BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => AO 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules => Anarchy Online Archive => AO official modules => Topic started by: Zacix on July 11, 2005, 10:32:37 am

Title: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Zacix on July 11, 2005, 10:32:37 am
Personally I've upgraded to PHP5, so I'm not using this version of the teamsmodule...but I think this is a lot better, and easier to change.

Code: [Select]
//Written by Zacix for BeBot


$newteams = new NewTeams($bot);
$commands["tell"]["startteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["teams"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["clearteams"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["addteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["remteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["delteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["setleader"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["teamadmin"] = &$newteams;
$commands["tell"]["teamname"] = &$newteams;

$commands["pgmsg"]["startteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["teams"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["clearteams"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["addteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["remteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["delteam"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["setleader"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["teamadmin"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgmsg"]["teamname"] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgjoin"][] = &$newteams;
$commands["pgleave"][] = &$newteams;

The Class itself...
class NewTeams {
  Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
function NewTeams (&$bot) {
$this -> bot = &$bot;
$this -> teams = array();
$this -> numteams 0;
$this -> pgroup = array(array());
$this -> infotext "<font color=#66aa66>";
$this -> headertext "<font color=#dd4444>";
$this -> highlight "<font color=#00FFFF>";
SetTeamLeader($name,$num,$executer) {
$highlight $this -> highlight;
$infotext $this->infotext;
$headertext $this->headertext;

preg_match("#^[1-9]#"$num)) {
$num <= count($this->teams) && $num 0) {
$team =& $this->GetTeam($num);
$member =& $team->GetMember($name);
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "[" $highlight $name ."</font>] is new leader of team " $highlight $num "</font></font>");
        else {
$this->bot->send_tell($executer,$infotext "[" $highlight $name ."</font>] is not in team " $highlight $num "</font></font>");
      else {
$this->bot->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Team " $highlight $num "</font> does not exist</font>");
    else {
$this->bot->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Usage: !setleader &lt;number&gt; &lt;name&gt;</font>");
PrintTeams() {
$highlight $this -> highlight;
$infotext $this->infotext;
$headertext $this->headertext;

$this->teams as $index=>$team) {
$team->GetName() == "") {
$msg $infotext "Team " $highlight bcadd($index,1) . "</font> (" $highlight $team->Count() . "</font>) :: ";
      else {
$msg $infotext "Team " $highlight bcadd($index,1) . "</font> :: \"" $team->GetName() . "\" (" $highlight $team->Count() . "</font>) :: ";

$members =& $team->GetTeamMembers();
$members as $index=>$teammember) {
$teammember->IsLeader()) {
$msg .= "[" $headertext $teammember->GetName() . " :: Leader</font>]";
else {
$msg .= "[" $highlight $teammember->GetName() . "</font>]";
$msg .= "</font>";
AddTeam(&$team) {
ClearTeams($name) {
$highlight $this -> highlight;
$infotext $this->infotext;
$this->teams as $index=>$teams) {
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "Teams cleared by [" $highlight $name "</font>]</font>");
DelTeam($num,$executer) {
preg_match("#^[1-9]#"$num)) {
$num <= count($this->teams) && $num 0) {
$team =& $this->teams[$num-1];
$team->GetTeamMembers() as $index=>$member) {
$this->pgroup[$member->GetName()])) {
$this->pgroup[$member->GetName()][4] = true;
$this->teams array_values($this->teams);
      else {
$this->bot->aoc->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Team " $highlight $num "</font> does not exist</font>");
    else {
$this->bot->aoc->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Usage: !delteam &lt;number&gt;</font>");
  function &
GetTeam($num) {
DelTeamMember($name,$executer,$suppress=true) {
$highlight $this -> highlight;
$infotext $this->infotext;
$headertext $this->headertext;
$return false;

$this->bot->aoc->get_uid($name)) {
$i=1;$i<=count($this->teams);$i++) {
$team =& $this->GetTeam($i);
$team->DelMember($name)) {
$this->pgroup[$name])) {
$this->pgroup[$name][4] = true;
$return true;
$suppress) {
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "[" $highlight $name ."</font>] has been removed from team " $highlight $i "</font></font>");
        else {
$return $return false;
    else {
$this->bot->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Usage: !remteam &lt;name&gt;</font>");
AddTeamMember($name,$num,$executer) {
$highlight $this -> highlight;
$infotext $this->infotext;
$headertext $this->headertext;

