BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Development => Module Requests => Topic started by: Hyde on August 24, 2008, 07:43:13 pm

Title: Raid module questions
Post by: Hyde on August 24, 2008, 07:43:13 pm
I'm not requesting a module, at least not yet, but am asking for info. With instancing of raid areas happening sooner than later now ... and given the messes on RK2 Clan side with the bot system being tyrannical and the people raiding outside the bots currently being full of epeens ... it seems like time now to prepare for the future.

Are there any raid modules already out there for BeBot that are flexible enough to:

a) allow for points based on #kills -or- time in raidlist -or- both

b) can support flatrolls of items while still tracking point-based rolls ... especially for things like DB raids.

c) add mobs/loot tables that are based on some form of "!raidstart" command along with (and this is key) different point types for different raid types (ie, 1 type of points for APF, another for Zods, another for Beast, etc).

d) can share points across alts

e) can share points across bots (ie, so that if a few orgs were all raiding in the same bot system but had multiple bots set up so we could support instanced raids we could allow people to join whichever bot was active but dump points into a shared pool)

Awhile back I was going to write some customizations for VhaBot, which had all that was needed for the above, but it was discontinued around the same time that I took a break from AO.

What I'd like to be able to do is have 1 codebase that can easily run an APF raid, a Pande raid, an AI city raid, etc. I'm sure I'll end up with multiple bots due to instancing and needing multiple types of points. But I'd like to only need to worry about 1 bot core to run them and have flexibility to -allow- point raiding for places where it makes sense.

Are there any BeBot modules or combinations close to the above at the moment?
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Hyde on August 24, 2008, 07:45:33 pm
Going to the future ... if I were to request a module or enhancements to one ... it would include the items from above but also include the following:

!raidtype new <insert new raid type>
!raidtype define <new raid type> [points | timeinraid | hybrid]
!raidtype addmob <paste mobname>
!raidtype mobpointsperkill <paste mobname> # so that different mobs can be worth more
!raidtype addloot <mobname> <paste new loot item>

That way we could dynamically add new mobs and loot to existing raids as well as add entire new raids ... without requiring recoding. People would be able to easily customize their bots for whatever purpose it was for. If they wanted to they could even make a points bot for Battlestation and add opponents on the fly!

(that last bit was said tongue-in-cheek ;) )

Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Hyde on August 24, 2008, 07:54:44 pm
Just looked at Budabot and it appears to do alot of this. So it may not be as big of a deal for BeBot to do it. However I would still prefer to stay with the codebase I know atm if something close already exists.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Alreadythere on August 24, 2008, 09:03:31 pm
I got a raid module similar to RK2 omni raidbots. Basically it supports points for raids, not time, handles rolling, allows sharing of points among alts, and keeps pretty detailed lists of who is in a raid and who gets loot. On top of all this it has an interface to add and remove different types of raids.

Always wanted to add a true integration of some system for raid loot, but never got around to it.

Here ( is the current version, it's for 0.5.x line only.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Temar on August 24, 2008, 11:47:34 pm
u should add some of that to the offical module alreadythere
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Vain on September 15, 2008, 09:42:43 pm
I got a raid module similar to RK2 omni raidbots. Basically it supports points for raids, not time, handles rolling, allows sharing of points among alts, and keeps pretty detailed lists of who is in a raid and who gets loot. On top of all this it has an interface to add and remove different types of raids.

Always wanted to add a true integration of some system for raid loot, but never got around to it.

Here ( is the current version, it's for 0.5.x line only.

Alreadythere, could you update the !help for this module or maybe list the syntax for the commands? It looks like a nice module from the code.

I played around with it a little last night but i couldnt get the syntax right for adding raids and such.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Heffalomp on September 22, 2008, 10:29:51 pm
Somehow I can't get the raidadmin cmds to work in Allreadythere's module...
in 0.5.3

Seems it woun't handle numbers in shortname, like apf13 and such..
also when I try to bid I get
Code: [Select]
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /Bots/Raidbot/custom/modules/Raid_RAID.php on line 513
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Hyde on October 07, 2008, 09:31:06 pm
I'm pondering adding some help text to the module you posted. Is this still the most recent version? I don't have it working yet ... but if I can get it to work (still figuring out how to add a new raid) I figure it could help others.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Hyde on October 07, 2008, 09:41:52 pm
What's the right syntax for adding a new raid via in-game? I tried:

!raidadmin addraid Test 3 Please

As well as many others, but no avail. I'm wondering if maybe the !raidadmin commands aren't functional as none of the others I checked worked, either.

Using 0.5.4 as my test platform.

I was able to add a new raid type directly into my SQL db, so was able to test other commands that rely on a working raid type to exist, but not sure what I'm doing wrong for defining new raids via chat commands.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Alreadythere on October 07, 2008, 10:30:00 pm
It's the most current version, yes.

And I need to take a look into my module, been too long since I used it myself - though the raid functions do work with 0.5 for sure.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Alreadythere on October 07, 2008, 10:54:27 pm
Ok, did some quick checks - the commands do work for me, and looking in the code I can't see any reason why nothing should happen, if there is an error it should report it.

Did you use !raidadmin in a tell? That's the only channel the command is registered on.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Hyde on October 08, 2008, 02:11:21 am
Ah, no, didn't use tells. Makes sense and I shoulda caught it.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Allisande on December 23, 2008, 07:15:58 pm
If I wanted to use this mod on the newest (0.6.1) version of bebot what if any modifications would I need to make.  I would like to give this a try, but if it only works for 0.5.x then I shall keep looking for something similar.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Alreadythere on December 23, 2008, 07:34:42 pm
This should work with 0.6.1 too, there were no architectural changes requiring adaptions of modules since my post.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Allisande on December 23, 2008, 07:38:07 pm
Excellent thank you.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Allisande on December 23, 2008, 09:33:09 pm
Ok...I'm needing some help.  How would I go about adding a !help section to this mod?  It looks fantastic, but I'm not sure I can figure out what does what.  Thanks
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Alreadythere on December 24, 2008, 09:59:28 am
You got me there, I really should add !help to this module.

Feel free to poke me again if I haven't added any till end of this year. Pretty sure I'll have time over the holidays.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Jiheld on December 25, 2008, 01:36:15 pm
i got an error when i start the bot with this module.

Embot [SETTINGS]        [UPDATED]       Updated values for Points for module Rai
Embot [ERROR]   [Raids] Duplicate command definition! The command 'raids' for ch
annel 'tell' has already been registered by 'News' and is attempted re-registere
d by Raids
Embot [ERROR]   [Raids] Duplicate command definition! The command 'bid' for chan
nel 'tell' has already been registered by 'Bid' and is attempted re-registered b
y Raids

And our guild is using the news module.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Temar on December 25, 2008, 03:56:23 pm
look like ur useing a Custom Module that uses same commands asa used by other module like News and Bid
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Alreadythere on December 25, 2008, 05:41:41 pm
If you use my module you'll have to disable all Raid/Point modules delivered with the bot.

They aren't compatible with each other.
Title: Re: Raid module questions
Post by: Alreadythere on December 25, 2008, 09:31:27 pm
Here ( is the updated version of my raid module, including help texts.

Locking this thread, any further discussion can be done in the other thread.
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