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Author Topic: BeBot v0.2.10 released  (Read 10554 times)

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Offline Khalem

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BeBot v0.2.10 released
« on: November 30, 2006, 09:40:16 pm »
This is a major maintenance and bugfix release which primarily addresses the character lookup problems due to character id's now being 2^31 and also dealing with the logoff spam that occurs both on first start of a new bot or when the chatserver link is reset.

- Important note for module developers
  Due to character id's now being 2^31 in size and how the bot deals with this, you must remember to use the int_to_string and string_to_int whenever   you want to work with the "real" character id's. Internally the bot will happily churn on using overflowed integers that goes negative.
  Remember also to convert any "real" character id's back to an overflowed integer before passing something back to the bot to handle internally.
  Database entries will be stored with the overflowed integer value, NOT the "real" character id's.
- Backported buddylist caching from 0.3 to eliminate logoff spam during first roster update
  aswell as when chatserver is having issues.
  The bot will still spam logons when this happens however.
- Added missing IRC module help.
- Replaced start.bat with StartBot.bat and StartDebugBot.bat to make it easier for people running on Windows.
- Fix a long standing typo bug in RaidSingle.
- Fix from Gridfan to allow the bot to handle overflowed integer value userid as a result of userid's now being 2^31 in size and php does not have unsigned integers to deal with it gracefully.
- Added the bot functions int_to_string and string_to_int to convert between int and string and converting overflowed integers to unsigned integer string values and vice versa.


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BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin

Offline mesa

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Re: BeBot v0.2.10 released
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 06:18:57 pm »
Im not sure if it's just me having and old members table, but to implement this (and all the other fixes)  I had to modify Roster_Raid.php to allow for the char lookup to fail as well.

in other words, for all the fields other than nickname and ID i had to put something like


I put this in right before the SQL insert into members so that members with these IDs could be added.

However, im guessing this will be something fixed (at least partially) by having the Whois-cache since you could do

$this -> bot -> whois -> lookup ($name);

but this will only work once the whois cache is updated for that character. 

Offline Malosar

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Re: BeBot v0.2.10 released
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2006, 07:23:15 pm »
It's actually better to make a default value in the mysql database for the level and other details instead of modifying the code.

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