Would like a new module that would do that following.
1) send a welcome message to someone that joins the org with some information and urls
2) be able to add urls to the database to be displayed in a blob.
3) commands like !web and !welcome <name>
3a) !web will show a list of URLs that are clickable in the blob, and admins add !web add/del the urls form the database, and also will have a comment about the url next to it which can be added to the DB also.
3b) !welcome <name> would send a tell to a user with information about the org with the list of URLs from 3a. The blob would include_file ./text/welcome1.txt ./text/welcome2.txt welcome1.txt would be the topof the blob and welcome2.txt would be the bottom of the blob, and the urls would be in the middle.
4) have one of the URLs set to be sent to users at logon. Need to make it where only 1 can be sent and not the whole list, with a msg. example - "Come join us on the forums at,
www.urlhere.com." and the url would be one of the ones set in the database, and set to be sent on buddy logon. but again only want one of them at a time being able to be sent because of the logon spam can get very annoying.
5) need a way to add comments to the urls like !web addcomment <url number> "comment" and ofc delcomment also. and say if you deleted the url all together in !web del <url number> it would delete the comment also.