BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Development => Module Requests => Topic started by: Pablo on September 14, 2007, 03:49:13 pm
Hello all,
I'm testing the new 4.1 version of Bebot Raidbot.
If I see well (I hope yes), there aren't indispensable commands to:
1. Add points automatically to reward all the raiders joined the raid;
2. Lock the raid;
3. Vicinity raiders presence check.
Thank you everyone for all the great job!
I'm not quite sure that I understand your question but have a look-see at
Also check that the access levels are set appropriately with the !commands interface.
2 and 3 should happen now, with the current raid plugin.
I'm redoing them, however. :)
As for 1, I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for (since it seems that everyone wants to do points differently). I'm planning on creating a points module down the road, however. :)
After re-installed all and rechecked the help I've found the arcane problem, it is the !help raid informations that not shows the commands but they are there and they works when you know the commands at memory!
This is what is displayed at the !help raid
::::: HELP ON RAID :::::
Module to manage and announce raids.
!raid start - Starts a raid.
!raid end - Ends a raid.
!raid join - Joins the on-going raid.
!raid leave - Leaves the on-going raid.
!raid kick <name> - Kicks player <name> from the current raid.
So it works, it is "only" a missing of text about the commands inside the !help raid file. ;)
Good to know in future for the others.
About the Award point system, I still have to understand if it is possible to assign points at multiple players/raiders that joined the raid, example:
!award 5 (and it assigns 5 points at all the raiders that joined the raid)
From the file Points.php I see only the single target to assign points (!points add <name> <points>), so that is the sense of the module request. I hope it is more understandeable now and thank you very much all again from an humble tester.
Try grabbing the trunk Raid.php
I stripped out some stuff that shouldn't have been in there to begin with, and cleaned up up quite a bit. Has more options that I think yours does too.
It might still have issues, works fine for me but it's bleeding edge so no promises. :)
When you grab the new raid_RAID.php file from the trunk, it works wonders if you save it as \modules\raid.php (replacing the main raid.php file). I tested it on BeBot 0.4.1 using both PHP 4 and 5, and 3 different MySQL versions.
Note: !raid check does not check the zone for active raiders, it just checks to see who has joined the raid. It would be better if this was by zone.
There is one request though, in regards to raid.php... Please allow a setting to have the !raid join to return either in pg or in tell (configurable).
Requests for points.php:
- add in the command !points all # (to allow rl's to add points)
This will allow RL's to add block points to all active individuals if followed after someone running a !raid check command (see above).
All points commands should default to RL level for security purposes.
- remove !points to check how many points you have
- add in !account command to check the points you have
... double check modifications with new raid.php and bid.php
I'm installing the latest bid.php to test with the new raid.php. Hopefully I will be able to reply soon with good news.
When you grab the new raid_RAID.php file from the trunk, it works wonders if you save it as \modules\raid.php (replacing the main raid.php file). I tested it on BeBot 0.4.1 using both PHP 4 and 5, and 3 different MySQL versions.
Only difference between naming it raid_RAID.php and raid.php is that if you're bot is setup as an org bot (in bot.conf) then it'll load the raid module.
Note: !raid check does not check the zone for active raiders, it just checks to see who has joined the raid. It would be better if this was by zone.
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
:::: People in the raid ::::
[link]Check all raid members[/link]
Ebagmp [Kick]
Basically you click "Check all raid members" and it does an /assist on everyone in the raid.
If you don't have this, grab the trunk version again.
There is one request though, in regards to raid.php... Please allow a setting to have the !raid join to return either in pg or in tell (configurable).
Fair enough, I'll add that. :)
Requests for points.php:
Someone (*cough*) needs to write a new points module. :)
points award is something i've been trying to figure out also.. so far i've had no luck.
i've tried a few things but as yet havent got any good results.
/* Award Points */
function award_points($name, $num)
if ($this -> bot -> security -> check_access($name, "superadmin"))
if (!is_numeric($num))
$this -> bot -> send_tell ($name, "$num is not a valid points value.");
$this -> bot -> db -> query("UPDATE #___raid_points SET points = points + " . ($num * 10) .
" WHERE raiding = 1");
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("<font color=#ffff00>$name</font> added <font color=#ffff00>$num</font> raidpoints to all active raiders.");
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "You added <font color=#ffff00>$num</font> raidpoints to all active raiders.");
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "You must be a superadmin to do this");
i was guessing something like that might work, with something like this
else if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "points award ([0-9]+)$/i", $info))
$this -> award_points($name, $info[1]);
being used along with it.
i was aiming for !points award <number of points>, then that number being added to all the active raiders.
any help ??
Bump for point awarding, to every1 in the raid with 1 command.
Wtb that module too.
I've edited it a bit, didnt tested much, but i see it works. Let me know if uget in trouble.
New Command added:
[tell] !raid reward <points> - Reward <points> to all raiders.
Great great job Pharexys! Thank you! :D
It will be wonderful to have !raid lock too and !raid check written inside the help file.
!raid lock
Locks at the members to !raid join (used when it's too late to join raid)
!raid check (this command just exists, need only to be written inside the help file and eventually expanded with a command to check all raiders in one shot instead one by one. It works with an /assist check about I've understood)
It is used to check the members close the raid leader (vicinity, same zone), to check who really is at the raid and to kick from the raid who isn't there.
And so Bebot will be ready to be a raid bot that works too! ;)
Added Help for !raid lock/unlock
Added Help for !raid check
Added Check all
Great Temar, quick, wonderful and nice Job!
I've tested it, and it works typing in bot channel too now!
The !raid check [all] works but works without to show the name of the absent raider. It will be great if the check will give as result a response message with the list of the absent raid members.
Without that, still need to check everyone, one by one, to understand who isn't at the raid.
Thank you, thank you a ton in advance.
im not sure what your problem is,
as /assist will output a message as to if there are there or not and thats how u know
it will say somit like - cannot find >name<
I've checked/tested it dual logged and it shows only "Can't assist yourself" as response. :-\
It is very very strange I know... I tried zoning too, checked the manual /assist name command, and checked my chat configuration, all works right here...
So !raid check still not shows the message: Cant find target >name<.
It is the same for the single check too, not only "check all".
P.S. Maybe it not works for blank spaces inside the /assist command of the Raid.php code.
its ur window settings
i don't know wat all i know is when i do it , its fine
but i have 2 windows
can't assist youself and target is not in a fight goto 1
and can't find target>Temar<. goes in another
i think system does 1st 2 but no idea wat setting does the cant find which is wat u need!
Omg, incredible but today it works... I know it looks silly, but without to change settings now it works to me too... :o
Bah, maybe it was some previous misterous problem, it is very strange because it not worked to me the other past days too... However sorry for the disturb and thank you thank you thank you for listening and fixing!
W Raid Bebot and thank you at all the contributors!
Ok... I've got a new one with the points system........
Using the new raid file on 4.3 and mySQL 5. Points are being awarded to the people, and I have tying alts to mains on... However, when doing points (I don't have ! enabled) or points name, the cumulative points are not being tied together. Thoughts?
Here's an example.......
Taconis main, Sewitup alt. Both have points (say 50 and 10). When doing points, or bidding, it's not showing a total of 60 for the person.