Hi guyz,
I changed the raid module abit to a Bane module:
* Bane.php - Announces the Banelist.
* BeBot - An Anarchy Online & Age of Conan Chat Automaton
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Thomas Juberg Stensås, ShadowRealm Creations and the BeBot development team.
* Developed by:
* - Alreadythere (RK2)
* - Blondengy (RK1)
* - Blueeagl3 (RK1)
* - Glarawyn (RK1)
* - Khalem (RK1)
* - Naturalistic (RK1)
* - Temar (RK1)
* See Credits file for all aknowledgements.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* Revision: $Id: bane.php 2008-08-05 Jiheld $
* Thanks to alreadythere for the raid.php
$bane = new Bane($bot);
The Class itself...
class Bane extends BaseActiveModule
var $bane;
var $user;
var $announce;
var $start;
function __construct(&$bot)
parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));
$this -> bane = false;
$this -> user = array();
$this -> announce = 0;
$this -> register_command("tell", "c", "ANONYMOUS");
$this -> register_command("all", "Bane", "ANONYMOUS");
$this -> register_event("pgleave");
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("Bane", "Command", "LEADER", "Who should be able to access the higher level raid commands (all commands except join/leave)?", "ADMIN;LEADER;MEMBER;GUEST;ANONYMOUS");
$this -> help['description'] = 'Module to manage and announce the Banelist.';
$this -> help['command']['bane start <description>']="Starts the Banelist with optional description.";
$this -> help['command']['bane end'] = "Ends the Banelist.";
$this -> help['command']['bane join'] = "Join the active Banelist.";
$this -> help['command']['bane leave'] = "Leave the active Banelist.";
$this -> help['command']['bane add <name>'] = "Adds player <name> to the current banelist";
$this -> help['command']['bane kick <name>'] = "Kicks player <name> from the current banelist.";
$this -> help['command']['bane check'] = "Generates a list of active banelist members with assist links in a window for attendance checking.";
function command_handler($name, $msg, $type)
$var = explode (" ", $msg, 2);
case 'c':
$this -> bane_command($name, $var[1]);
case 'bane':
$var = explode(" ", $msg, 3);
case 'start':
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> start_bane($name, $var[2]), $type);
case 'stop':
case 'end':
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> end_bane($name), $type);
case 'join':
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> join_bane($name), $type);
case 'leave':
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> leave_bane($name), $type);
case 'kick':
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> kick_bane($name, $var[2]), $type);
case 'check':
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> check_bane($name), $type);
case 'add':
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> addto_bane($name, $var[2]), $type);
$this -> bot -> send_help($name, "bane");
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, "##error##Error : Broken plugin, bane.php recieved unhandled command: ".$var[0]."##end##", $type);
This gets called if someone leaves the privgroup
function pgleave($name)
if ($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("Bane", "Remonleave"))
if (isset($this -> user[$name]))
unset($this -> user[$name]);
return "##highlight##$name##end## was removed from the Banelist.";
Starts a Banelist
function start_bane($name, $desc)
if ($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($name, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command')))
if (!$this -> bane)
$this -> description = $desc;
$this -> bane = true;
$this -> start = time();
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, "##highlight##$name##end## has started the Banelist :: " . $this -> clickjoin(), "both");
$this -> pause(TRUE);
$this -> register_event("cron", "1min");
return "Banelist started.";
return "Banelist already running.";
return "You must be a " . $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command') . " to start a Banelist";
Ends the banelist
function end_bane($name)
if ($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($name, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command')))
if ($this -> bane)
$this -> bane = false;
$this -> user = array();
$this -> announce = 0;
$this -> unregister_event("cron", "1min");
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, "##highlight##$name##end## has stopped the Banelist.", "both");
$this -> locked = false;
Return "Banelist stopped.";
return "No banelist running.";
return "You must be a " . $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command') . " to do this";
Issues a bane command
function bane_command($name, $command)
