BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Development => Generic custom modules => Topic started by: Temar on July 20, 2008, 09:48:44 pm

Title: TWC
Post by: Temar on July 20, 2008, 09:48:44 pm
Temar's Web Chat (formally known as AOWC)

This is a Web Based Chat Client for Talking to your Org
Should work with both AO and AoC

The Files in /bot/ folder are Modules for the Bot
Place the rest of the files on the webserver were you want it
and run /install/index.php



Version Status


TWC is Available from here

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Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 20, 2008, 09:52:47 pm
also a note to User who have an Older version the install file will update the table  and settings file for you
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Jaycoldriser on July 21, 2008, 01:12:32 am
Thanks for the nice installer job  ;)
But I alway get this error each time the AOCW mudole launch
Fatal error: Call to a member function create() on a non-object in C:\php5\bebot
\bebot-aoc\custom\modules\AOWC.php on line 88

On my phpbb version (phpbb v 3.0.1) there is no table named "phpbb_membres" and no columns named "TimeOffset" in it
I change those values in the aowc_install.php as :

Table: users
Column : user_timezone

Code: [Select]
function check_forum_table()
$table["ID_GROUP"] = "";
$table["user_timezone"] = "";
$forum_db = $this -> psettings['forum_db'];
$forum_pre = $this -> psettings['forum_pre'];
echo "Checking Forum Table...";
if($this -> psettings["forum"] == 2)
echo "PHPBB Table not Used<br>";
$check = $this -> check_table($forum_db, $forum_pre."users", array_flip($table));
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 21, 2008, 01:22:38 am
the module is currently for 0.4 you need to use the support module and put AOWC.php in /custom/04/
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Jaycoldriser on July 21, 2008, 01:25:19 am
I allready used it  ;)
ok work with the module install in \custom\modules\04
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 21, 2008, 01:31:04 am
i dont use the Table in PHPBB
Code: [Select]
if($this -> psettings["forum"] == 2)
echo "PHPBB Table not Used<br>";
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 22, 2008, 03:44:15 am
Version 1.5 Released
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 22, 2008, 06:54:43 pm
there is a bug in version 1.5
in the Bot Module (AOWC.php)
use this to Fix
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Jaycoldriser on July 22, 2008, 08:55:23 pm
Many thanks to Temar for the great job he did on this module and his support was absolutly awesome.
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 23, 2008, 03:39:34 am
Version 1.6 Released
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 26, 2008, 10:19:49 am
This version doesnt support stand alone? I have no forums...
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 26, 2008, 05:04:02 pm
version 2.0 does u can get from my SVN directory

as stated above :D
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 27, 2008, 02:23:58 am
version 2.0 does u can get from my SVN directory

as stated above :D

well it keeps referring to a login.php that doesnt exist.
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 27, 2008, 05:01:02 am
i fixed that about 9 hours ago
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 28, 2008, 05:42:20 am
I get a No database selected message.
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 28, 2008, 09:18:08 pm
AOWC in SVN and been updated (BIG change) that issue should be fixed
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 29, 2008, 11:33:46 am
I updated via svn:
The settings.php file is missing.

When I load the aowc_install.php and enter in all the details and press install I get a blank page.  What are the permissions supposed to be on the files? I have them set to 0664.

I get the follwing error when tring to load the aowc.php page.
here is my apache log:

Code: [Select]
[Mon Jul 28 21:24:06 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  aowc_user::require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required '/SSI.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /var/www/html/user.php on line 63
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 29, 2008, 01:23:17 pm
the install file will create the setting file if it doesnt exist, if you want u can just put a blank file there with same name and the install will just edit it
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Azackel on July 29, 2008, 01:33:50 pm
If you still have the '/SSI.php' error Vain and you don't use SMB or PHPBB, make sure you have

$this -> settings["user_data"] = 3;

in settings.php, or check "AOWC" as forum type in the install script

By the way, nice work Temar, really usefull !
I have some issues with access request, I'll look at it tonight, probably another mistake on my side ;)
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 29, 2008, 01:34:47 pm
i just tested with 0664 i couldnt even get th epage load, somit about access denied
Changed back to my default of 755 and worked fine,
i also fixed a bug in sql.php as it tries to get setting file even if not existing
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 29, 2008, 11:18:58 pm
Thanks, I changed my permissions to 755. It looks like the installer isnnt creating the tables in the mysql database. I am stumped as to why not.  It has to be with permissions.  I did notice that it was trying to access the mysql database as the apache user so I created a mysql user for apache with the permissions to the database. 

Still no go.
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 29, 2008, 11:29:18 pm
when i click install i get this:
Code: [Select]
SELECT setting, value FROM aowc.settings
SELECT command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost' for table 'settings'
EXPLAIN aowc.user_prefsMaking user_prefs Table...CREATE TABLE aowc.user_prefs ( `id` INTEGER(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `username` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userchar` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, `level` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `access_time` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `logtype` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `refresh` TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '1', `autosend` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `q` INTEGER(11) DEFAULT '20', `chans` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '1;1;1;1;1', `lastsend` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'gc', `lastmsg` TEXT, `refresht` INTEGER(11) DEFAULT '3', `irc_server` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '', `irc_channel` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT '#anarchyonline', `irc_nickname` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '##charname##', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))CREATE command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost' for table 'user_prefs'Done
Checking user_prefs Table...EXPLAIN aowc.user_prefsERROR: TABLE not Found
EXPLAIN aowc.settingsMaking settings Table...CREATE TABLE aowc.settings ( `setting` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL unique, `value` VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`setting`))CREATE command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost' for table 'settings'Done
Checking settings Table...EXPLAIN aowc.settingsERROR: TABLE not Found
Checking & Adding Settings...SELECT setting, value FROM aowc.settings
SELECT command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost' for table 'settings'
INSERT INTO aowc.settings (setting, value) VALUES ('online_box_top', '300')INSERT command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost' for table 'settings'INSERT INTO aowc.settings (setting, value) VALUES ('online_box_right', '0')INSERT command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost' for table 'settings'INSERT INTO aowc.settings (setting, value) VALUES ('cron_lastmsg', '0')INSERT command denied to user 'apache'@'localhost' for table 'settings'Done
EXPLAIN .usersMaking users Table...CREATE TABLE .users ( `id` INTEGER(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `username` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, `password` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL, `level` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))No database selectedDone
Checking users Table...EXPLAIN .usersERROR: TABLE not Found
Checking bot message Table...EXPLAIN bebot.web_msgERROR: TABLE not Found
Updateing settings file...Done

