hi all
just got a bebot0.4.1 setup and its going well. but i've been looking about to find some raid functions.
what im looking for is for a ticking raid so to say, like the normal 0.1/min tick rate with the ability to pause the raid and stop the points ticking. Also if the raid is succesful for a leader / admin to be able to award X points to all !joined raiders.
i found an Event System module in the 0.2 section but as im at work havent had a chance to see how it would work or even if it would work with bebot 0.4.1
post url
http://bebot.link/index.php/topic,301.0.htmlany feedback would be great, or some pointers in the right direction.
edit: after looking about on the forums i managed to add raid pause / unpause to the raidtime.php module that comes with bebot.
still trying to work out how to award raiding with x points