Handle arguments
$cmdparam explode(" "$msg);

// Handle commands
if (preg_match("/^search$/i"$cmdparam[1]))
$searchstring preg_replace("/^rweapon.*search(.*)/i""$1"$msg);
$output $this->search($searchstring);
            else if (
$classname $this->get_class_name(preg_replace("/^rweapon.*class(.*)/i""$1"$msg));
               if (
$classname != "")
// Class name found, display weapons for class.
$output .= $this->generate_list($classname);
// Check for class names without any command prefix
$classname $this->get_class_name(preg_replace("/^rweapon(.*)/i""$1"$msg));
               if (
$classname != "")
// Class name found, display weapons for class.
$output .= $this->generate_list($classname);
$output "Unknown command/parameter";


$aliases = array(
"guard" => "Guardian",
"dt" => "Dark Templar",
"conq" => "Conqueror",
"pom" => "Priest of Mitra",
"tos" => "Tempest of Set",
"bs" => "Bear Shaman",
"shammy" => "Bear Shaman",
"barb" => "Barbarian",
"sin" => "Assassin",
"ranger" => "Ranger",
"demo" => "Demonologist",
"hox" => "Herald of Xotli",
"necro" => "Necromancer"

$lowercasename trim(strtolower($name));
$aliases as $key => $value)
            if (
$lowercasename == $key) return $value;
            if (
$lowercasename == strtolower($value)) return $value;


generate_list($class "")
$output "";
$weaponslist $this->get_weapons();

$lastclass "";
$weaponslist as $key => $value)
            if (
$class == "" || $class == $value[0])
// Display header for each class
if ($lastclass != $value[0])
                  if (
$lastclass != ""$output .= "<br>";
$lastclass $value[0];
$output .= "<font face='HEADLINE' color=#c0c0c0>".$lastclass."</font><br>";

$output .= " <a href='chatcmd:///tell ".$this->bot->botname." item ".$value[4]."'>[".$value[3]."]</a> (".$value[1]." ".$value[2].")<br>";

         if (
$class == ""$linktitle "Raid weapon list (Click for info)";
$linktitle "Raid weapon list for ".$class." (Click for info)";

"<a href=\"text://<div align=left>".$output."</div>\">".$linktitle."</a>";

search($searchstring) {
$output "";
$singlematchoutput "";
$multimatchoutput "";
$matches 0;

$weaponslist $this->get_weapons();

$weaponslist as $key => $value)
            if (
preg_match("/^.*".$searchstring.".*$/i"" ".$value[3])) {
$singlematchoutput   $value[3].' ('.$value[1].' '.$value[2].') - '.$value[0]." <a href=\"text://<a href='chatcmd:///tell ".$this->bot->botname." item ".$value[4]."'>[".$value[3]."]</a> (".$value[1]." ".$value[2].") - ".$value[0]."<br>\">(Click for info)</a>";
$multimatchoutput   .= " <a href='chatcmd:///tell ".$this->bot->botname." item ".$value[4]."'>[".$value[3]."]</a> (".$value[1]." ".$value[2].") - ".$value[0]."<br>";

         if (
$matches == 0$output "No results.";
         else if (
$matches == 1$output "<font color=#4444bb>1 result: ".$singlematchoutput."</font>";
$output "<a href=\"text://<div align=left>".$multimatchoutput."</div>\">".$matches." results (Click for info)</a>";


