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Author Topic: NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)  (Read 10369 times)

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Offline stonybg

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NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)
« on: April 18, 2006, 03:26:45 am »
hey alredi see few ppl in game to post statistik in online people example
[bot] plaer: Omni Total: 164 220: 34 215+: 82 210+: 245 205+: 155 200+: 168
[bot] plaer: Clan Total: 127 220: 54 215+: 93 210+: 159 205+: 145 200+: 163
[bot] plaer: Neutral Total: 107 220: 7 215+: 20 210+: 10 205+: 20 200+: 26
somting this...
aloso telme frend plugin have option to chek how much ppl its online from some org and other very coll tols
can some one post it or send me pleas

Offline jjones666

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Re: NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2006, 12:19:25 pm »
AFAIK, that output is from Vhabot (new bot, not related to or compatible with Bebot plugins).

I believe something like that would need to written from scratch for Bebot.



Offline kuznechik

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Re: NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 01:12:40 pm »
I know ppl who wrote such plugins. It usually kept org-locked and not going into masses for obvious reasons.
Online for org is easy for bebot with whois database.
Kuznechik, proud bot admin of Disciples of Omni-Tek, Rimor.

Offline Vhab

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Re: NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2006, 05:24:19 pm »
That one isn't vhabot though. but vhabot has a similar function with realtime tracking.
Ofcourse such stuff is kept private for many reasons. It gives a pvp advantage, it burdens both the chatserver and xml server alot and it just isn't ment for the average user.
It's ok if a select number of people have it, but if everyone has it FC will probebly get it nerfed fast. For example, my method uses 18 characters total because of the friendslist limit.
Imagine everyone running 18 bots.

Offline Xenixa

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Re: NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2006, 09:03:45 am »
ya, I could just see the spam in the console with all the internal !is checks bounced off a fully loaded whois cache table now... EEEGAD!

Basically, you'd kill your bot while it tried to figure which of the 100k+ characters stuffed up in your whois cache were actually online. But I Guess you could limit it to Org. Name. IGN has a somewhat simular feature that will list all the characters in an Org (kinda like the custom !memberlist command I did for my Bebot instance) only it doesn't check online status of the characters in the list.

It's doable on a Per-Org basis in Bebot though. But like Vhab noted, it would put a pretty good load on the chat server if to many bot owners used a feature like that all the time. Buddy lists are kept server side, so all that adding and removing of names(!is command adds, notes on or offline, then removes from buddy list) could cost alot of processing time.
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Offline stonybg

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Re: NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2006, 10:34:21 am »
but all redy see it in work, and have some stingy ppl and dont get it and tik its uber programist
for that i post here my ask :D in open forum
just idea its not chek status in all online ppl in server just concret in some org, thah now i make by hand from ign bot
chek some player (example: !whois player ) adn geti infor from pande in him org members then chek him online status, one buy one
if tink that make spam (i tink don't have more 500 ppl org) can make chek status in lvl renge. for other how much plaer it online dont know how to make it and from weare extract info but i see other outsite program to make it.
for me it no imposible to make it...

p.s. and realy sory for my very bad english

Offline kuznechik

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Re: NEED pvp plugin (allredy exist but not puplishet)
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2006, 11:16:29 am »
Btw, how rk1 clan and omni did it for their pvp bots ^^:
They manually added ppl who cares to go to pvp. So it become like 500-800 ppl list.
Kinda old-time trick, but it works.
Kuznechik, proud bot admin of Disciples of Omni-Tek, Rimor.


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