Development > Generic custom modules
Instance Bound Tracker b2.x.x
so to get rid of the old bound php file i just delete it restart bot and then add the new one and restart the bot ?
im just trying to understand how to do this correctly so i dont screw things up.
i have no idea on how to do this part
"To get this new version work, altering of mysql table is needed. Best is to just remove them and let script create them again.
Old data isnt much usable as the rewritten is completed different."
thanks for any help that you can give me
You need to remove the table in MySQL..
Table is then created on botstartup again.
* Stop bot
* Remove botname_bound + botname_bound_instances
* Replace old bound.php with new
* Start bot
i figures it out thanks for all the help
Anyone can link their Bound file? Links here are all dead to me.
Its not much needed anymore since there is a lockout window in age of conan. Still I have updated this module to work with all raids up to Tier 6 and I also added the Raid Finder main quest cooldown.
If your bot already runs this module you need to reset the "bound_instance" and "bound" tables.
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