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BeBot v0.5.2 released (development version)

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This development version has several internal clean-ups, removing old structures. Besides that it offers a few bugfixes since 0.5.1. Most notable change is the move of autoinvite and mass-message settings for the users over to the preferences - which are defined on a per-user-base anyways.

[BeBot 0.5.2 Zip Archive]
[BeBot 0.5.2 Tar.gz Archive]

Changelog to 0.5.1:
- Moved auto-invites to preferences
- Moved recieving mass-announcements and mass-invites to preferences and these settings are now honored.
- Added repeat interval to !timers output.
- !timers is now an alias for !timer, !timer without any argument lists all current timers too now.
- Settings del() now does a SQL query if called for a specific setting of a module.
- All functions in Preferences enforce lower-case for module and setting names.
- Added exists() function to preferences.
- Autoinvite is no longer set when adding users, it's fully controlled via preferences and settings.
- The minimum access level needed to receive MassMsgs is defined by a setting now. Default it GUEST.
- Autoinvite no longer spams people already in the private chat group.
- send_output() now logs wrong channel types, instead of trying to send tells.
- AlienAttack module creates correct output in gmsg() parsing now.
- Added Option to not use que when calling core("chat") -> buddy_add.
- Botname is ucfirst(strtolower())'ed before passing it to MySQL class.
- modules/Is.php has been re-written to add support for alts look-up

Edit by Blueeagle:
This is a development version of the bot. Please do not use this version as a live bot as it is very likely to be broken. However we do appreciate all help with finding bugs and help fixing them.

getting an error message upon update:

Fatal error: cannot redeclare class Preferences_core in preferences.php on line 239

Preferences got moved from core directory into main directory. Simply delete the one you got under core/

yeah found that out when I was going through the directory structure, just couldn't reply as was on my way to work at the time...almost had me worried  ;)

i think massinv is broken.  message goes out but no invite.


Mass invite beeing sent. Please stand by...



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