Install Complete v2.0 Beta r67

Latest Version: 1.6

I am getting these errors in my httpd.log I am not sure if i missed something when i compiled php from source?
Code: [Select]
[Tue Jul 29 04:35:25 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant host - assumed 'host' in /var/www/html/aowc_install.php on line 753, referer:
[Tue Jul 29 04:35:25 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  error in /var/www/html/aowc_install.php on line 721, referer:
[Tue Jul 29 04:35:25 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  error in /var/www/html/aowc_install.php on line 621, referer:
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 29, 2008, 11:40:40 pm
it usually uses the apache user if no user is defined

those error are todo with it just getting the info page from my site,
which i do have the address logged altho its a network address im asuming its you
so it still works altho it gives errors, it shouldnt affect the install
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 29, 2008, 11:52:56 pm
ok, I found one problem on my end.  I was entering in the database names into the install script all lower case.
I guess I should have known that unix is case sensitive.
Now I see that it created a settings table and user_prefs table.
But i am still getting this error.

Code: [Select]
User_prefs Table Already Exists and Doesnt Require Updating
Checking user_prefs Table...OK
settings Table Already Exists and Doesnt Require Updating
Checking settings Table...OK
Checking & Adding Settings...Done
EXPLAIN .usersMaking users Table...CREATE TABLE .users ( `id` INTEGER(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `username` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, `password` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL, `level` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))No database selectedDone
Checking users Table...EXPLAIN .usersERROR: TABLE not Found
Checking bot message Table...OK
Updateing settings file...Done

Install Complete v2.0 Beta r69

Latest Version: 1.6

Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 30, 2008, 12:44:13 am
you see were it says the table name = .users
there is nothing before the . meaning no Database was entered
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 30, 2008, 02:52:21 am
 $this -> settings["orgbot_db"] = "Bebot";
Is in the settings.php

am I missing something?
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 30, 2008, 02:57:43 am
the users table is on forum_db

sorry i havnt renamed it yet
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Vain on July 30, 2008, 12:16:37 pm

I got it working i think...

What commands / what do i need to do to get it working?
So far I register and thats it...

when I type in my username and password, I get Higher Access is Required to View this.

Ask Org for Access:

My question is what do i put in the box and what is it supposed to do?

Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on July 30, 2008, 02:44:42 pm
I have 0.5.2r17 setup with standalone php. The php for the bot went into custom/modules. Then I have Uniform Server setup with your files in the www/aowc directory. http://localhost/aowc does nothing as there is no default page. You have to http://localhost/aowc/aowc.php to get something.
What may help is if you can make me understand what these install options mean....

Forum MySQL Server: I dont have a forum
Address Server is Located at, Usually localhost

Forum MySQL Username:
Username to Connect to MySQL Server

Forum MySQL Password:
Password to Connect to MySQL Server

Bot MySQL Server: *this is bebots db connection right*
Address Server is Located at, Usually localhost

Bot MySQL Username:
Username to Connect to MySQL Server

Bot MySQL Password:
Password to Connect to MySQL Server

Forum Database: *no forum*
This is Were your Forum Tables are located

Forum Prefix:
This is the Prefix Used on the forum Tables

OrgBot Database: *hold on what's this? thought we gave you bot DB name above??
What database does your OrgBot Use

OrgBot Name: *see above
What nickname does your OrgBot Use

Online OrgBot Names: *Now I am completely lost*
What nicknames should be check for the Online list, seperate with ; and , E.G. bot1,org1;bot2,org2

AOWC Table Database: *should I create a db for aowc?*  
What Database Should the AOWC tables be made on

AOWC Table Prefix:
What prefix Should the AOWC table names use ( Not Required )

Forum Root Path: *no forum again*
This is the Internal Path for Forum

AOWC Root Path: It seems to have filled this out
This is the Internal Path for AOWC

AOWC URL: IT filled this one out as well
This is the URL for AOWC

Forum Type:  SMF  PHPBB  AOWC - yes AOWC  What type of forum is used for users

Allow New Members Access:  YesAre New user Allowed access, if no then they need to be in dif group than starting on ?????
* Will update AOWC User Table if Already Exists
* Install Bot Module on Atleast 1 Bot and Restart to have that Setting confirmed (not required) ??? restart what?* The user_prefs and settings table is made on same Server as forum - I think I understand this
* AOWC user mode uses Forum Server Settings - I dont understand this at all
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on July 30, 2008, 03:20:10 pm
Not one to give up lightly,

I tried 0.4_Support.php in custom\core and put AOWC.php into custom\04. It loaded it then dumped with an error at this line in AOWC.php.
   $this -> bot -> core("irc") -> ircmsg[] = &$this;
chat [CORE] [ERROR] Error module 'irc' does not exist or is not loaded.

So I commented the line out and it loaded. Still no worky worky.


Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 30, 2008, 03:27:34 pm

I got it working i think...

What commands / what do i need to do to get it working?
So far I register and thats it...

when I type in my username and password, I get Higher Access is Required to View this.

