hello again
upgraded to 6.4 final and that was the first thing i tested. !setcraft none none to a fresh char today, but it seems the old problem exists, here for the bot window:
XXXX [MySQL] [ERROR] (# 23) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level,
class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('17182482', 'XXXXX',
'61', 'Demonologist', 'None', 'None', 3357156, 1, '1249747332') ON DUPLICATE KE
Y UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 =
VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VA
LUES(location), updated = VALUES(updated)
Data truncated for column 'craft1' at row 1
Any thoughts? Or hits how i can resolve it?