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Author Topic: !noms - Nomination module  (Read 2922 times)

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Offline eXistenZ

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!noms - Nomination module
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:09:22 pm »
A way to nominate our fellow orgmates would be awesome. We've had the module on our Vhabot in our org, but now that it's down, i would like it on my BeBot :)
It looks something like this:

[Org Name]Yournick:!noms add <name of orgmate> <reason for nomination>
[Org Name]Yourbot: You have added <name of orgmate> to the nom-list
[Org Name]Yournick:!noms
[Org Name]Yourbot:List of noms <- link to something like this:

#1 <name of orgmate> nominated by <Yournick>. Reason: <reason for nomitation>

Only problem with the Vhabot-version is that you cant nominate the orgmate with the same name multiple times, so we've either had to add a "." or a number or a slight variation of the nick to indicate the nominee, to get it added to the list. Is it possible to get it coded into a correct counter so that the <name of orgmate> can get multiple nominations?
it also needs a "!noms del #<insert number of nom" or a [DELTE]-tag in the gui, to stop abusers and such.

We use this in our org for prizes and such. It's a way to encourage our fellow orgmates to help out more, cause the chances of being !noms`ed are there ;)

Would be much appreciated if we could get this running :)
Thank you:)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 09:00:14 am by eXistenZ »


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