Ask Org for Access:

My question is what do i put in the box and what is it supposed to do?


you can iver turn it off in the install


when u ask for access it will send a message to your org chat, and perminent or temporary access can be given

i plan on adding other ways after i got admin section done
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 30, 2008, 03:38:49 pm
Forum MySQL Server: I dont have a forum  this is also used for the tables made and used by aowc webside
Address Server is Located at, Usually localhost

Forum MySQL Username:
Username to Connect to MySQL Server

Forum MySQL Password:
Password to Connect to MySQL Server

Bot MySQL Server: *this is bebots db connection right* yes
Address Server is Located at, Usually localhost

Bot MySQL Username:
Username to Connect to MySQL Server

Bot MySQL Password:
Password to Connect to MySQL Server

Forum Database: *no forum* this is also used for the tables made and used by aowc webside
This is Were your Forum Tables are located

Forum Prefix:
This is the Prefix Used on the forum Tables

OrgBot Database: *hold on what's this? no you havent you gave the server connection details not the database
What database does your OrgBot Use

OrgBot Name: *see above this is the character name of your bot (this is currently case sensative)
What nickname does your OrgBot Use

Online OrgBot Names: *Now I am completely lost*you can just put your botname, the example is how to do it for milti orgs
What nicknames should be check for the Online list, seperate with ; and , E.G. bot1,org1;bot2,org2

AOWC Table Database: *should I create a db for aowc?*thats up 2 you, but i plan on merging the option for forum_db and aowc_db so keep that in mind
What Database Should the AOWC tables be made on

AOWC Table Prefix:
What prefix Should the AOWC table names use ( Not Required )

Forum Root Path: *no forum again* not required then
This is the Internal Path for Forum

AOWC Root Path: It seems to have filled this out
This is the Internal Path for AOWC

AOWC URL: IT filled this one out as well
This is the URL for AOWC

Forum Type:  SMF  PHPBB  AOWC - yes AOWC What type of forum is used for users

Allow New Members Access:  YesAre New user Allowed access, if no then they need to be in dif group than starting on Huh??user have same level to start with regardless of this setting, but this setting allows the default level to use AOWC
* Will update AOWC User Table if Already Exists
* Install Bot Module on Atleast 1 Bot and Restart to have that Setting confirmed (not required) Huh restart what?youor org bot after putting the module in it
* The user_prefs and settings table is made on same Server as forum - I think I understand this
* AOWC user mode uses Forum Server Settings - if you use mode AOWC for users, it uses connection details for forum for the tables
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 30, 2008, 03:41:21 pm
that means you dont have the IRC module loaded yet
this can be cause by putting it in /core/
and the moule doesnt require support module anymore its been updated
IRC.php is in /modules/ so is loaded after /core/ module
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on July 30, 2008, 04:28:24 pm
After four hours.... its working!!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D

To install standalone you need to do the following...

There is not a guide on what needs to go where first. The bot must be already working before adding AOWC. In this example I am using bebot-hyperborean 0.5.2 r17 with the suggested php package. I am running AOWC Lite 2.0 on Uniform Server (php/mysql/apache) under Windows Vista.
a) create the aowc user with mysql database of same name and grant all priviledges
b) download AOWC lite 2.0, run the aowc_install.php.
c) put the bot\AOWC.php in bebot\custom\modules direcotory
d) restart the bot.
e) Bring up the main page http://localhost/aowc/aowc.php and register a new user
f) Login and see how you go.

Their is no default page for http://localhost/aowc so you need to specify http://localhost/aowc/aowc.php for the moment.

aowc_install.php is sensitive and needs to be done in a certain way to complete without errors. Not sure why forum db name is required however the installation SQL commands show errors without it. Here is a guide to the install page.

Forum MySQL Server: localhost
Forum MySQL Username: aowc
Forum MySQL Password: *********
Bot MySQL Server: localhost
Bot MySQL Username: bebot
Bot MySQL Password: ***********
Forum Database: aowc
OrgBot Database: bebot
OrgBot Name: bbchat (case sensitive)
Online OrgBot Names: bbchat
AOWC Table Database: aowc
AOWC Root Path: Leave as default unless its wrong
AOWC URL: Leave as default unless its wrong
Forum Type:  AOWC
Allow New Members Access:  Yes

I hope that helps :-)


Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on July 30, 2008, 05:47:13 pm
Just noticed if you add an entry in our hosts file for another site name such as pointing to Then if you try to access AOWC using that site name you can register but the chat never comes up. http://localhost works.


Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on July 30, 2008, 06:49:49 pm
the URL is used for auto-refresh etc action that dont required reloading of the page, which is done by calling another page at the URL you say, so the url has to be readable by the user and the location of the files

localhost would onl work for the user that on the same machine
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on August 01, 2008, 09:26:04 am
Just noticed if you add an entry in our hosts file for another site name such as pointing to Then if you try to access AOWC using that site name you can register but the chat never comes up. http://localhost works.

This was because I needed to update the URL in settings.php. My fault for not doing this. Its all working now. Learning fast...

Now lets see if I can get joomla CMS integration working for username/password. Need it for my site. How do I go about working on your code? just go ahead and use SVN or have to ask your permission? Would like to create a Wiki entry for installing this as well.

After that want to enable tells and online user list on RHS.


Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 01, 2008, 12:33:34 pm
i have unlocked the SVN server
u can commit your changes and ill have a look
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on August 01, 2008, 09:36:12 pm
Some wiki-ness

Bebot chat not come up white.
Enable Send/Recieve tells from AOWC
Online user list
Bring up item information in new window from itemref:// links. (Bot to query server)
Webauth integration with Joomla

Bugfix Todo
!quotes not appearing in webchat
Ignore empty line from AOWC
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 07, 2008, 04:30:56 am
Some wiki-ness

Bebot chat not come up white.  not sure what you mean
Enable Send/Recieve tells from AOWC
Online user list
Bring up item information in new window from itemref:// links. (Bot to query server) it currently Links Items to Auno altho there maybe a few bugs with the detection
Webauth integration with Joomla

