BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Development => Module Requests => Topic started by: nullerman on March 02, 2008, 02:22:28 am
i would like to see this module get build in to the V5.x of bebot....
Thanks alot.
hi, at first sorry for my bad english. :-\
i would like to modifie the alienattack_GUILD modul so that after disabling the cloaking device the bot sends a msg in the orgchannel ("carful, alien attack is initiiated. dont enter the city, please") for 6 times with a delay of 5mins.
If someone logon in this time, he should get a tell with the same msg.
The main problem is that i dont know how i can make the 30min loop.
im thankful for any help :)
Done, and Commited to SVN
Thanks, Sweeeeeet.....
I would think that a raid command by the bot would be sufficient if it was done along with logon spam.
Then again I always check the cloak before entering the city. :)
i been useing those changes i added to svn awhile and my org likes it
You could have done it with a timer too ;)
Create a new timer class with warnings every 5mins, and simply create a timer using that class if a raid is started. This way it would even survive a bot restart (though that's not that important, the other parts of the module don't survive a restart either as all is stored in memory only). It would remove any hassle with creating and removing any cron jobs yourself :)
just added this to my bot (had it in the earlier versions, but im using trunk now). I set the spam to both, however, it doesnt seem to be working properly. i logged on an alt during a raid....and he didnt get the tell, and we never recieved the 6 time spam in org chat.
was there something else i was supposed to configure?
LogonNotifies have to be enabled. Only thing I can think right out of my head.
yup, and always have been. i dunno either, lol. oh well
This seems to be caused by the same problem as your Online/News problems. For some reason you don't get a notify...
I haven't used this one yet, but can we get an option (if it does not already exist,) to enable/disable this in settings or something?
Much like I'd like to see enable/disable on the "your cloak will be ready in 30 min" message.
I am sure some orgs love it... i feel this will be a nuisance to ours just like the "cloak ready" spam.
i changed mine so i only get spam when its ready to be turned on or off as no need to know there is 30mins left etc