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Coding and development discussion / Assistance with AAmon
« Last post by bitnykk on January 02, 2021, 02:34:38 am »
Hi, I was able to piece together guides and managed to get Bebot working with Php7.3. There are some additional features around the web for adding modules but I don't believe the author is active. I was wondering if anyone could assist me (my lack of knowledge) in correcting the issue that is preventing this module from working.

What it does? The module is suppose to simple keep track of time for characters (AA).
Game? Age of Conan (surprisingly still has some really dedicated players)
Error: Line 63 states it was not expecting an "&"

This line: parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));

Code: [Select]
 * BeBot - An Anarchy Online & Age of Conan Chat Automaton
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Thomas Juberg, ShadowRealm Creations and the BeBot development team.
 * Developed by:
 * - Alreadythere (RK2)
 * - Blondengy (RK1)
 * - Blueeagl3 (RK1)
 * - Glarawyn (RK1)
 * - Khalem (RK1)
 * - Naturalistic (RK1)
 * - Temar (RK1)
 * See Credits file for all acknowledgements.
 * AAMon module for Bebot
 * This module lets users keep track of their AA training in a central database.
 * Users can later get hold of their data using external clients (WIP).
 * Author:    Kentarii [Ragnarok] @ EN Fury PvP
 * E-mail:    Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out..
 * Website:
 * Installation:
 *        Copy AAMon.phps to <bebot_dir>/custom/modules/AAMon.php and restart bot
 * Disable module:
 *        Rename AAMon.php to _AAMon.php and restart bot
 * Uninstallation:
 *        Delete <bebot_dir>/custom/modules/AAMon.php and restart bot
 * Changelog:
 *    2011-09-28    0.0.12    Add support for registering an e-mail to a character
 *    2011-06-15    0.0.11    Automatically update apiurl when initializing if changed
 *    2011-06-14    0.0.10    Update AAMon apiurl
 *    2011-03-05    0.0.9    Fix html entity decoding of skillnames.
 *    2010-12-26    0.0.8    Change some info text. Add agent/version string to requests.
 *                        Add fetch_api_data function for querying API.
 *    2010-11-27    0.0.7    Add "AuthKey" for easier copy/paste of authentication from chat to the
 *                        AAMon for Windows client.
 *    2010-11-26    0.0.6    Add new version check. Change some text. First public release.
 *    2010-11-26    0.0.5    Change text for skill which has completed for show.
 *    2010-11-25    0.0.4    Add more info to apikey call. Fix sorting for showall.
 *    2010-11-24    0.0.3    Add function to retrieve API key for character, fixed some colors and bugs.
 *    2010-11-23    0.0.2    First closed beta release.
 *    2010-11-22    0.0.1    Started coding on this module, replicated all functionality of timeraa.
 * Credits:
 *        Getrix for the original TimerAA module

$AAMon = new AAMon($bot);

AAMon extends BaseActiveModule {

__construct (&$bot) {

$this -> agent 'AAMon module for Bebot';
$this -> version '0.0.12';
$this -> bot -> core('settings') -> create('AAMon''apiurl'''"URL to AoC>TV API.");
$this -> bot -> core('settings') -> create('AAMon''botkey'''"AoC>TV API Key.");

        if (
$this -> init()) {
$this -> register_command('all''aamon''MEMBER');

$this -> help['description'] = "This module lets users keep track of their AA training in a central database.";
$this -> help['command']['aamon set <duration> [skillname] [skillrank]'] = "Set the duration for your current AA skill training. Duration should be hours left. Skillname is the name of the skill (optional). Skillrank should be a number from 1 to 5 (optional).";
$this -> help['command']['aamon show [nickname]'] = "Show how long time left on AA skill training for [nickname].";
$this -> help['command']['aamon showall [nickname]'] = "Show how long time left on AA skill training for all chars of [nickname].";
$this -> help['command']['aamon apikey'] = "Retrieve AuthKey/ApiKey for your character so that you can access the data outside of the game.";
$this -> help['command']['aamon email'] = "Show current registered e-mail and status for your character.";
$this -> help['command']['aamon register <email>'] = "Register an e-mail address to enable notificiation e-mails to be sent when a skill finishes.";
$this -> help['notes'] = sprintf("AAMon v##lightbeige##%s##end##, created by Kentarii [Ragnarok] @ EN Fury PvP 2008-%d\nDownload new versions and AAMon for Windows @\n"$this -> versiondate('Y'));
        else {
$this -> bot -> log('AAMon''ERROR''Bot failed authentication, make sure you set the right botkey in settings. If you have lost your botkey, contact Kentarii @ AoC>TV Forums.');

