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Author Topic: Help with errors please  (Read 14305 times)

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Offline cro005

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Help with errors please
« on: March 21, 2014, 08:12:54 pm »
Im trying to get the bot running for the first time, running under windows and I get these errors:

Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be remov
ed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\php\Sources\MySQL.php on line
Creating MySQL class!
Creating AOChat class!
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: other_bots in C:\php\Main.php on line 260

Notice: Undefined variable: other_bots in C:\php\Main.php on line 260
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: proxy_server_port in C:\php\Main.php on line 26

Notice: Undefined variable: proxy_server_port in C:\php\Main.php on line 260
Creating main Bot class!
Twdbot [MAIN]   [DIR]   Loading main functions of the bot
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  00_BotError.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  01_BasePassiveModule.php
PHP Fatal error:  Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in C:\php\main\02
_BaseActiveModule.php on line 44

Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in C:\php\main\02_Base
ActiveModule.php on line 44

Press any key to continue . . .

any help would be appreciated

Offline ProMeT

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Re: Help with errors please
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2014, 09:35:53 pm »

What version of the bot did you download ?
I suggest running the latest snapshot as advised by Khalem in
The direct download link :

Offline cro005

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Re: Help with errors please
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2014, 01:33:47 am »
ok, got the newer version of bot, now this is what I get

_/_/_/      _/_/_/  _/_/_/      _/_/        _/_/

         An Anarchy Online Chat Automaton


          An Age of Conan Chat Automaton

         v.0.6.9.(Snapshot) - PHP 5.5.10

                 OS: Windows_NT

        Your operating system is detected as 32bit


PHP Fatal error:  Using $this when not in object context in C:\php\Main.php on
ine 233

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in C:\php\Main.php on line

Press any key to continue . . .

Offline ProMeT

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Re: Help with errors please
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2014, 08:47:22 am »
Have you configured your bot at all ? Have a look at Readme.txt, section "CONFIGURING THE BOT".

From the error message you are getting I think you might not have set the dimension correctly.

Offline cro005

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Re: Help with errors please
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2014, 11:13:27 am »
I did configure the bot, the server is crom

$dimension = "CROM";                 // The name of the server you play on. For AO this would be Rubi-Ka or Testlive

this is line 233 in main.php

    die("Unknown dimension (" . $this->dimension . ")")

Im no php expert, and any help is appreciated.

Offline cro005

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Re: Help with errors please
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2014, 11:31:10 am »
OK, changed server to 'US' and got the bot to log in, sort of, this is the debug read out


    _/_/_/              _/_/_/                _/

   _/    _/    _/_/    _/    _/    _/_/    _/_/_/_/

  _/_/_/    _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/    _/    _/    _/

 _/    _/  _/        _/    _/  _/    _/    _/

_/_/_/      _/_/_/  _/_/_/      _/_/        _/_/

         An Anarchy Online Chat Automaton


          An Age of Conan Chat Automaton

         v.0.6.9.(Snapshot) - PHP 5.2.0

                 OS: Windows_NT

        Your operating system is detected as 32bit


PHP Notice:  Hex number is too big: 0x100000000 in C:\php\Sources\AocLogin\Binar
yStream.php on line 158
MySQL database connection test successfull
Creating MySQL class!
Creating AOChat class!
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: other_bots in C:\php\Main.php on line 264
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: proxy_server_port in C:\php\Main.php on line 26
Creating main Bot class!
Twdbot [MAIN]   [DIR]   Loading main functions of the bot
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  00_BotError.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  01_BasePassiveModule.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  02_BaseActiveModule.php
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: super_admin in C:\php\main\03_Security.php on l
ine 53
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  03_Security.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  05_Maintenance.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  06_Preferences.php
PHP Notice:  Undefined property:  Settings_Core::$maintenance in C:\php\main\06_
Settings.php on line 467
Twdbot [SETTINGS]       [LOAD]  Loaded settings from database.
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  06_Settings.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  09_AccessControl.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  10_Roster.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  11_FlexibleSecurity.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  12_ConfigMagik.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  14_Queue.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  14_Tools.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_AOChatWrapper.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_BotHelp.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_ChatQueue.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_Colors.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_CommandAlias.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_Log.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_Notify.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_OnlineDB.php
Twdbot [MAIN]   [LOAD]  15_Timer_Core.php

Twdbot [CORE]   [DIR]   Loading core-modules
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Alias.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Alts.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  BotStatistics.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Buddy_Queue.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  FunFilters.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Logon_Notifies.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  ModuleCatcher.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  PlayerNotes.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Professions.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  ShortCuts.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Statistics.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  StringFilter.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Time.php
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  User.php

Twdbot [CORE]   [DIR]   Loading Game Specific core-modules
Twdbot [CORE]   [LOAD]  Whois.php

Twdbot [MOD]    [DIR]   Loading modules
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  About.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  AccessControlUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  AdminsUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  AFK.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  AltsUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  BanManagerUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Bid.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  BotStatisticsUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Calc.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  ColorConfigUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  CommandAliasUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Countdown.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  FlexibleSecurityUI.php
Twdbot [SETTINGS]       [SAVED] connected for module irc set to FALSE as datatyp
e bool
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  IRC.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Is.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Logon.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Mail.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  MassMsg.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  ModulesControlUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  News.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Notify.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  nroll.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  OnlineCount.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  OnlineDisplay.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Ping.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  PlayerNotesUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Points.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  PreferencesUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Raffle.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Raid.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Rally.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Relay.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Roll.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Roster.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Say.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  SettingsUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  ShortCutsUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Shutdown.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  StringFilterUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  TimerRelay.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  TimerUI.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Whois.php

Twdbot [MOD]    [DIR]   Loading game specific modules
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Autouseradd.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Blacklist.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Chuck.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  City.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  craftclasses.php
'Twdbot [MOD]   [LOAD]  Gemcutting.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Loot.php
Twdbot [MOD]    [LOAD]  Quotes.php

Twdbot [MOD-CUSTOM]     [DIR]   Loading additional modules in directory custom/m

Twdbot [LOGIN]  [STATUS]        Authenticating
[Conan Login Server] Connected to
[Conan Login Server] Received character server address [
:7011 ]
[Conan Login Server] Disconnected. [Done]
[Conan Char Server ] Connected to
[Conan Char Server ] Disconnected. [Socket EOF error]
Read error: EOF
Read error: Too many EOF errors, disconnecting.

Press any key to continue . . .

Now what, lol, please please help

Offline ProMeT

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Re: Help with errors please
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2014, 03:58:30 pm »
This is what you need :

Code: [Select]
$dimension = "Crom"; //Note the character case

Code: [Select]
$server_list['aoc']['Crom'] = array(
    'server' => '',
    'port' => 7010


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