ok this is what i have. The webside script just takes the user on/off information from the bot and then reads the user data from the xml script on the funcom user page.
--- Clip from IGN bot ---
{echo "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n :: INSTALLING WEBCAST online list ::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";pause(3);
$checkconfig=str_replace('$'.'IGNname','$webcast = "";'."\r\n".'$webcastpass = "";'."\r\n".'$'.'IGNname',$checkconfig);
$doupgrade = @fopen ($origfile."config.php","w");
$fpu = fwrite($doupgrade,$checkconfig);echo $screenblank;
///25/// loading the botname.config file and setting new globals and ingame setup variables.
** Config.php just sets the values of $webcast (IE: Website address/file) and $webcastpass is the password.
///number/// handles auto-sending of online list to guildsite if chosen in setup.
global $webcast,$webcastpass;
if(!empty($webcast)){global $cast;$cast++;if($cast>1000){$cast=0;
foreach($weblist as $k => $v){
$result[$i].=str_replace(".logon"," on ",str_replace(".logoff"," off ",$k)).$v."\r\n";}
//console("[IGN WEBCAST] :: uploading online lists to webserver ::\r\n");
foreach($result as $v){$v=rawurlencode($v);
$webresult=fileget ($webcast."?upload=".$v."&pass=".$webcastpass);}
if($webresult==""){$webresult="no server or script found";
console("[IGN WEBCAST] :: ".$webresult." ::\r\n");}}}}