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Author Topic: auto-member from flexible  (Read 2258 times)

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Offline Dracutza

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auto-member from flexible
« on: March 31, 2008, 06:54:53 pm »
when considering the functioning of whois-update and flexible, as well as the whole Kbot thing, would something in BeBot allow to automatically "!member add" people based on flexible conditions or something similar?

One of the bots our org uses is similar to AO leader chat.  Anyone of rank_id <= 2 is supposed to be a member.  Currently, someone manually adds or removes these players.

If there was a way to automate either the adding of a member, or the notifying (!massinv or !announce for example) of members who meet certain conditions would be great.

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Re: auto-member from flexible
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2008, 07:06:38 pm »
There is no plugin that does this. You'd have to write a plugin parsing the whois cache for the characters involved. Or use flexible security, allow members to add themself to notify, and spread the word about your bot.

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Re: auto-member from flexible
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 07:18:09 pm »
If I understood it correctly you would like to add (and possibly autoinvite) anyone whit rank_id <= 2 regardless of wether or not they actively seek such an invite.

Unless I misunderstood your post I classify this as spam and as such do not condone it.

I haven't looked into the flexible security module but I think it would be possible to determine wether or not a person meets such criteria automagically when they want to !join or request an !invite.

The only problem that can't be solved by adding another wrapper is having too many wrappers.

Offline Dracutza

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Re: auto-member from flexible
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2008, 07:44:16 pm »
Unless I misunderstood your post I classify this as spam and as such do not condone it.

strictly to be used within org. 

we're not interested in spamming the world, nor are we interested in having the world listening in on our conversations.

!flexible condition memberadd/membernotify officer org = Dracutza
!flexible condition memberadd/membernotify officer rank_id <= 2

or something like that.

Another way I'd like to use it is on our co-op raid bot.

!flexible condition memberadd/membernotify org1 org = Dracutza
!flexible condition memberadd/membernotify org1 level < 149
!flexible condition memberadd/membernotify org2 org = PlayerFromCoopOrg
!flexible condition memberadd/membernotify org2 level < 149

and every 24 hours (?) it goes out and based on conditions, the bot !member add or !notify new players.

or it uses the whois and that way it keeps it local.

Means to automatically get players a massinv or announce is what I'm after.

Though in thinking... auto removal won't be possible... at least not in the raid bot.  We have others on the bot who are not in co-op orgs, and they'd get removed if the bot maintained the list 100% based on conditions.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 07:45:49 pm by Dracutza »

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Re: auto-member from flexible
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2008, 09:13:04 pm »
There is no plugin that does this. You'd have to write a plugin parsing the whois cache for the characters involved. Or use flexible security, allow members to add themself to notify, and spread the word about your bot.

your could set users that meet certain req the ability to join bot them selfs then useing this module they would get added.


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