Development > Generic custom modules

EQDKP - ingame query module (v3.0.3)

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EQDKP - in game query module

With this module you can query EQDKP database in game. (Tested on EQDKP Plus
Module based on function requested in this topic:

Feel free to give feedback or build on this module as long you give some creds ;)

[Download latest stable 3.x] Read/Write used on own risk
[Download latest stable 2.x] Read only

Language files: (Stored in BOTFOLDER/extra/language (Create folder if not exist))
[English] v2 v3
[German] v2 v3 - Thanks to Margon aka Puseidr @ Asgard AoC
[Norwegian] v2 v3 - For whoever wants that :P

NOTE: I don't use EQDKP or EQDKP Plus so i don't have much experience with the system and not much interest on it without just helping out :P
The module have become bigger then expected and i will keep coding as long its fun for me ;)

Release History

--- Quote ---2011-04-15 - v3.0.4
 + Add if in same instance, dont show raidinv....   
 + Fixed raid_note with html chars.
 + Added rank on get_list. Changed colorcodes, using gmod_(getrix module) in !color gmod
2009-11-18 - v3.0.3 - Added first writing to EQDKP function, raid signup ingame. !!NOTE: Use on own risk!!

2009-11-13 - v2.0.3 - Fixed bug when there wasnt any signed for a raid.
2009-10-19 - v2.0.2 - Fixed order bug. Minor change in DB function
2009-10-19 - v2.0.1 - Fixed order bug in signup.
2009-10-18 - v2.0.0 - Added multi-language support. !set EQdkp language <en|de> (Note: Restart needed if you change. And the new language files to put in extra/language/ (Create folder if not exist) )
2009-10-18 - v1.9.9 - Cleaned up the code and changed release versioning to "Incrementing sequences"
2009-10-17 - v1.4.0 - Added "!dkp raid <raid_id> notes <member_id>". This is placed after nick in "!dkp raid <raid_id>" as clickable [Notes] link.
2009-10-16 - v1.3.3 - Changed Raid/Group invite only shows if the player is online. Added German class shortcuts.
2009-10-16 - v1.3.2 - Fixed bug in RaidDetails with Raid/Group invite not showing up. Bad coding by me:(
2009-10-16 - v1.3.1 - Fixed "Distribution" bug in !dkp raid to support "Class/Role/No Distribution". Added Raid/Group invite commands to "LEADER" security group.
2009-10-16 - v1.3.0 - Added time_offset to fix timezone difference (!set eqdkp). Added "!dkp debug" for debugging. Show "Raid ID" in raid list. And some small fixes
2009-10-16 - v1.2.2 - Fixed bug with HoX, PoM ToS not working and added ability to use shortcuts for class. Added "!dkp raid [raidid]" to query Raidplanner.
2009-10-16 - v1.2.1 - Fixed "!dkp online" and color bug. Added "Raid count" in player display
2009-10-15 - v1.2.0 - Added Item History, Raid Attendance and Adjustment History to !dkp nick <nick> display
2009-10-15 - v1.1.0 - Added !dkp online [class] command ([class] is optional)
2009-10-14 - v1.0.2 - Fixed listing classes with spaces "!dkp class <Class with space>"
2009-10-14 - v1.0.1 - Fixed adjustment calculation
2009-10-14 - v1.0.0 - First release
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---!dkp // Returns DKP info for player that runs the command
!dkp nick <nick> // Returns DKP info for <nick>
!dkp class <class> // Returns DKP info for that class ordered by top
!dkp online [class] // Returns DKP info for online players ([class] is optional, and will return class spesific if set)
!dkp raid [raid_id] // Shows upcomming raids and details if [raid_id] as optional is set.
!dkp debug // To give me some info to debug with.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---!set EQdkp DB_host <host> // Default localhost
!set EQdkp DB_user <username> // Default eqdkp
!set EQdkp DB_pass <password>
!set EQdkp DB_name <databasename> // Default eqdkp_plus
!set EQdkp DB_pref <tableprefix> // Default eqdkp_ (Remember underscore if you have that)
!set EQdkp // To se more settings
--- End quote ---

Known bugs:
Non atm

Cheers mate, look forward to using it!  :)

And yeah, I'll try to fool around with more additions to this mod as soon as my time available permits it.

nice plugin.
but there is a little bug.

!dkp class <a class with space>

doesnt work
like "Tempest of Set"

hiho ... very nice plugin ... so now my request ;)

there ist a raid-module here where u can sign up for raids or events ... my idea is to have a raid-module with this features

- eqdkp-connection
- dkp info from the eqdkp
- creating eqdkp-accounts automatic by bot-member (only when u set ur status on "raider")
- creating eqdkp-chars automatic by bot-member and alts
- when u sign up for an event by the bot u should automitc sign up by the raid in the eqdkp
- when u sign up for a raid in the eqdkp u should automatic sign up for the bot-event
- created events on the bot should be automtic updatet in the eqdkp
- craeted events on the eqdkp shoud be automati updated on the bot

this would be the most butiful module ... but hardly to create such a module i think ..

for any how would work on it ... u can use my eqdkpplus (latest release) an u would get a test-bot

so long


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