     * This function registers with the central database if connected for the first time.
     * If already registered, it validates the apikey.
     * @return bool
function init() {
$botkey $this -> bot -> core('settings') -> get('AAMon''botkey');
$data $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/bot/init');
        if (!
$data['error'] && $data['content']) {
            try {
$xml simplexml_load_string($data['content']);
                if (
intval($xml -> status) == 1) {
$this -> aoctv_version = (string) $xml -> data -> version;
// save new botkey to settings
if ($botkey != (string)$xml -> data -> apikey) {
$this -> bot -> core('settings') -> save('AAMon''botkey', (string)$xml -> data -> apikey);
// update apiurl if needed
if ($this -> bot -> core('settings') -> get('AAMon''apiurl') != (string)$xml -> data -> apiurl) {
$this -> bot -> core('settings') -> save('AAMon''apiurl', (string)$xml -> data -> apiurl);
            catch (
Exception $ex) {

     * Command handler for module
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $msg
     * @param string $origin
     * @return string
function command_handler($name$msg$origin) {
        if (
preg_match("/^aamon set ([\d]+) ([\w\' ]+) ([\d]{1})$/"$msg$m)) {
$duration intval($m[1]);
$skillname trim($m[2]);
$skillrank intval($m[3]);
$rv $this -> aa_set($name$duration$skillname$skillrank) ."##end##";
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon set ([\d]+) ([\w\' ]+)$/i"$msg$m)) {
$duration intval($m[1]);
$skillname trim($m[2]);
$rv $this -> aa_set($name$duration$skillname) ."##end##";
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon set ([\d]+)$/i"$msg$m)) {
$duration intval($m[1]);
$rv $this -> aa_set($name$duration) ."##end##";
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon show ([\w]+)$/i"$msg$m)) {
$char_name ucfirst(strtolower(trim($m[1])));
$rv $this -> aa_show($char_name) ."##end##";
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon show$/i"$msg)) {
$rv $this -> aa_show($name) ."##end##";
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon showall ([\w]+)$/i"$msg$m)) {
$char_name ucfirst(strtolower(trim($m[1])));
$rv $this -> aa_showall($char_name) ."##end##";
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon showall$/i"$msg)) {
$rv $this -> aa_showall($name) ."##end##";
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon apikey$/i"$msg)) {
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name$this -> apikey_get($name));
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon email$/i"$msg)) {
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name$this -> email_get($name));
        else if (
preg_match("/^aamon register (.*)$/i"$msg$m)) {
$email strtolower(trim($m[1]));
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name$this -> email_set($name$email));
        else { 
// show help
$this -> bot -> send_help($name'aamon');
"##white####clan##[-AAMon-]##end## :: "$rv;

     * Fetch data from the AoC>TV API
     * @param string $op
     * @param array $params
     * @return array
function fetch_api_data($op$params = array()) {
$url sprintf("%s?op=%s&dimension=%s&botname=%s&botkey=%s&agent=%s&version=%s",
$this -> bot -> core('settings') -> get('AAMon''apiurl'),
urlencode($this -> bot -> dimension),
urlencode($this -> bot -> botname),
urlencode($this -> bot -> core('settings') -> get('AAMon''botkey')),
urlencode($this -> agent),
urlencode($this -> version)
        if (
count($params) > 0) {
            foreach (
$params as $k => $v) {
$url .= '&'$k .'='urlencode($v);
$this -> bot -> core('tools') -> get_site($url1);