Bugfix Todo
!quotes not appearing in webchat whats not apearing?
Ignore empty line from AOWC  yer sending blank msg should be stoped will do soon  Done
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: clashbot on August 09, 2008, 03:51:29 pm
I am guessing this is another one of those modules that I would have to have the forum db and the bot db on the same machine. I am running an smf/tp org forum on a hosting site, while running the bots from a local computer here. I've uploaded the files, I've set the permissions to allow the execution of scripts, and when I type in the address for the aowc_install I get a blank page. I've set permissions for all the php files for read/write/execute.
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 09, 2008, 04:23:19 pm
in version 2.0 (available from SVN) u can use dif host for forum/aowc tables and Bot tables
No this doesnt require a Forum, it has a built in login system if you dont use a forum
going to aowc_install.php should work fine as far as i know
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: clashbot on August 09, 2008, 04:28:05 pm
yeah I downloaded the 2.0 the install php just displays a blank page. I just noticed that there are two <?php ... ?> sections separated by the html css, could this be causing the problem?
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: clashbot on August 09, 2008, 04:32:16 pm
ok removing the first php set and the stylesheet I get this errror:

Fatal error: Class install_aowc: Cannot inherit from undefined class sql in /home/content/g/w/y/gwyndion6977/html/personal/ascension/ascforum/aowc/aowc_install.php on line 3
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 09, 2008, 04:37:09 pm
that error is prob cuz u just removed require("sql.php")
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: clashbot on August 09, 2008, 04:49:14 pm
lol..should pay attention to what I delete...but with it in there nothing errors or anything
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: clashbot on August 09, 2008, 04:58:46 pm
replaced the file with the default...still no joy
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on August 10, 2008, 04:26:21 am
I looked through the code. Man im just having trouble figuring out what is going on. I can read the PHP but the overall picture is very confusing to me as I don't understand bebot. I'm willing but pretty fresh to OO PHP programming. I understand the hooks providing new commands but dont really understand what is going on inside those hooks in relation to bebot.

Bebot chat not come up white.  not sure what you mean?
All bot chat comes up white in channel. Is that a bebot setting - ill look?
Can we have a setting for the [WEB] tag.

Enable Send/Recieve tells from AOWC
How to find the person behind the bot.... hmmm. Maybe they put name: message and the bot puts it in a new privmsg table for aowc to pickup.

Online user list - Does bebot keep an online user list inside a table?

Bring up item information in new window from itemref:// links. (Bot to query server) it currently Links Items to Auno altho there maybe a few bugs with the detection
Auno? whats Auno? Yeah it only picks up one, more than one link in the same line doesnt appear to work. I mean so web users can click on the item and get info in a new browser popup.

Webauth integration with Joomla
This ones mine when I get SVN working and learn some more.

Bugfix Todo
!quotes not appearing in webchat whats not appearing? - I need to verify against latest code
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 10, 2008, 05:23:27 am
I looked through the code. Man im just having trouble figuring out what is going on. I can read the PHP but the overall picture is very confusing to me as I don't understand bebot. I'm willing but pretty fresh to OO PHP programming. I understand the hooks providing new commands but dont really understand what is going on inside those hooks in relation to bebot.

Bebot chat not come up white.  not sure what you mean?
All bot chat comes up white in channel. Is that a bebot setting - ill look?
Can we have a setting for the [WEB] tag. output uses the default color, if your bot uses white normally then it will use white, yes ill add a setting to change [WEB] to whateva u want

Enable Send/Recieve tells from AOWC
How to find the person behind the bot.... hmmm. Maybe they put name: message and the bot puts it in a new privmsg table for aowc to pickup.the same table is fine, i can eaasily add it when i get time and done with more important stuff

Online user list - Does bebot keep an online user list inside a table?yes the Box with the list in uses the table, i may add !online command in future but not important due to online box

Bring up item information in new window from itemref:// links. (Bot to query server) it currently Links Items to Auno altho there maybe a few bugs with the detection
Auno? whats Auno? Yeah it only picks up one, more than one link in the same line doesnt appear to work. I mean so web users can click on the item and get info in a new browser popup.Auno is for AO, i will do some research into AoC Items

Webauth integration with Joomla
This ones mine when I get SVN working and learn some more.

Bugfix Todo
!quotes not appearing in webchat whats not appearing? - I need to verify against latest code
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on August 11, 2008, 12:12:56 pm

Online Users depends on online_orgbot_names being defined. If its not you get nothing. Once I defined this value it worked a treat... well except for the fact there are many more users online than those in the list. I turned off a few things in bebot that may need to be turned back on.

Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: jarvil on August 11, 2008, 04:18:46 pm
AOWC Settings
Color settings for AOWC. Text, Background and Page Background. Would like to set page background to black for the moment as it would look a whole lot better.

The async data exchange and javascript, thats some nice code Temar. Your a wiz man :-) I only know PHP hehe and was looking into how to do what you are doing. I read up about Ajax and figured thats the way to do it but had no idea how it was done. Sweet stuff.

Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Foxy on August 14, 2008, 04:11:31 am
couple of issues:

Trying to install Vers 2
Done all database settings correct

but when i ran install i got

Install Complete v2.0 Beta r102

Fatal error: Call to undefined function socket_create() in C:\wamp\www\aoc\aowc_install.php on line 757

If i just goto the aoc page i get

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\wamp\www\aoc\aowc.php on line 278

My setup Is windows Xp SP3 running WAmpServer, the server runs ok as i host a joomla website on it too and many other sites.

