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Author Topic: raffle  (Read 5878 times)

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Offline womp

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« on: April 19, 2006, 04:08:14 am »
Not sure if this would be a plug in or not but I was wondering if there is a way to have bebot remember the name of a plyer that already won a raffle from the same running raid.


womp has started a raffle for A nerf bat to beat womp up.

womp has joined the raffle
jaymay has joined the raffle
linebacker has joined the raffle
demikat has joined the raffle
Demikat has won the raffle for A nerf bat to beat womp up.

womp has started a raffle for what ever.
womp has joined the raffle
jaymay has joined the raffle
linebacker has joined the raffle
demikat has joined the raffle --reply in tell sorry you have already won a raffle in this raid you are unable to join this raffle

and then kicks them from the raffle only. They would still be aloud to do !bids but could not do raffles until a new raid has been started or an rl runs the commnd !raffle clear or something like that...

Again Im not sure if that would be considered a plug in or if it is to be done in the exsisting code. Any help is greatly appreciated

Offline Xenixa

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Re: raffle
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 10:03:00 pm »
It'd probably be easier to adjust the current Raffle module to show The List of current names that have joined the raffle in the Raffle Admin window. Place an extra clicky link name like "Show Raffle Entrants" in the Raffle Admin view to update that list so you can boot those that won something previously before you hit the "Show Winner" link.

That how I'd probably do it anyway. But it could be extended a step further. Say for example have a Raffle History in a Table in the database that would record - Who Ran the Raffle, What date/time it was ran, What was Raffled, and Who Won the Item Raffled. Simple 4 colomn table that you could query off of.
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