if ($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($name, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command')))
$msg = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Cformat');
$msg = str_replace("##name##", $name, $msg);
$msg = str_replace("##msg##", $command, $msg);
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $msg, "both");
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "You must be a ".$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command')." to do this");
Adds a player to the banelist
function addto_bane($name, $player)
$player = ucfirst(strtolower($player));
if ($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($name, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command')))
if (!$this -> bane)
return "No Banelist in progress";
else if (isset($this -> user[$player]))
return $player." is already on the banelist";
$uid = $this -> bot -> core("chat") -> get_uid($player);
if (!$uid)
return "Player ##highlight##$player##end## does not exist.";
//Update last_banelist
$query = "UPDATE #___users SET last_bane = " . time() . " WHERE nickname = '$player'";
$this -> bot -> db -> query($query);
$this -> user[$player] = $uid;
$this -> bot -> send_tell($player, "##highlight##$name##end## added you to the Banelist.");
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##$player##end## was ##highlight##added##end## to the Banelist by ##highlight##$name##end## :: " . $this -> clickjoin(), "both");
return "##highlight##$player##end## has been ##highlight##added##end## to the Banelist";
Joins the banelist
function join_bane($name)
if (isset($this -> user[$name]))
return "You are already on the banelist";
else if ($this -> locked)
return "The banelist status is currently ##highlight##locked##end##.";
else if ($this -> bane)
//Update last_bane
$query = "UPDATE #___users SET last_bane = " . time() . " WHERE nickname = '$name'";
$this -> bot -> db -> query($query);
$this -> user[$name] = $this -> bot -> core("chat") -> get_uid($name);
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##$name##end## has ##highlight##joined##end## the Banelist :: " . $this -> clickjoin(), "both");
return "you have joined the Banelist";
return "No Banelist in progress";
Leaves the banelist
function leave_bane($name)
if (!isset($this -> user[$name]))
return "You are not on the Banelist.";
unset($this -> user[$name]);
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "You have ##highlight##left##end## the Banelist.", 1);
return "##highlight##$name##end## has ##highlight##left##end## the Banelist :: " . $this -> clickjoin();
Kicks someone from the banelist
function kick_bane($name, $who)
if ($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($name, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command')))
if (!isset($this -> user[$who]))
return "##highlight##$who##end## is not on the Banelist.";
unset($this -> user[$who]);
$this -> bot -> send_tell($who, "##highlight##$name##end## kicked you from the Banelist.");
return "##highlight##$who##end## was kicked from the Banelist.";
return "You must be a " . $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command') . " to do this";
Checks memebers on the banelist
function check_bane($name)
if ($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($name, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command')))
$players = array_keys($this -> user);
$inside = "##blob_title##:::: People on the Banelist ::::##end##\n\n";
if (!empty($players))
if($this -> bot -> game == "ao")
foreach ($players as $player)
if (!empty($assist))
$assist .= " \\n /assist $player";
$assist = "/assist $player";
$inside .= "<a href='chatcmd://$assist'>Check all banelist members</a>\n\n";
foreach ($players as $player)
$inside .= $player . " [".$this -> bot -> core("tools") -> chatcmd(
"bane kick ".$player, "Kick")."]\n";
$inside .= "There are no members of this banelist.";
return "Players on the Banelist :: " .
$this -> bot -> core("tools") -> make_blob("click to view", $inside);
return "You must be a " . $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Bane', 'Command') . " to do this";
Make click to join blob
function clickjoin()
$inside = "##blob_title##:::: Join/Leave Banelist ::::##end##\n\n";
if($this -> description && !empty($this -> description))
$inside .= "Description:\n ".$this -> description;
$inside .= "\n\n - ".$this -> bot -> core("tools") -> chatcmd("bane join", "Join the Banelist")."\n";
$inside .= " - ".$this -> bot -> core("tools") -> chatcmd("bane leave", "Leave the Banelist")."\n";
return $this -> bot -> core("tools") -> make_blob("click to join", $inside);
But the names are comming in alphabetically order. Is there a way we can move players on the list, so people know who is number one, two ect.