BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Development => Module Requests => Topic started by: Blueeagle on September 10, 2007, 03:22:05 pm

Title: New module: Vote.php
Post by: Blueeagle on September 10, 2007, 03:22:05 pm
I've started working on a new module to handle votes. I would like some feedback on any features I might have missed. Currently I've got
Code: [Select]
$this -> bot -> accesscontrol -> create ('tell', 'vote', 'MEMBER');
$this -> bot -> accesscontrol -> create ('gc', 'vote', 'MEMBER');

$this -> bot -> settings -> create('Vote', 'New', 'SUPERADMIN', 'Who should be able to start new votes', 'MEMBER;LEADER;ADMIN;SUPERADMIN');
$this -> bot -> settings -> create('Vote', 'Spam', 'No', 'Should players who haven\'t voted be spammed when logging on', 'No;Yes');

$this -> help['description'] = 'This module enables the guild to arrange votes.';
$this -> help['command']['vote']="- Shows the vote interface";
$this -> help['command']['vote new <description>'] = "- Adds adds a new vote about <description>";
$this -> help['command']['vote restrict <min_level>'] = "- Only players with <min_level> access can vote";
$this -> help['command']['vote add <vote#> <option>'] = "- Adds adds a new option to <vote#>";
$this -> help['command']['vote edit <vote#> <option#> <newtext>'] = "- Replaces the text for option <option#> in vote <vote#> with <newtext>";
$this -> help['command']['vote time <vote#> <time>'] = "- Sets the vote to run for <time>";
$this -> help['command']['vote start <vote#>'] = "- Makes the vote go live (if it passes all checks)";

$this -> help['command']['vote end <vote#>'] = "- Ends vote <vote#> regardless of any set time";

$this -> help['notes'] = "This module is under development!";
$this -> help['notes'].= "<time> needs to be a format as described by ";
$this -> help['notes'].= "This means that formats like most dates and also '1 month', 'next thursday' etc. are allowed.";

Also with time being quite limited for me these days I would appreciate any offer to help. I've got something of a frame up for this module and I'm about to start implementing real code.

Edit: Added setting to control logon spam (defaulting to Yes)
Title: Re: New module: Vote.php
Post by: Temar on September 10, 2007, 03:31:44 pm
yer i was thining of making a module for vote, or updateing 1
yer im after a long term voting module
and also i would like logon spam to those who havnt yet voted
Title: Re: New module: Vote.php
Post by: Glarawyn on September 10, 2007, 08:42:43 pm
I've been working on vote stuff, but in a totally different direction.

I was working on a community run raid bot that isn't run by admins, but is run by votes. Someone could request leader access, a vote would happen, etc, but this was all for BeBot 0.2.

Would be nice to have some core functionality to deal with some voting.
Title: Re: New module: Vote.php
Post by: Temar on September 10, 2007, 09:01:56 pm
i would like that if some 1 wants leader on my bot they can do a vote :D
Title: Re: New module: Vote.php
Post by: Blueeagle on September 11, 2007, 05:58:23 am
First I'm putting this together in one module then we can look at splitting it into core/module later.
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