Im guessing there maybe a setting i have missed out.

any ideas

Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 14, 2008, 06:40:15 am
well the 1st error is from the end of install when it gets latest info from my site, this wont affect the install

as for the aowc.php error i cant see anything wrong and it works fine 4 me and most orgs
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Foxy on August 14, 2008, 01:44:51 pm
just dropped database and settings.php

and filled in again

Making user_prefs Table...Done
Checking user_prefs Table...OK
Making settings Table...Done
Checking settings Table...OK
Checking & Adding Settings...Done
Making users Table...Done
Checking users Table...OK
Checking bot message Table...OK
Updateing settings file...Done

but still getting parse error on aowc.php

In settings.php i have the following

Code: [Select]
// AOWC Settings

$this -> settings["forum_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$this -> settings["forum_sql_username"] = 'aowc';
$this -> settings["forum_sql_password"] = '******';
$this -> settings["bot_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$this -> settings["bot_sql_username"] = 'bebot';
$this -> settings["bot_sql_password"] = '*******';
$this -> settings["forum_pre"] = '';
$this -> settings["forum_db"] = 'aowc';
$this -> settings["orgbot_db"] = 'bebot';
$this -> settings["orgbot_name"] = 'Anacon';
$this -> settings["online_orgbot_names"] = '';
$this -> settings["orgbot_names"] = ';';
$this -> settings["aowc_db"] = 'aowc';
$this -> settings["aowc_pre"] = '';
$this -> settings["login_table"] = '';
$this -> settings["loginbots_prefix"] = '';
$this -> settings["orgchat"] = TRUE;
$this -> settings["loginchat"] = FALSE;
$this -> settings["forum_root"] = 'C:wampwwwaoc';
$this -> settings["aowc_root"] = 'C:wampwwwaoc';
$this -> settings["aowc_url"] = 'http://localhost/aoc';
$this -> settings["user_data"] = 3;
$this -> settings["allow_new"] = TRUE;

Using Files from -

Trying to get to work with AOC

Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Naghachian on August 14, 2008, 02:47:13 pm
i just get a completely empty page when i load the aowc.php or index.php regardless of what computer i load it from....

is this some kind of PHP error on my side ?

i use IIS6, PHP5 and MySQL

edit : a phpinfo file works perfectly, but i also noticed that i cannot CHMOD the files included in AOWC.
they are all 666 and i thought i changed them to 755 but when i look them up nothing has happened.

I understand that this has nothing to do with AOWC or bebot specifically but does anyone here know why this happens ?
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 14, 2008, 04:33:41 pm
foxy shouldnt the forum and aowc root be mroe like c:\wampwwwaoc
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Foxy on August 15, 2008, 01:40:37 am
when i set in settings it is set to C:\wamp\www\aoc
but seems after i run the install it adds it like = C:wampwwwaoc which i thought was odd too, but thought i leave it as it does it

but even when changed it still gets parse error

Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Naghachian on August 15, 2008, 01:28:56 pm
i just get a completely empty page when i load the aowc.php or index.php regardless of what computer i load it from....

is this some kind of PHP error on my side ?

i use IIS6, PHP5 and MySQL

edit : a phpinfo file works perfectly, but i also noticed that i cannot CHMOD the files included in AOWC.
they are all 666 and i thought i changed them to 755 but when i look them up nothing has happened.

I understand that this has nothing to do with AOWC or bebot specifically but does anyone here know why this happens ?

I can add that when i run the install file everything works fine.... its when i try to run index.php or aowc.php that i get a blank page.

PHP doesnt log any errors and the page source is 0byte large.

result of installation :
User_prefs Table Already Exists and Doesnt Require Updating
Checking user_prefs Table...OK
settings Table Already Exists and Doesnt Require Updating
Checking settings Table...OK
Checking & Adding Settings...Done
PHPBB Table not Used
Checking bot message Table...OK
Updateing settings file...Done
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Temar on August 16, 2008, 04:01:36 am
Ok i think i solved the problem of Blank pages and unexpected errors even so code seems fine
i installed apache on my laptop to test with windows as i normally use my Linux server
i got lots of errors
the problm was apparently me putting <? instead of <?php
so just redownload the SVN copy and it should be ok
Title: Re: AOWC
Post by: Naghachian on August 18, 2008, 04:35:49 pm
thanks Temar, it works like a charm now :D

wonderful module, good job
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Vain on September 04, 2008, 10:27:10 pm
I am getting Duplicate entry '0' for key 2
when trying to register...

Any suggestions?
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Vain on September 04, 2008, 11:05:01 pm
It lets me register the initial person but after that I get the Duplicate entry '0' for key 2 whenever someone else tries to register.

The problem is that when a new user registers it doesnt assign a value to the char_id table. it leaves it at 0, so the next person to register gets the error.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 05, 2008, 07:27:23 am
the id field should be auto incremental
code that makes it looks ok, ill do some testing tomorrow
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Mardonge on September 10, 2008, 02:41:12 pm
Interesting work here, I'll have to try this one out when I get home from work if my line is up again by then.
Just one question... What phpBB versions are supported for user db? 2.x or 3.x?
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 10, 2008, 02:46:40 pm
this doesnt user the DB for phpBB all the data required was in the arrays provided by forum
this was made useing 3.x no idea if will work with 2.x
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Vain on September 10, 2008, 09:39:15 pm
the id field should be auto incremental
code that makes it looks ok, ill do some testing tomorrow

Any word Temar?
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 10, 2008, 10:05:19 pm
well i check my table just and id is set to auto incremental, please check you table
if its not set, set it to autoincremental
if the problem is not caused by this it will prob be the module its self and ill check it
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Vain on September 12, 2008, 12:35:21 am
well i check my table just and id is set to auto incremental, please check you table
if its not set, set it to autoincremental
if the problem is not caused by this it will prob be the module its self and ill check it

users.char_id or is set to autoincrement but users.char_id is not.

Let me clear a few things up. it is using the same table that the bot uses for org members. Is it supposed to have its own table?
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 12:38:01 am
char_id ? i dont use a column called that and never have as far as i can remember
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 12:41:14 am
its has its own table lol :p
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Vain on September 12, 2008, 12:48:52 am
ok i must have my settings wrong....