if(preg_match("#^[1-9]#"$num)) {
$num <= count($this->teams) && $num 0) {
if($name != "") {
      if(isset($this->pgroup[$name])) {
$member =& new TeamMember($this->pgroup[$name][0],$this->pgroup[$name][1],$this->pgroup[$name][2],$this->pgroup[$name][3]);
$team =& $this->GetTeam($num);
$teammembers =& $team->GetTeamMembers();
array_search($member,$teammembers)) {
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext .$highlight $name "</font> is already in team " $highlight $num "</font></font>");
            else {
$deleted $this->DelTeamMember($name,$executer);
$team->AddMember($member)) {
$this->pgroup[$name][4] = false;
$deleted) {
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "[" $highlight $name "</font>] changed to team " $highlight $num "</font></font>");
              else {
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "[" $highlight $name "</font>] has been added to team " $highlight $num "</font></font>");
            else {
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "Team " $highlight $num "</font> is full</font>");
  else {
$this->bot->aoc->send_tell($executer,$infotext "[" $highlight $name "</font>] is not in the group</font>");
else {
  else {
$this->bot->aoc->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Team " $highlight $num "</font> does not exist</font>");
else {
  $this->bot->aoc->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Usage: !teamadd &lt;number&gt; &lt;name&gt;</font>");
StartTeam($executer,$name,$teamname) {
$highlight $this -> highlight;
$infotext $this->infotext;
$headertext $this->headertext;
$name != "") {
$this->pgroup[$name])) {
$member = &new TeamMember($this->pgroup[$name][0],$this->pgroup[$name][1],$this->pgroup[$name][2],$this->pgroup[$name][3],true);
$team = &new Team($member,$teamname);
$this->pgroup[$name][4] = false;
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "Team " $highlight $this->numteams "</font> has been started. Leader is [" $highlight $name "</font>]</font>");
      else {
$this->bot->send_pgroup($infotext "[" $highlight $name "</font>] is not in the group</font>");
SetTeamName($teamname,$num,$executer) {
preg_match("#^[1-9]#"$num)) {
$num <= count($this->teams) && $num 0) {
$team =& $this->GetTeam($num);
      else {
$this->bot->aoc->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Team " $highlight $num "</font> does not exist</font>");
    else {
$this->bot->aoc->send_tell($executer,$infotext "Usage: !teamname &lt;number&gt; &lt;name&gt;</font>");

GetPlayerInfo($name) {
$uid $this->bot->aoc->get_uid($name);
$member $this->bot->db->select("SELECT nickname,level,profession,guild,updated FROM members WHERE id = " $uid);
$member && (bcsub(time(),$member[0][4]) < (60*60*12))) {
$member[0][3] == "") {
$member[0][3] = "Unknown";
$member[0][0] = $name;
$member[0][4] = true;
    else if((
$site $this->bot->get_site("" $this -> bot -> dimension "/name/" strtolower($name) . "/bio.xml")) != "") {
$member[0] = $name;
$member[1] = $this -> bot -> xmlparse($site"level");
$member[2] = $this -> bot -> xmlparse($site"profession");
$member[3] = $this -> bot -> xmlparse($site"guild");
$member[4] = true;
    else if(
$member[0][3] == "") {
$member[0][3] = "Unknown";
$member[0][0] = $name;
$member[0][4] = true;
    else {
$member[0] = $name;
$member[1] = "Unknown";
$member[2] = "Unknown";
$member[3] = "Unknown";
$member[4] = true;
pgmsg($name,$msg) {
$msg explode(" ",$msg);
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "startteam") {
$this->StartTeam($name,ucfirst(strtolower($msg[1])),implode(" ",array_slice($msg,2)));
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "teams") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "addteam") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "remteam") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "delteam") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "setleader") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "teamname") {
$this->SetTeamName(implode(" ",array_slice($msg,2)),$msg[1],$name);
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "clearteams") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "teamadmin") {
tell($name,$msg) {
$msg explode(" ",$msg);

strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "startteam") {
$this->StartTeam($name,ucfirst(strtolower($msg[1])),implode(" ",array_slice($msg,2)));
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "teams") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "addteam") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "remteam") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "delteam") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "setleader") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "teamname") {
$this->SetTeamName(implode(" ",array_slice($msg,2)),$msg[1],$name);
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "clearteams") {
    else if(
strtolower($msg[0]) == $this->bot->commpre "teamadmin") {
pgjoin($name) {
$this->pgroup[$name] = $this->GetPlayerInfo($name);
pgleave($name) {
GetAdminConsole($name) {
$highlight $this -> highlight;
$infotext $this->infotext;
$headertext $this->headertext;
$msg  $infotext $headertext ":::: Teams Administration ::::</font>\n\n";
$msg .= $highlight "Commands:</font>\n";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>teamadmin'>Refresh Teams Administration</a>\n";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>teams'>Show Teams</a>\n";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>clearteams'>Clear Teams</a>\n\n";

foreach($this->teams as $index=>$team) {
$team->GetName() == "") {
$msg .= $infotext ":: Team " $highlight bcadd($index,1) . "</font> (" $highlight $team->Count() . "</font>) :: ";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>delteam " bcadd($index,1) . "'>Del</a>\n";
      else {
$msg .= $infotext ":: Team " $highlight bcadd($index,1) . "</font> :: \"" $team->GetName() . "\" (" $highlight $team->Count() . "</font>) :: ";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>delteam " bcadd($index,1) . "'>Del</a>\n";

