Right now !time shows AO time, Which I would like to keep, But is there a way we could put a blob after the AO time to list out RK4 times
Like I am gmt-6
List out all the GMT times and what time it would actually be there. the time would be take from the bots server time, and maybe that time on the GMT time could be in bold and a different color or something.
Would like to also have it be able to tell who issued the command and have a setting for that person, to set what zone they are in. So when they issue the command it will show there time zone. and maybe alternate the GMT times between 2 very close colors.
exampe (and I am not going to list all the gmt times..)
Server is in GMT-6
GMT+3 8:05 AM or 22:05
GMT+2 7:05 AM or 07:05
GMT+1 6:05 AM or 06:05
GMT 5:05 AM or 05:05
GMT-1 4:05 AM or 04:05
GMT-2 3:05 AM or 03:05
GMT-3 2:05 AM or 02:05
GMT-4 1:05 AM or 01:05
GMT-5 12:05 AM or 00:05
GMT-7 11:05 PM or 22:05
(Your Time Zone) (server time)GMT-8 10:05 PM or 21:05
GMT-9 9:05 PM or 20:05
GMT-10 8:05 PM or 19:05
Thank you in advance,