Code: [Select]
$this -> settings["forum_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$this -> settings["forum_sql_username"] = 'Bebot';
$this -> settings["forum_sql_password"] = 'xxxxx';
$this -> settings["bot_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$this -> settings["bot_sql_username"] = 'Bebot';
$this -> settings["bot_sql_password"] = 'xxxxx';
$this -> settings["forum_pre"] = '';
$this -> settings["forum_db"] = 'bebot';
$this -> settings["orgbot_db"] = 'bebot';
$this -> settings["orgbot_name"] = 'Havocbot';
$this -> settings["online_orgbot_names"] = 'Havocbot';
$this -> settings["orgbot_names"] = 'Havocbot;Havocbot';
$this -> settings["twc_db"] = 'twc';
$this -> settings["twc_pre"] = '';
$this -> settings["login_table"] = '';
$this -> settings["loginbots_prefix"] = '';
$this -> settings["orgchat"] = TRUE;
$this -> settings["loginchat"] = FALSE;
$this -> settings["forum_root"] = '/var/www/twc';
$this -> settings["twc_root"] = '/var/www/twc';
$this -> settings["twc_url"] = '';
$this -> settings["user_data"] = 3;
$this -> settings["allow_new"] = FALSE;

For some reason its using the bebot table.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 12:57:19 am
$this -> settings["forum_db"] = 'bebot';
this is the DB setting for the user table, yes i know there is also a twc_db ill fix it soon :p

If useing twc user mode and not a forum
all forum setting like database are used for the user table it makes
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Vain on September 12, 2008, 01:00:38 am
Thanks Temar!

I changed the forum db to twc and it works great now.
I was unaware that for a forumless install this is where the users are stored.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Vain on September 12, 2008, 01:03:50 am
Although when i goto the install script script, I see an option for create superadmin.

When I click on the link i get:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare select() (previously declared in /var/www/twc/sql.php:42) in /var/www/twc/sql.php on line 42
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 01:05:00 am
yer im currently in the process of rewriting it alot, this issue will no longer exists when im done
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 01:06:46 am
if u want to manualy give your self superadmin change ur level to 5 in the user_prefs table
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on October 02, 2008, 04:49:10 am
TWC 2.0 Released, also for those with SVN links to latest the addresses have changed to you will have to checkout again
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Elesar1 on October 03, 2008, 03:54:40 pm
With both 2.0 and 2.1 I just get a white screen when I go to URL/install/index.php
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on October 03, 2008, 04:36:07 pm
i just tested 2.1 useing linux and window and all seems fine
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Elesar1 on October 03, 2008, 04:47:15 pm
hmm, will re-DL and try on localhost first....maybe something with my hosting package doesn't like it.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Elesar1 on October 04, 2008, 07:55:59 pm
Tried it out on an XAMPP install on my laptop and it works fine, but for some reason, it will not work on my Linux/GoDaddy hosting. I have installed two forums and a wiki there with no issue, but this just shows a white screen.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Elesar1 on October 07, 2008, 07:53:16 am
Got it up and running!

Two quick questions though.

1: I run a DB Relay with two bots.
Is it possible to have TWC relay to both, or am I going to have to setup a copy of it for the other guild to talk to their chat, and not have relay of web chat cross-alliance?
I have tried listing multiple bots in the online orgbot and orgbot fields, separated by , ; and space, but it will only ever work on one bot at a time.

2: Is there a setting I overlooked somewhere to disable the in-game link to the TWC information? Credit to authors is fine on the Web side, but in game, getting a bright orange link every time someone says something is a little annoying.
I would like to set it to just preface the web chat with [WEB] or something similar.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on October 07, 2008, 09:49:27 am
1: I run a DB Relay with two bots.
Is it possible to have TWC relay to both, or am I going to have to setup a copy of it for the other guild to talk to their chat, and not have relay of web chat cross-alliance?
I have tried listing multiple bots in the online orgbot and orgbot fields, separated by , ; and space, but it will only ever work on one bot at a time.
i have planned improvment to better support relay, this will be soon, if u dont want to wait u will have to put the module on the bot for each org, which works well u just have to edit the setting on the bot to use the same botname as the 1st org
2: Is there a setting I overlooked somewhere to disable the in-game link to the TWC information? Credit to authors is fine on the Web side, but in game, getting a bright orange link every time someone says something is a little annoying.
I would like to set it to just preface the web chat with [WEB] or something similar.
i didnt think that small link would be a problem as its just a small link but i will add a setting or somit if you want
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Elesar1 on October 07, 2008, 03:33:56 pm
Thank you. Though it is small, it is painfully bright compared to the majority of the other chat text, so it is annoying some of my members. (My guild consists of mostly aged 30+ players, some in the 60's)
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on October 07, 2008, 05:33:14 pm
the [TWC] part is color of highlight, i can easily change that instead if its the color not the link
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Elesar1 on October 08, 2008, 06:25:12 am
Yep, all about the color, just doesn't fit with the softer green and yellows of the rest of the chat that is happening. Rather distracting to some of my users.

Other than that, the module seems to work great other than the fact that I have to run it off of my home server. It will not install on my GoDaddy host, just gives a white screen when I go to the install page.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on October 10, 2008, 07:08:18 am
ok i hav add schemes for the colors so u can change to anything you want now
i hav also added relay support all u have to do is turn on in settings twc
relay is untested tho
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: clashbot on October 10, 2008, 03:52:57 pm
Got it up and running!

ok, how did you get it working with your gdaddy account?
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Elesar1 on October 14, 2008, 10:19:01 pm
I didn't, I had to end up running it on a local server (same as the bots) and using no-ip and a link on my main guild site to forward them to the chat.

This worked for about a day until Verizon discovered me hosting on a DSL line and blocked all possible hosting, so now I have no TWC or possibility for it, as I cannot connect to my DB from an outside IP anymore.

I can use TWC from a LAN computer, but nothing outside of my LAN can access the bot's DB to interface with them.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on October 23, 2008, 07:33:02 am
TWC 2.1 Beta has been Released is Alot of improvments including Latest Version checks and internal Upgrade
more details and downloads at
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: jimango on November 11, 2008, 09:06:36 am
I have tried to find an answer to this problem but cant figure it out..