$weaponslist = array( // Class [0], Tier[1], Item Type[2], Name [3], ID [4]
array("Guardian""T1""One-Handed Edged""Broadsword of Okeanos""3770675"),
array("Guardian""T1""Polearm""Trident of Okeanos""3770712"),
array("Guardian""T1""Shield""Aegis of the Warlord""3770703"),
array("Guardian""T2""One-Handed Edged""Edge of the Golden Age""3770701"),
array("Guardian""T2""Polearm""Teeth of the Drowned""3770713"),
array("Guardian""T2""Shield""Aegis of the Jackal""3770704"),
array("Dark Templar""T1""One-Handed Edged""The Baleful Blade""3770801"),
array("Dark Templar""T1""Shield""Gorulga's Shield""3770817"),
array("Dark Templar""T1""Talisman""Gorulga's Mark""3771955"),
array("Dark Templar""T2""One-Handed Edged""Blade of the Fallen King""3770812"),
array("Dark Templar""T2""Shield""The Shield of Alkmeenon""3770828"),
array("Dark Templar""T2""Talisman""The Mark of Gwahlur""3771968"),
array("Dark Templar""T3""Talisman""The Eye of the Bretheren""3771969"),
array("Conqueror""T1""One-Handed Edged""Bloodseeker Blade""3770717"),
array("Conqueror""T1""Two-Handed Edged""Bloodseeker Claymore""3770774"),
array("Conqueror""T2""One-Handed Edged""Sovereign Battleblade""3770719"),
array("Conqueror""T2""Two-Handed Edged""Bloodregent Claymore""3770775"),   
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""One-Handed Blunt""Vise of the Anointed""3773832"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""Shield""Pavis of Fealty""3773873"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""Staff""Staff of Devout Piety""3773907"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T1""Talisman""Tome of Holy Obeisance""3773913"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""One-Handed Blunt""Hammer of Solemn Vows""3773842"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""Shield""The Haven of War""3773874"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""Staff""Staff of Eternal Confluence""3773909"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T2""Talisman""Tome of Deific Reverence""3773914"),
array("Priest of Mitra""T3""Shield""Feretrum of Mitra""3773897"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""One-Handed Blunt""Mace of the Cloudseer""3774386"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""Polearm""The Cloudscar""3774384"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""Shield""The Storm Harbor""3774406"),
array("Tempest of Set""T1""Talisman""The Tome of Storms""3774410"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""One-Handed Blunt""Heaven's Torment""3774392"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""Polearm""Spear of Ishti""3774387"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""Shield""Shedu of Arcing Skies""3774408"),
array("Tempest of Set""T2""Talisman""Scripture of Coronal Skies""3774411"),
array("Tempest of Set""T3""One-Handed Blunt""Maahes' Crackling Spite"""),
array("Tempest of Set""T3""Talisman""Tome of the Black Gale""3774412"),
array("Bear Shaman""T1""Two-Handed Blunt""Hammer of Primal Wrath""3773797"),
array("Bear Shaman""T2""Two-Handed Blunt""Arm of the Great Bear""3773813"),
array("Bear Shaman""T3""Two-Handed Blunt""Hammer of the Void""4281141"),
array("Barbarian""T1""One-Handed Edged""The Crescent of Blood""3772397"),
array("Barbarian""T1""Two-Handed Edged""The Twinned Moons""3772413"),
array("Barbarian""T2""One-Handed Edged""Axe of Red Ruin""3772403"),
array("Barbarian""T2""Two-Handed Edged""Greataxe of the Crimson Sea""3772414"),
array("Assassin""T1""Dagger""Song of Demise""3772330"),
array("Assassin""T2""Dagger""The Silent Knell""3772333"),
array("Assassin""T3""Dagger""Fury of the Void""4281142"),
array("Ranger""T1""Ammunition""Bolts of Black Sorrow""3772260"),
array("Ranger""T1""Ammunition""Quiver of Barbed Tongues""3772301"),
array("Ranger""T1""Bow""The Fleeted Wing""3772217"),
array("Ranger""T1""Crossbow""Draw of Fangs""3772172"),
array("Ranger""T1""Dagger""The Gilded Grave""3772166"),
array("Ranger""T1""One-Handed Edged""The Scimitar of Dunes""3771998"),
array("Ranger""T1""Shield""Sepulcher's Ward""3772163"),
array("Ranger""T2""Ammunition""Spines of Repose""3772282"),
array("Ranger""T2""Ammunition""Quiver of Black Asps""3772320"),
array("Ranger""T2""Bow""Brace of Kuthchemes""3772220"),
array("Ranger""T2""Crossbow""The Serpent's Pull""3772173"),
array("Ranger""T2""Dagger""The Agony of Ages""3772168"),
array("Ranger""T2""One-Handed Edged""Sirocco's Lament""3771999"),
array("Ranger""T2""Shield""The Shield of Entropy""3772164"),
array("Ranger""T3""Ammunition""Bolts of Raked Flesh""3772288"),
array("Ranger""T3""Ammunition""Quiver of Raked Flesh""3772321"),
array("Ranger""T3""One-Handed Edged""Blade of the Void""3772000"),
array("Demonologist""T1""Dagger""Blade of Marred Spirits""3772420"),
array("Demonologist""T1""Staff""Stave of Malefic Rites""3773762"),
array("Demonologist""T1""Talisman""Fetish of Caged Fiends""3772416"),
array("Demonologist""T2""Dagger""Zukala's Rites""3773744"),
array("Demonologist""T2""Staff""Clutch of Black Terrors""3773763"),
array("Demonologist""T2""Talisman""Zukala's Reliquary""3772417"),   
array("Demonologist""T3""Dagger""The Death of Innocents"""),
array("Demonologist""T3""Staff""The Helot of Sacrilege"""),
array("Herald of Xotli""T1""Dagger""The Lost Soul""3770878"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T1""Talisman""Blood Scripture of Xotli""3771989"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T1""Two-Handed Edged""Rage of Xotli""3771971"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T2""Dagger""Pain of the Damned""3771941"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T2""Talisman""Elder Scripture of Xotli""3772002"),
array("Herald of Xotli""T2""Two-Handed Edged""Fury of Xotli""3771975"),
array("Necromancer""T1""Dagger""Edge of Tartarus""3772283"),
array("Necromancer""T1""Staff""Axis of Tartarus""3772404"),
array("Necromancer""T1""Talisman""Opus of Ash and Blood""3772246"),
array("Necromancer""T2""Dagger""Knife of Dessication""3772286"),
array("Necromancer""T2""Staff""The Narthex of Hell""3772406"),
array("Necromancer""T2""Talisman""Tome of the Undying""3772248"),
array("Necromancer""T3""Staff""The Necros of Dagon"""),
array("Necromancer""T3""Talisman""Epithet of Skelos""3772250")


Offline Kyr

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2010, 12:00:57 pm »
Here are a few new changes for your viewing pleasure.

- Added Ibis and T3 crafted weapons
- New "class" added - Ibis.  I did it this way since there is not really a specific class for Ibis weapons.
- New Tier: CRAFT - the CRAFT tier is for the T3 crafted weapons.
- Changed the link color to purple since they are epic and it looks cooler.
- Items with out item ids will not be links.
- Updated item ids that were missing.  Still missing one: Shillelagh of Sogoth



« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 12:03:26 pm by Kyr »

Offline Kyr

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Re: AoC Raid weapon search module
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2010, 01:19:06 pm »

Changed the Ibis class to Generic. using Ibis as a class to search by will still work, as will generic and void.

Moved Blade of the Void to the new Generic class since its part of the Void set that is a generic set.

2 weapon ids: 
 -Wrath of Xotli
 -Shillelagh of Sogoth

T3 Weapons:
-T3 Ranger shield

FYI - I am getting this information from this post on the EU forums:


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