     * Set skill training for selected character
     * @param string $char_name
     * @param string $duration
     * @param string $skillname
     * @param string $skillrank
     * @return string
function aa_set($char_name$duration$skillname 'Unknown Skill'$skillrank 1) {
        if (
$char_id $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($char_name)) {
$data $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/aa/set', array(
'char_id' => $char_id,
'nickname' => $char_name,
'duration' => $duration,
'skillname' => $skillname,
'skillrank' => $skillrank,
            if (!
$data['error'] && $data['content']) {
                try {
$xml simplexml_load_string($data['content']);
                    if (
intval($xml -> status) == 1) {
$this -> aoctv_version = (string) $xml -> data -> version;
sprintf("Timer added for ##seablue##%s##end##. Training ##forestgreen##%s##end## rank ##forestgreen##%d##end## on a ##forestgreen##%dh##end## timer. ETA: ##yellow##%s##end## UTC, time left: ##yellow##%s##end##."$char_name$skillname$skillrank$duration$xml -> data -> end_dt$xml -> data -> countdown);
                    else {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when trying to add skill training for ##seablue##%s##end##: %s##end##"$char_name$xml -> message);
                catch (
Exception $ex) {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when parsing xml: %s##end##"$ex->getMessage());
"##red##An error occured when fetching info from database, please try again later.##end##";
sprintf("##red##Character ##seablue##%s##end## is not a member of this bot.##end##"$char_name);

     * Show skill training for selected character
     * @param string $char_name
     * @return string
function aa_show($char_name) {
        if (
$char_id $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($char_name)) {
$data $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/aa/get', array('char_id' => $char_id));
            if (!
$data['error'] && $data['content']) {
                try {
$xml simplexml_load_string($data['content']);
                    if (
intval($xml -> status) == 1) {
                        if (
$xml -> data -> character -> current_skill_id == 0) {
sprintf("%s has no skill in training at the moment."$this -> aa_history($char_name$xml));
                        else if (
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> seconds == 0) {
sprintf("%s has completed skill training of ##forestgreen##%s##end## rank ##forestgreen##%d##end## @ ##yellow##%s##end## UTC.",
$this -> aa_history($char_name$xml),
html_entity_decode($xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillname),
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillrank,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> end_dt
                        else {
sprintf("%s is currently training ##forestgreen##%s##end## rank ##forestgreen##%d##end## on a ##forestgreen##%dh##end## timer. ETA: ##yellow##%s##end## UTC, time left: ##yellow##%s##end##.",
$this -> aa_history($char_name$xml),
html_entity_decode($xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillname),
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillrank,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> duration,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> end_dt,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> countdown
                    else {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when trying to get skill training for ##seablue##%s##end##: %s##end##"$char_name$xml -> message);
                catch (
Exception $ex) {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when parsing xml: %s"$ex->getMessage());
"##red##An error occured when fetching info from database, please try again later.##end##";
sprintf("##red##Character ##seablue##%s##end## is not a member of this bot.##end##"$char_name);

     * Create a string/blob with AA history for a character
     * @param string $char_name
     * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
     * @return string
function aa_history($char_name$xml) {
        if (
count($xml -> data -> character -> history -> skill) > 0) {
$content sprintf("<center><font face='hyborianlarge' color='#ff9933'>AA History for %s</font></center><br>"$char_name);
            foreach (
$xml -> data -> character -> history -> skill as $skill) {
                if (
intval($xml -> data -> character -> current_skill_id) == intval($skill -> id)) {
$content .= sprintf("##forestgreen##%s##end## rank ##forestgreen##%d##end## :: ##forestgreen##%dh##end## :: ##yellow##%s##end## -> ##yellow##%s##end## :: ##yellow##%s##end##<br>",
html_entity_decode($skill -> skillname),
$skill -> skillrank,
$skill -> duration,
substr($skill -> start_dt010),
substr($skill -> end_dt010),
$skill -> countdown
                else {
$content .= sprintf("##forestgreen##%s##end## rank ##forestgreen##%d##end## :: ##forestgreen##%dh##end## :: ##yellow##%s##end## -> ##yellow##%s##end##<br>",
html_entity_decode($skill -> skillname),
$skill -> skillrank,
$skill -> duration,
substr($skill -> start_dt010),
substr($skill -> end_dt010)
$this -> version_notify($content);
$this -> bot -> core('tools') -> make_blob($char_name'##white##'$content .'##end##');
        else {