This is the message i get when i try to install:

# Checking bot message Table... TABLE not Found

Table 'bebot.twc_msgs' doesn't exist

    * Updateing settings file...
      Warning: fopen(../settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in ............../install/install.php on line 500

      Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in .............../install.php on line 501

      Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in .............../install.php on line 502
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on November 11, 2008, 03:42:46 pm
the table gets made by your bot when you load 1 of your bots after putting the TWC.php module from /bot/ on your bot

and it loooks like the your user prob www-data doesnt have permission to create a file in the root diretory of TWC get your folder permissions
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: jimango on November 11, 2008, 04:36:30 pm
ah.. that sounds right yes.. then i can fix it..

thank you!

Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on November 16, 2008, 08:24:02 am
2.1 Released
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on November 16, 2008, 04:47:28 pm
ive noticed alot of people that get TWC are not english as main language
there for im going to add support for diferent languages
but i only speak english so im going to get a list of words/sentences and post them all here for some 1 to translate for me
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on November 16, 2008, 05:39:12 pm
Code: [Select]
["login req"] = "Login is Required to View this";
$txt["acc req nor"] = "You have Requested Access but no one has Replied yet";
$txt["acc req to"] = "You have Requested Access but no one has Replied and it has Timed out";
$txt["acc req dec"] = "You have Requested Access but have been Declined";
$txt["acc exp"] = "Your Temporary Access has Expired";
$txt["need higher acc"] = "Higher Access is Required to View this";
$txt["msg notf"] = "Message not found";
$txt["no blob"] = "Message has no Blob";
$txt["ur banned"] = "You are Banned";
$txt["reload ar"] = "Reload Page to See Access Request Form";
$txt["no msgs"] = "No Messages";
$txt["online"] = "Online";
$txt["monline"] = "Members Online";
$txt["no1 online"] = "No 1 is Online";
$txt["msgs"] = "Messages";
$txt["mod already reg"] = "Module &rep1& is Already Registered by another Module.";
$txt["mod not exist"] = "Module &rep1& does not exist or is not loaded.";
$txt["logged out"] = "Logged out...";
$txt["hack"] = "Hack attempt....";
$txt["bk2main"] = "Back to Main";
$txt["prefs saved"] = "Prefs Saved";
$txt["save"] = "Save";
$txt["no settings file"] = "No Settings File Found Please Run Install";
$txt["updated files"] = "Updated Files Detected Please Run Install to Update";
$txt["unknown sendt"] = "Error Unknown SendType";
$txt["use index"] = "Include File only, use index.php";
$txt["reload"] = "Click here to Reload";
$txt["logged in as"] = "You are logged in as";
$txt["logout"] = "Logout";
$txt["install"] = "Install";
$txt["ask org for acc"] = "Ask Org for Access";
$txt["ask for acc"] = "Ask for Access";
$txt["later rel"] = "A later release is Available";
$txt["act chat"] = "Activate Chat";
$txt["prefs"] = "Preferances";
$txt["admin"] = "Admin";
$txt["lastmsg"] = "lastmsg";
$txt["reload 4 acc req"] = "Reload Page to See Access Request Form";
$txt["must be num"] = "Error: value must be a Number!";
$txt["unknown type"] = "Error Unknown Type";
$txt["unknown user type"] = "Unknown User Data Type";
$txt["username"] = "Username";
$txt["password"] = "Password";
$txt["reg"] = "Register";
$txt["cpassword"] = "Confirm Password";
$txt["case sens min5"] = "case Sensitive, min 5";
$txt["cant find uname"] = "Unable to Find Username";
$txt["wrong uname pw"] = "Incorrect username/password. Please, try again";
$txt["2pw not same"] = "The 2 Passwords you Entered Were not the same";
$txt["min5 error"] = "The Password must be Atleast 5 Characters Long";
$txt["uname taken"] = "That username is Already Taken";
$txt["setting saved"] = "Settings Saved";
$txt["sa only"] = "SuperAdmin Only!";
$txt["version"] = "Version";
$txt["twc f login"] = "TWC Forum Login Details";
$txt["upgrade twc"] = "Upgrade TWC";
$txt["error get vers"] = "Error Getting available Versions";
$txt["checking folders"] = "Checking all Folders";
$txt["source"] = "Source";
$txt["created"] = "Created";
$txt["failed"] = "Failed";
$txt["already exists"] = "Already Exists";
$txt["files"] = "Files";
$txt["check rem failed"] = "Check on remote File Failed!";
$txt["file not w"] = "The file is not writable";
$txt["file updated"] = "File Updated";
$txt["a only"] = "Admin Only!";
$txt["member lvl saved"] = "Member Levels Saved";
$txt["smf phpbb member notice"] = "Note: User may have Higher Access Given by SMF/PHPBB forum (support for those levels coming soon)";
$txt["cant change"] = "Unable to Change";
$txt["change"] = "Change";
$txt["has xx access"] = "has &rep1& Access";
$txt["test ok"] = "Test OK";

the &rep1& in the output text will be replaced when output with apropriate value eg a username

That should be most of it exept install folder
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: jimango on November 23, 2008, 12:20:22 pm
I can translate it to norwegian =)
If that may help ;)

i actualy started on it, and will finish it by tomorrow :)

Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on November 23, 2008, 06:47:42 pm
ok i have changed the above post to how i want langage files formated
i have already done English as i can see and i also have french
any other such as yours jimango seen to be in the format above
you can simple get that above and replace the part after the =
as for file name please use the language as part of name eg english.php french.php
and please post on
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: jimango on November 24, 2008, 01:47:33 am
btw i never got this mod to work, i got a little further.. but it still sais permission denied.

this is the message now:
* Updateing settings file...
      Warning: fopen(../settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in ............../install/install.php on line 500

      Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in .............../install.php on line 501

      Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in .............../install.php on line 502

i have the bebot installer under the same user as the forum, so i dont see why i get permission denied now :|
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on November 24, 2008, 02:15:45 am
usually apache is run by www-data
the folder need to be writeable by the apache user

you can try creating the File your self if you want, here is mine

This is the Setup for TWC user mode not a forum
ofc  you need to change stuff like url
Code: [Select]
// TWC Settings

$settings["forum_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$settings["forum_sql_username"] = '';
$settings["forum_sql_password"] = '';
$settings["bot_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$settings["bot_sql_username"] = '';
$settings["bot_sql_password"] = '';
$settings["forum_pre"] = 'twc_';
$settings["forum_db"] = 'twc';
$settings["orgbot_db"] = 'Bots';
$settings["twc_db"] = 'twc';
$settings["twc_pre"] = 'twc_';
$settings["login_table"] = '';
$settings["loginbots_prefix"] = '';
$settings["orgchat"] = TRUE;
$settings["loginchat"] = FALSE;
$settings["forum_root"] = 'C:\Users\temar\Documents\SVN\twc\trunk';
$settings["twc_root"] = 'C:\Users\temar\Documents\SVN\twc\trunk';
$settings["twc_url"] = '';
$settings["user_data"] = 3;

////////// Do not Edit Below this line /////////////

$settings["installedv"] = 202.006;
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: jimango on November 24, 2008, 03:31:47 am
i did it ;)

i simply logged in as root to my server and:

chown -R www-data chat
chgrp -R www-data chat

Title: Re: TWC
Post by: xen on May 03, 2009, 01:30:46 pm
Is TWC still available somewhere and does it work with the latest version of Bebot? The website seems to be down...
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on May 03, 2009, 05:25:17 pm
ah yer the website, the domain is offline becuse lycos shutdown all its hosting
and im jobless at moment so dont have the spare money to have it transfered
ill try sort out a temp site
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on May 04, 2009, 12:06:01 pm
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: xen on May 09, 2009, 05:10:02 pm
Thanks Temar, appreciate it.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Wizhk on May 11, 2009, 03:36:58 am
No matter how much I try I can never get the Download to accept my Username and Password.
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on May 11, 2009, 06:07:03 am
i created a new login and tested, 2.1 worked fine, 2.2 link was bugged and now fixed
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on February 02, 2011, 03:21:00 pm
TWC added as Attachment
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Oolwe on June 07, 2011, 10:42:00 am

After a fresh install i have installed TWC without error, but when i connect to the chat page:

No Settings File Found Please Run Install

In which file the installer store information like pass, mysql user etc pls ? (settings.php?) Can anyone give me the good syntax of the file for a manual edit pls ?

in my bebot database:
- twc_msgs -> contain all guild chat messages
- mybotname_settings -> two TWC options: relay and botname

in twc database, 3 tables empty:
- settings
- users
- user_prefs

need help pls ;)
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on June 08, 2011, 05:54:44 am
this is 1 of my settings files, this is setup for smf forum
Code: [Select]
// TWC Settings

$settings["forum_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$settings["forum_sql_username"] = '****';
$settings["forum_sql_password"] = '****';
$settings["bot_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$settings["bot_sql_username"] = '****';
$settings["bot_sql_password"] = '****';
$settings["forum_pre"] = 'smf_';
$settings["forum_db"] = 'bangbot_smf';
$settings["orgbot_db"] = 'shared';
$settings["twc_db"] = 'bangbot_smf';
$settings["twc_pre"] = 'twc_';
$settings["login_table"] = '';
$settings["loginbots_prefix"] = '';
$settings["orgchat"] = TRUE;
$settings["loginchat"] = FALSE;
$settings["forum_root"] = '/var/www/bangbot/smf';
$settings["twc_root"] = '/var/www/bangbot/twc';
$settings["twc_url"] = '';
$settings["user_data"] = 1;

////////// Do not Edit Below this line /////////////

$settings["installedv"] = 202.027;

for internal user system, use forum vaiable still for info on were to find user database
and put

Code: [Select]
$settings["user_data"] = 3;
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Oolwe on June 08, 2011, 09:44:40 am

much tanks for your feedback, i have change permission to the folder to be writable by everybody and installer created the file as intended:

Code: [Select]
// TWC Settings

$settings["forum_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$settings["forum_sql_username"] = 'twc';
$settings["forum_sql_password"] = '*****';
$settings["bot_sql_server"] = 'localhost';
$settings["bot_sql_username"] = 'bebot_user';
$settings["bot_sql_password"] = '******';
$settings["forum_pre"] = '';
$settings["forum_db"] = 'twc';
$settings["orgbot_db"] = 'bebot';
$settings["twc_db"] = 'twc';
$settings["twc_pre"] = '';
$settings["login_table"] = '';
$settings["loginbots_prefix"] = '';
$settings["orgchat"] = TRUE;
$settings["loginchat"] = FALSE;
$settings["forum_root"] = '/var/www/htdocs/twc';
$settings["twc_root"] = '/var/www/htdocs/twc';
$settings["twc_url"] = '';
$settings["user_data"] = 3;

////////// Do not Edit Below this line /////////////

$settings["installedv"] = 202.027;

i have created a user and can login to the interface, when i write messages nothing appear in guild chat/console, do i have to make some tweak from the ingame bot to make it work ? Also i don't understand the importance of IRC.php, does it need to be loaded ? actually it is but from guild chat irc say not connected.

IRC.php location:
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Temar on June 08, 2011, 11:45:31 am
go under the setting area and find adition options, some like botname are under there
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Oolwe on June 08, 2011, 12:20:36 pm
Much tanks Temar it works, i'll put a complete noob guide here later ;)
Title: Re: TWC
Post by: Oolwe on June 10, 2011, 08:58:54 pm

I'v noticed a little bug with accentued characteres (ex: é à ô) while interface is in french and AUTO-REFRESH is set to ON they are replaced by ?.

As soon as i turn auto-refresh off, they appear normally. tested with Firefox and IE.

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