Hello guys,
i am new to the Bot Modules ,, err even Bot using ever,, i've set my first bebot working 2 days ago, Beisde its not an org bot, its a private Raid bot ... and i need some help with some commands,,,
its a command built on timer and detection from players in bot, Used to calculate the Duration , Cool down & Availability Of both Abilities "Guardian" of Soldiers & "Bio Regrowth " Of Advy, enfo & Engi.
!Guard -->check who has Guardian and availability
!g --> when someone cast Guardian
!bior --> Check who has Bio-regrowth and availability
!b --> When someone cast regrowth
and some other commands like:
!s --> When Beast shield is on
!sd --> When Beast Shield is down
!tell (whetever) --> Spam the bot chat with 3 echos of what is said between brackets "without brackets ofc"
and used by the
Leader only ofc...
well, Those commands is available with VHA bot, but they r not included in the Bebot, which i DO prefer to use, and since i am noob with coding, i hope someone can help me making thoes commands ready
Thanks Alot ....<3