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Author Topic: BeBot v0.3.5 released (Unstable development branch)  (Read 9681 times)

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Offline Khalem

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BeBot v0.3.5 released (Unstable development branch)
« on: July 01, 2007, 10:31:26 pm »
After 3 weeks of testing and feedback, we have arrived at what is to be considered the second release candidate for BeBot 0.4.

This release addresses most if not all bugs reported, and features a major internal cleanup resulting in overall speedups.
Broken cache issues have been addressed, caching added where it was needed, and most importantly, the elimination of some wasteful MySQL queries. Overall it makes a big difference, and the bot is noticeably faster and more responsive.

Also please note that this release of BeBot is made under the GPL version 2 only. You may not redistribute this code under any other version of the GPL license.
If you have a burning desire to create a derived work from BeBot and release it under GPL version 3, revision 664 was the last SVN revision without this restriction.

See the full changelog below.

As always, please report issues here.

[BeBot 0.3.5 Zip Archive]
[BeBot 0.3.5 Tar.gz Archive]
[PHP Bundle]

- added missing default access rights
- added ban manager module to handle bans outside of blacklisting
- added banned_for and banned_until fields to user table (table gets updated automatically) for more flexible bans
- added optional informative message telling how to disable autoinvite to automatically invited characters
- user group(s) which should be per default marked for autoinvite on adding can be selected (none, members, guests, both)
- only setting defaults for receive_* if new user is guest or member, no longer for anonymous users
- Allow users to remove deleted characters from their alt lists.
- Check that the character we are checking alts for actually exsists.
- Fixed several issues with flexible security.
- Help updated for all modules that needed it.
- The Say module now outputs to the correct channels.
- The bot command character is now optional in tells, behaviour can be controlled by settings.
- Some minor fixes to AOChat library to deal with issues on certain PHP versions.
- Global settings array removed, replaced by $this -> bot -> settings -> get($module, $setting).
- Settings functions are now accessed via $this -> bot -> settings -> function() instead of $this -> bot -> set -> function()
- added pseudo-channel "all" to accesscontrol -> create(), to set rights for tell, pgmsg and gc at once
- Extended $this -> bot -> send_help() to accept an optinal command paramater.
- Legacy security checks removed from all modules.
- Security.php, Settings.php, and AccessControl.php are loaded before all other modules to satisfy dependencies.
- added $command["tells"] to catch any unhandled tells if wanted
- Raid roster properly using notitify field instead of user_level for buddy list
- fixed broken [whois] in memberslist
- removed defunct custom/help/ folder
- Extened functionality of running mutiple bots out of a single directory structure to allow per bot MySQL configurations.
- An "official" branch to improve BeBot 0.4 raidbot functionality was created.
- showing alts and blacklist info can be disabled by settings now
- Updated $this -> table_suffix to $this -> table_prefix (now if there is no prefix specified in MySQL.conf, it defaults to botname_tablename).
- Updated license to disallow redistributing BeBot under GPL versions other than version 2.
- Added option to enable/disable security for the Alts command. This will prevent you from adding alts with higher access level than you if Security -> usealts is enabled.
  It will also prevent you from using alts admin to add alts to someone with higher access level than yourself. Defaults to on for security reasons. Contributed by Chris96
- Removed non alt related info from fancy alts output (make_info_blob).
- Added optional parameter to show_alt function to allow returning of results without creating a chat_blob.
- Added option to enable a detailed whois view instead of the old Alts window. Enabled by default.
- Added options to display links and options in detailed whois view.
- Added make_chatcommand to Bot.php to allow for easy creation of chat command links. Moved from ShortCutsGUI.
- Fixed a bug in IRC relay where we would unset the wrong cronjob upon disabling IRC relay.
- Fixed a bug in the tablename cache causing excessive queries.
- Added a trigger check to see if we needed to check the database in Logon_Notifies to avoid uneccecary database queries.
- Disabled AutoMessage module by default as it is not needed for most people and only adds uneccecary database queries.
- Moved lastseen update from core/Roster.php to core/OnlineDB.php to keep online tracking in one core module.
- Roster update is now only run on startup if more than 6 hours passed since the last successfull update.
- Make sure we ignore output from the bot itself.
- Ignoring bot output from pgroup and gmsg channels now, no need to handle bot output as input again.
- Added global FormatString for gmdate() calls throughout the bot as setting.
- Added info about existing last_seen entries to !is output.
- Moved cronjobs of BanManager and Blacklist modules from 1min to 5min intervals.
- Added option to disable logon spam entirely.
- Caching all queries for alts and mains.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 10:33:58 pm by Khalem »
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin


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