Add current equipped item for a char.
"Player 1" user table will contain array on:Chest, wrist, shoulder, feet, Lefthand1/Righthand1, Lefthand2/Righthand2, cape/cloak, Leggs etc.
This so guildies can use "!whois" and look what each player has equipped
Need to be char based, as Main and Alt got different items equipped
!whois (Can be used in tells, privategroup and guildchat)
Just add links on item added by player
!eq [chest|wrist|head|etc] [item link] (Can only be used in tells)
Adds current eq on the char. If already a item is stored, it will just update.
PS: Dont know how AO is, but a assume that this function can be usefull for both AO and AoC.
Did search the forum, but couldnt find any similar function made