     * Show skill training for all alts of selected character
     * @param string $char_name
     * @return string
function aa_showall($char_name) {
        if (
$char_id $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($char_name)) {
$chars = array();
$rows $this -> bot -> db -> select(sprintf("SELECT main FROM alts WHERE alt = '%s'"mysql_real_escape_string($char_name)), MYSQL_ASSOC);
            if (
is_array($rows) && count($rows) == 1) {
$main_char_name $rows[0]['main']; //
$main_char_id $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($main_char_name);
                if (
$main_char_id 0) {
$chars[$main_char_id] = array('char_id' => $main_char_id'nickname' => $main_char_name);
            else {
$main_char_name $char_name;
$main_char_id $char_id;
$chars[$main_char_id] = array('char_id' => $main_char_id'nickname' => $main_char_name);
$rows $this -> bot -> db -> select(sprintf("SELECT alt FROM alts WHERE main = '%s'"mysql_real_escape_string($main_char_name)), MYSQL_ASSOC);
            if (
is_array($rows) && count($rows) > 0) {
                foreach (
$rows as $row) {
$cid $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($row['alt']);
                    if (
$cid 0) {
$chars[$cid] = array('char_id' => $cid'nickname' => $row['alt']);
            foreach (
$chars as $cid => $char) {
$data $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/aa/get', array('char_id' => $cid));
                if (!
$data['error'] && $data['content']) {
                    try {
$xml simplexml_load_string($data['content']);
                        if (
intval($xml -> status) == 1) {
                            if (
$xml -> data -> character -> current_skill_id == 0) {
$char['result'] = sprintf("##seablue##%s##end## has no skill in training at the moment."$char['nickname']);
$char['seconds'] = -1;
                            else if (
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> seconds == 0) {
$char['result'] = sprintf("##seablue##%s##end## has completed skill training of ##forestgreen##%s##end## rank ##forestgreen##%d##end## @ ##yellow##%s##end## UTC.",
html_entity_decode($xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillname),
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillrank,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> end_dt
$char['seconds'] = 0;
                            else {
$char['result'] = sprintf("##seablue##%s##end## is currently training ##forestgreen##%s##end## rank ##forestgreen##%d##end## on a ##forestgreen##%dh##end## timer.<br>ETA: ##yellow##%s##end## UTC, time left: ##yellow##%s##end##.",
html_entity_decode($xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillname),
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> skillrank,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> duration,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> end_dt,
$xml -> data -> character -> current -> countdown
$char['seconds'] = $xml -> data -> character -> current -> seconds;
                        else {
$char['result'] = sprintf("##seablue##%s##end## has not been registered."$char['nickname']);
$char['seconds'] = 10000000// sort this at the bottom
                    catch (
Exception $ex) {
$char['result'] = sprintf("##red##An error occured when parsing xml for ##seablue##%s##end##: %s"$char['nickname'], $ex->getMessage());
$char['seconds'] = 20000000// sort this at the bottom
                else {
$char['result'] = sprintf("##red##An error occured when fetching info from database for ##seablue##%s##end##, please try again later.##end##"$char['nickname']);
$char['seconds'] = 30000000// sort this at the bottom
$chars[$cid] = $char;
$content sprintf("<center><font face='hyborianlarge' color='#ff9933'>AA Skill Training for %s and alts</font></center><br>"$main_char_name);
usort($chars, array($this'char_cmp'));
            foreach (
$chars as $c) {
$content .= $c['result'] .'<br><b></b><br>';
$this -> version_notify($content);
sprintf("AA Skill Training for %s and alts"$this -> bot -> core('tools') -> make_blob($main_char_name'##white##'$content .'##end##'));
sprintf("##red##Character ##seablue##%s##end## is not a member of this bot.##end##"$char_name);

     * Sort by seconds left or nickname if equal
     * @param array $a
     * @param array $b
     * @return int
function char_cmp($a$b) {
        if (
intval($a['seconds']) == intval($b['seconds'])) {
            if (
$a['nickname'] == $b['nickname']) return 0;
            return (
$a['nickname'] < $b['nickname']) ? -1;
        return (
intval($a['seconds']) < intval($b['seconds'])) ? -1;

     * Retrieve and send API key to character through tell
function apikey_get($char_name) {
        if (
$char_id $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($char_name)) {
$data $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/char/apikey', array('char_id' => $char_id));
            if (!
$data['error'] && $data['content']) {
                try {
$xml simplexml_load_string($data['content']);
                    if (
intval($xml -> status) == 1) {
sprintf("Authentication details for ##seablue##%s##end## :: [AuthKey: ##forestgreen##%s;%s;%s##end##] :: [Dimension: ##forestgreen##%s##end##][CharID: ##forestgreen##%s##end##][ApiKey: ##forestgreen##%s##end##]",
$xml -> data -> dimension,
$xml -> data -> char_id,
$xml -> data -> apikey,
$xml -> data -> dimension,
$xml -> data -> char_id,
$xml -> data -> apikey
                    else {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when trying to get API key for ##seablue##%s##end##: %s##end##"$char_name$xml -> message);
                catch (
Exception $ex) {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when parsing xml: %s"$ex->getMessage());
"##red##An error occured when fetching info from database, please try again later.##end##";
sprintf("##red##Character ##seablue##%s##end## is not a member of this bot.##end##"$char_name);