$members =& $team->GetTeamMembers();
$members as $indexteam=>$teammember) {
$teammember->IsLeader()) {
$msg .= "\t[" $headertext $teammember->GetName() . " :: Leader</font>] (" $teammember->GetLevel() . " " $teammember->GetProfession() . ") ";
$msg .= $this->GetExtraInfo($teammember->GetName(),$index+1);
else {
$msg .= "\t[" $highlight $teammember->GetName() . "</font>] (" $teammember->GetLevel() . " " $teammember->GetProfession() . ") ";
$msg .= $this->GetExtraInfo($teammember->GetName(),$index+1);
foreach($this->teams as $indexteam=>$teams) {
$msg .= "/";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>addteam " bcadd($indexteam,1) . " " $teammember->GetName() . "'>" bcadd($indexteam,1) . "</a>";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= $headertext "::Looking For Team::</font>\n\n";
foreach($this->pgroup as $index=>$array) {
$test $array;
$array[4]) {
$msg .= "\t[" $highlight $array[0] . "</font>] (" $array[1] . " " $array[2] . ") :: ";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>startteam $array[0]'>Start Team</a>";
$this->teams as $indexteam=>$teams) {
$msg .= "/";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>addteam " bcadd($indexteam,1) . " " $test[0] . "'>" bcadd($indexteam,1) . "</a>";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= "</font>";
$this->bot->aoc->send_tell($name,$this->bot->make_blob("Teams Administration",$msg));
GetExtraInfo($name,$index) {
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>remteam $name'>Rem</a>/";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>startteam $name'>Sta</a>/";
$msg .= "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> <pre>setleader $index $name'>Lead</a>";

Code: [Select]
//Written by Zacix for BeBot


Team {
Team(&$teamMember,$teamName) {
$this->teamMembers = array();
$this->teamName $teamName;
$this->numMembers 0;
SetLeader(&$teamMember) {
$this->leader = &$teamMember;
AddMember(&$teamMember) {
count($this->teamMembers) < MAXMEM) {
    else {
DelMember($name) {
$offset $this->GetMemberOffset($name);
is_bool($offset)) {
$this->teamMembers array_values($this->teamMembers);
    else {
GetMemberOffset($name) {
$i=0;$i<count($this->teamMembers);$i++) {
$this->teamMembers[$i]->GetName() == $name) {
  function &
GetMember($name) {
$i=0;$i<count($this->teamMembers);$i++) {
$this->teamMembers[$i]->GetName() == $name) {
Count() {
Clear() {
$i=0;$i<count($this->teamMembers);$i++) {
ClearLeader() {
$i=0;$i<count($this->teamMembers);$i++) {
GetName() {
  function &
GetTeamMembers() {
SetName($name) {
$this->teamName $name;

TeamMember {
TeamMember($name,$level,$profession,$guild,$leader=false) {
$this->name $name;
$this->level $level;
$this->profession $profession;
$this->guild $guild;
$this->leader $leader;
GetName() {
GetLevel() {
GetProfession() {
GetGuild() {
IsLeader() {
SetLeader($leader) {
$this->leader $leader;


Make sure u make 2 files...main module name doesn't really matter, but _TeamsClass.php should be named exactly that unless you want to change the require_once("_TeamsClass.php") in the start of the first file.
Title: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Ltes on July 13, 2005, 01:30:30 am
um, do you want me to put this in a php file and upload it to a webserver?
Title: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Zacix on July 13, 2005, 09:37:30 am
if u put it in 2 files as described...go ahead :)
Title: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: craized on August 01, 2005, 01:40:26 am
Care to write a help file for it?

ALso, why did you choose two files?
Title: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Zacix on August 02, 2005, 04:14:21 pm
Helpfiles are really boring to write :shock: It could be I'll do it...but....boooring. Sorry for the lack of commenting of code too (boring too).

The reason I chose 2 files is that the 2nd file is more like an include file. This allows me to include this file in other modules if I want. It doesn't contain any botspecific code, hence it's free to reuse anywhere else. I don't know how much you know about objectoriented programming, but reusable code is a good thing ;)
Title: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Derroylo on August 08, 2005, 03:58:36 pm
there is only one thing i have to say about this

Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: sentry on February 27, 2006, 10:12:14 pm
Little new to bebot.. didnt find an answer, and i realize this is an old thread. installed this module and getting this error:

Code: [Select]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&' in C:\BeBot\modules\Teams.php on line 4
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Khalem on February 28, 2006, 01:27:24 am
Looks like the code you pasted was badly formatted for some reason.

