Hello folks,
at first sorry for my english i´m from germany

OK i´ve got a request for a module.
We´re using bebot for aour AOC Guild. Is therea mod i can establish ingame Item Shops with?
We have GuildCrafters who have "firt need" on "blue" crafting receipes.
I imagine the following:
- there could be a frontpage with the shopnames "Weaponshop" ,"Alchmieshop" eg
- with a link I can get to the Shop and theres a list with Items the Crafter can do
- perhaps there cold be a field at the end of each row where to put in how many of the item i want
- perhaps kind of chart where i can add several goods of one shop
- Items could be linked to ItemDB
- a "submit" button that sends a message with the bebot-included mail thing where my orderdetails are listet in
Is there anything like that or has anyone planned to code sth like it?
I´m totally noob in doing such code thats why I´m asking you here.
Thanks a lot