     * Retrieve and send e-mail info to character through tell
function email_get($char_name) {
        if (
$char_id $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($char_name)) {
$data $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/char/email/get', array('char_id' => $char_id));
            if (!
$data['error'] && $data['content']) {
                try {
$xml simplexml_load_string($data['content']);
                    if (
intval($xml -> status) == 1) {
$email = (string) $xml -> data -> email;
sprintf("E-mail details for ##seablue##%s##end## :: [E-mail address: ##forestgreen##%s##end##] :: [Verified: ##forestgreen##%s##end##]",
$email) ? $email 'not registered',
intval($xml -> data -> verified) == 1) ? 'yes' 'no'
                    else {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when trying to get e-mail details for ##seablue##%s##end##: %s##end##"$char_name$xml -> message);
                catch (
Exception $ex) {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when parsing xml: %s"$ex->getMessage());
"##red##An error occured when fetching info from database, please try again later.##end##";
sprintf("##red##Character ##seablue##%s##end## is not a member of this bot.##end##"$char_name);

     * Register e-mail address for a character
function email_set($char_name$email) {
        if (
$char_id $this -> bot -> core('chat') -> get_uid($char_name)) {
            if (
$this -> is_email($email)) {
$data $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/char/email/set', array('char_id' => $char_id'email' => $email));
                if (!
$data['error'] && $data['content']) {
                    try {
$xml simplexml_load_string($data['content']);
                        if (
intval($xml -> status) == 1) {
sprintf("E-mail address ##seablue##%s##end## has been registered for ##seablue##%s##end##, please check your e-mail and click on the confirmation link (remember to check your spam folder).",
                        else {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when trying to register ##seablue##%s##end## as e-mail address for ##seablue##%s##end##: %s##end##"$email$char_name$xml -> message);
                    catch (
Exception $ex) {
sprintf("##red##An error occured when parsing xml: %s"$ex->getMessage());
"##red##An error occured when fetching info from database, please try again later.##end##";
sprintf("##red####seablue##%s##end## is not a valid e-mail address.##end##"$email);
sprintf("##red##Character ##seablue##%s##end## is not a member of this bot.##end##"$char_name);

is_email($addr) {
preg_match('/[^ @<>]+?@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/'$addr);

version_notify(&$text) {
        if (
$this -> version != $this -> aoctv_version) {
$text .= sprintf("<b></b><br>AAMon module for Bebot v%s is now available (your Bebot is currently running v%s).<br>"$this -> aoctv_version$this -> version);

AO 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules / Re: Slaves
« Last post by bitnykk on December 28, 2020, 05:01:18 pm »
* : after many tests, seems the slaves modules works for Bebot 0.6 on AO but won't be appliable for AOC in Bebot 0.7 ; therefore here are my conclusions :

Bebot 0.6 :
- AO => can use slaves module OR AoCP solution
- AOC => might use slaves module only (need testing)
Both are documented within this thread upper.

Bebot 0.7(.15 patch incoming) :
- AO => must use AoCP solution
- AOC => will be provided with a new tailored solution
Both are documented within 0.7 Readme from Git.
AO 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules / Re: Slaves
« Last post by bitnykk on December 27, 2020, 05:01:18 pm »
So to complement this (old) topic, there seems to have 2 ways to extend 1K friendlist with slaves on Bebot 0.6.x :

1/ the Slaves.php module posted upper by Heffa that will implement several connection on different toons in order to allow main bot to obtain 1K extension per slave ; this implementation is somehow simple but also quite heavy as it will recreate a limited bot per slave ; sidenote is the difficulty about PHP 7 portability for Bebot 0.7, but may work for AOC*.

2/ the AoChatProxy service proposed earlier by Tyrence that will let you run a localhost connection proxy with its own parameters in order to obtain 1K extension per slave ; this implementation is indeed more complex but also rather light as the slaves ain't bots for real ; sidenote is the easy way to port it PHP 7 and Bebot 0.7, but works only for AO.


Therefore, for AO, i suggest solution 2/ by :

Creating the main bot + all its needed slaves in froob accounts.

