Version 1.2a (2010-04-12)
Upgraded to version 1.2a by Tutomech (RK2)
Change log:
- Undo command shows every time
- Command to delete other person wish does report an error now
New features:
- added a MIA status to wishes for people who did not log in in a long time
- added a tell command to persons names
- added a setting for access level of !wishadmin
- Database table names to be changed to bebot naming convention.
Check attachments in this post for the new version.
Version 1.1a ( 2010-04-07 )
Originaly developed by Helkarakse (RK2)
Upgraded to version 1.1a by Tutomech (RK2)
Change log:
- Removed access level check for creating list of unhanled wishes.
- Added access level check to command handler
- Added online indicators to names
- Changed timed limit from displaying filled wishes to a fixed number
- Fixed display ordering of unhandled wishes.
- Added option to use otherbot data trough otherbot setting
- Fixed the bug where users could not add Miy's armor to wishes (' injection)
Known issues:
- Undo command shows only if command is invoked by an admin
- Command to delete other person wish does not report an error (database does not allow it to be deleted)
- Database table names to be configured properly.
- Add a setting for access levels of !wishlist and !wishadmin
- Fix known issues
- Removing wishes of people who did not log in in a long time.
Module is in alpha stage. It might do some unexpected deeds with untested configurations.
To contact me write to or post on forums in