Development > Module Requests
auto guild recruit
Hoi ,
iw as looking for a auto guild recruitment
what i mean :
1) post in Trial chat clickable guild info
2) inside that guild info a link (/tell botname ...) and the bot automatic send a guild invite
first of all the bot must have the rights to invite some one into the guild ... than u can modify the ginfo tha there is an chatcommand of the bot with "invitetoguild" so i think the command should bee ....
the bot got the rights to invite
the ingame comamnds is : /guild invite <name>
but how i can use that into ginfo
Example :
guild info blablabla
Want to join guildname (link to the bot so the bot invite the person)
"/guild invite name" is not possible to run via chatserver only, you need to be ingame to invite someone.
so its impossible to make the bot invite people to the guild thru /tell or so
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