Downloading AOCP at
(If none yet, you may also need to install Java JDK for your OS)
Configure within (copied from template) with :
- proxy local port (9993 by default, advised unless you know why you change)
- server distant adress & port (according to what game/dimension you need)
- all the slaves you want starting at number one (with user, pass, name)
Once ready, run the service (run.bat on windows, on linux/mac).
Then the service should be waiting for main bot connection ...

Then edit the bot following files :

conf/Serverlist in which you should add at least the line you need :
Code: [Select]
$server_list['ao']['AoTestProxy'] = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);
$server_list['ao']['AoLiveProxy'] = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);
$server_list['ao']['AoRk19Proxy'] = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);
$server_list['aoc']['AocProxy']  = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);

Sources/Bot.php in which the top switch should be added AO block you need :
Code: [Select]
case "90";
$dimension = "AoTestProxy";
$this -> dimension = 0;
case "95";
$dimension = "AoLiveProxy";
$this -> dimension = 5;
case "96";
$dimension = "AoRk19Proxy";
$this -> dimension = 6;

Finally edit you conf/Bot.conf and set $dimension to the correct value :
For AOC it's a name : $dimension = "Aocproxy";
For AO its a number, e.g. for Live Proxy : $dimension = "95";

Now, run main bot and it should connect along with all slaves.
(This may take long especially the first time with huge list ...)
Therefore the resulting friendlist limit is now 1k x (main + X slaves).
E.g. with 4 slaves : 1k x (1+4) = 5k

NB : for Bebot 0.7.15+ please check the Readme on Sandbox and/or Official
AO 0.7 support / Re: 0.7.x updates for AO
« Last post by bitnykk on November 02, 2020, 05:01:18 pm »
New Bebot 7.11 patch including newest HL Subway raid loots !
You can download it from the upper left link...
Helpful posts / Secured public AO bot
« Last post by bitnykk on September 29, 2020, 04:29:49 pm »
By default, and exception made for OWNER/(SUPER)ADMIN/LEADER, your bebot will see anyone unknown to him as ANONYMOUS for obvious security reasons.
But you may need to open it for public use.

This could be done by changing code and/or database access level of, e.g., !join command as anyone will be seen as GUEST once in chat, thanks to the corresponding option under !settings security ... but this way of doing could be
problematic, hence we don't recommend ...

Better recommended way for this is to filter by the !security/!flexible system and set of commands. Let's take an example that you need to set your bot opened to anyone over level 100 :
1/ create a new group, eg => !addgroup anonjoiners public
2/ allow this group to receive flex condition(s) => !flexible create anonjoiners AND
3/ set the wanted condition(s), eg => !flexible condition add anonjoiners level > 100
4/ set the group level to GUEST => !security levels => click on GUEST link in front of anonjoiners (that was ANONYMOUS by default, for security reaons).
From now on, you bot will accept any joiner over level 100.

NB : on the same principle you could cumulate several conditions (either under AND otherwise OR associativity) checking over specific rank(s), player(s), org(s), profession(s), etc.

You may even want to include some sided check(s) :
5/ register the group => !set Flexible_Security Guest_Group anonjoiners
6/ (re)set the level => !minlevel 100
7/ set the side(s) => !faction neutral
From there, you bot would only accept neutrals over level 100.

Feel free to check these commands notices (with !help commandname) to find the best way to make your own settings according to your needs !
AO 0.7 support / Re: 0.7.x updates for AO
« Last post by bitnykk on September 16, 2020, 04:40:04 pm »
Bebot 0.7.1 is released @

For AO, the focus is on updated raid commmands & interface v. 1.1 (new HL Totw included).
For AOC, there are huge patches in connection system & many other warnings solved.
Both games also benefit several core fixes, servers update, mysqli & PHP 7+ support!

Project will go on by preparing 0.7.2 with more org oriented functions for both games.
Thanks for feedback to help us improving it @
AoC 0.7 support / Re: 0.7.x updates for AoC
« Last post by bitnykk on September 16, 2020, 04:39:47 pm »
Bebot 0.7.1 is released @

For AO, the focus is on updated raid commmands & interface v. 1.1 (new HL Totw included).
For AOC, there are huge patches in connection system & many other warnings solved.
Both games also benefit several core fixes, servers update, mysqli & PHP 7+ support!

Project will go on by preparing 0.7.2 with more org oriented functions for both games.
Thanks for feedback to help us improving it @
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