Try grabbing a fresh copy.
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: sentry on February 28, 2006, 04:26:28 am
Hmm used the updated copy, and now !teams !addteams etc.. does nothing.
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Zacix on February 28, 2006, 03:26:56 pm
did you do !startteam <name of person in bot>
Do !teamadmin work?

Do you have any other modules that overwrite the commands in this module? Make sure you unload any other teamrelated module.
You did exactly as my initial post said? E.g. you need to put the code in 2 files. First one can be named whatever, 2nd MUST be named _TeamsClass.php unless you want to change a minor part of the first file.

Also, as you mentioned, the thread is this module isn't really up to date when it comes to custom rights management and so on. I guess the whole module could use a revamp, but that's really up to the community as I have my own project running now.
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Khalem on February 28, 2006, 10:34:51 pm
The module should work, but it does not give much in the way of error messages iirc.
If i ever get the time i might do a revamp of it.
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: lonillen on March 03, 2006, 01:04:47 pm
One thing i noticed when using this module:

if a person is assigned to team and then leaves/rejoins channel, this person stays assigned in the team AND gets added to the lft section in !teamadmin

otherwise really nice one  :)
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Barvaz on July 24, 2006, 04:41:55 am
sorry for the HUGE bump...

but, when im doing the teamadmin command, all commands there just sending me to chat with the bot..

EDIT: sorry, was problem with my bot, sorry for the bump again and great module :)
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Zacix on August 01, 2006, 04:31:49 pm
One thing i noticed when using this module:

if a person is assigned to team and then leaves/rejoins channel, this person stays assigned in the team AND gets added to the lft section in !teamadmin

otherwise really nice one  :)

I'm not maintaining this module anymore, so really up to the Bebot community fix errors if they appear. I got my my own botproject running, which is based on if you decide to run a standalone raidbot and go for RINGBot, you'll get the same teamadmin with the error mentioned fixed ;)
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: MiCR0 on August 06, 2006, 11:41:34 am
bump great work
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Nogoal on August 21, 2006, 04:27:05 pm
One thing i noticed when using this module:

if a person is assigned to team and then leaves/rejoins channel, this person stays assigned in the team AND gets added to the lft section in !teamadmin

otherwise really nice one  :)

I'm not maintaining this module anymore, so really up to the Bebot community fix errors if they appear. I got my my own botproject running, which is based on if you decide to run a standalone raidbot and go for RINGBot, you'll get the same teamadmin with the error mentioned fixed ;)

Maybe you should repost a new version because it's not fixed : ).
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Zacix on August 22, 2006, 12:43:17 pm
One thing i noticed when using this module:

if a person is assigned to team and then leaves/rejoins channel, this person stays assigned in the team AND gets added to the lft section in !teamadmin

otherwise really nice one  :)

I'm not maintaining this module anymore, so really up to the Bebot community fix errors if they appear. I got my my own botproject running, which is based on if you decide to run a standalone raidbot and go for RINGBot, you'll get the same teamadmin with the error mentioned fixed ;)

Maybe you should repost a new version because it's not fixed : ).

Just download from CVS, not the zip file. The zip file is an old version. There are multiple updates in CVS in a lot of the modules.
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Nogoal on August 28, 2006, 10:32:24 am
ah ok, will do : )
Title: Re: Totally rewritten teamsmodule
Post by: Shelly on January 23, 2010, 01:21:24 pm
Can we get this code change entered for this module? I posted this in It is a small fix, but makes the !teams output much easier to read.

Code: [Select]
diff (original)Teams.php  My/modules/ao/Teams.php
<                                       $msg .= "[##blob_title##".$teammember->GetName() . " :: Leader##end##]";
>                                       $msg .= "[##blob_title##".$teammember->GetName() . " :: Leader##end##] ";
<                                       $msg .= "[##highlight##".$teammember->GetName() . "##end##]";
>                                       $msg .= "[##highlight##".$teammember->GetName() . "##end##] ";
<               $this->bot->send_pgroup("Teams cleared by [##highlight##".$name . "##end##]");
>               $this->bot->send_pgroup("Teams cleared by [##highlight##".$name . "##end##] ");
<                               $this->bot->send_pgroup("Team ##highlight##" . $this->numteams . "##end## has been started. Leader is ##highlight##[" . $name . "##end##]");
>                               $this->bot->send_pgroup("Team ##highlight##" . $this->numteams . "##end## has been started. Leader is ##highlight##[" . $name . "##end##] ");
SimplePortal 2.3.7 © 2008-2025, SimplePortal