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Author Topic: Forum upgrade, BeBot new character issues and development update  (Read 6577 times)

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Offline Khalem

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Forums have been updated to fix numerous bugs including the annoying [url] bbcode issue.

As many of you may have noticed there is currently an issue with BeBot (and other php based bots) handling of newly created characters on some of the dimensions.
This is caused by the character id's now being a higher integer value than supported by 32bit integers from what i have seen reported so far. Even Funcom's own scripts have not taken this into account in some places but i'm sure that will be addressed in due time.

I hope to release a new version of BeBot later this week once i find time to test and verify the fixes put forth by some of our outstanding community members, in the meantime please refer to the following threads that contain solutions that needs testing and verification.
Nesi's fix
Neo-Vortex's fix

Finally, i am currently in the process of opening up development of BeBot to allow the community contributors to more actively and directly assist in the development.
Due to having started working full time again i am finding less time to spend on coding and as such cannot justify holding the project back just because i have a shortage of time. BeBot has been made what it is today trough the contributions of the community, and i think it is overdue that those people are given more direct access to contribute.

If you should wish to contribute more directly to BeBot but have not been granted BeBot Contributor status, please do not hesitate to drop me a note.
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin


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