well, it would be kick ass with a tracker at least..
for pvm it tracks the name that submits it, the time, name of mob and you could paste loot if you got it or not
for pvp its the same.. your name, time, name of victim did you get points, and maybe you could type in the title of the victim aswell? like
/tell killtracker !pvp somelooser rookie 1
where 1 would be point.. for pvm..
/tell killtracker !pvm remains of afreet ellis
Massive Bolt Chargerthen you could send !pvp or !pvm without arguments to get your statistics..
---- PVM ----
Afreet Ellis
Kills: 230 (details)
bla bla blba ql 260
bla bla bla ql 220
Wicked Soul Dredge
Kills: 23 (details)
- none -
for pvp.. maybe sometihng simple like
23. Jul 2006 03:34 - Freshman Gimpz0r (point)
22. Jul 2006 17:88 - Rookie Jakalakakaka
19. Jul 2006 19:01 - Jambolina
and so on

with page 1 2 3 and so on..
It would help if it could type prof and level.. dunno if you can do that with a whois..