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Author Topic: EQDKP - ingame query module (v3.0.3)  (Read 133991 times)

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Offline Getrix

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EQDKP - ingame query module (v3.0.3)
« on: October 14, 2009, 11:19:25 am »
EQDKP - in game query module

With this module you can query EQDKP database in game. (Tested on EQDKP Plus
Module based on function requested in this topic:

Feel free to give feedback or build on this module as long you give some creds ;)

[Download latest stable 3.x] Read/Write used on own risk
[Download latest stable 2.x] Read only

Language files: (Stored in BOTFOLDER/extra/language (Create folder if not exist))
[English] v2 v3
[German] v2 v3 - Thanks to Margon aka Puseidr @ Asgard AoC
[Norwegian] v2 v3 - For whoever wants that :P

NOTE: I don't use EQDKP or EQDKP Plus so i don't have much experience with the system and not much interest on it without just helping out :P
The module have become bigger then expected and i will keep coding as long its fun for me ;)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 04:47:03 pm by Getrix »
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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 11:21:49 am »
Release History
2011-04-15 - v3.0.4
 + Add if in same instance, dont show raidinv....   
 + Fixed raid_note with html chars.
 + Added rank on get_list. Changed colorcodes, using gmod_(getrix module) in !color gmod
2009-11-18 - v3.0.3 - Added first writing to EQDKP function, raid signup ingame. !!NOTE: Use on own risk!!

2009-11-13 - v2.0.3 - Fixed bug when there wasnt any signed for a raid.
2009-10-19 - v2.0.2 - Fixed order bug. Minor change in DB function
2009-10-19 - v2.0.1 - Fixed order bug in signup.
2009-10-18 - v2.0.0 - Added multi-language support. !set EQdkp language <en|de> (Note: Restart needed if you change. And the new language files to put in extra/language/ (Create folder if not exist) )
2009-10-18 - v1.9.9 - Cleaned up the code and changed release versioning to "Incrementing sequences"
2009-10-17 - v1.4.0 - Added "!dkp raid <raid_id> notes <member_id>". This is placed after nick in "!dkp raid <raid_id>" as clickable [Notes] link.
2009-10-16 - v1.3.3 - Changed Raid/Group invite only shows if the player is online. Added German class shortcuts.
2009-10-16 - v1.3.2 - Fixed bug in RaidDetails with Raid/Group invite not showing up. Bad coding by me:(
2009-10-16 - v1.3.1 - Fixed "Distribution" bug in !dkp raid to support "Class/Role/No Distribution". Added Raid/Group invite commands to "LEADER" security group.
2009-10-16 - v1.3.0 - Added time_offset to fix timezone difference (!set eqdkp). Added "!dkp debug" for debugging. Show "Raid ID" in raid list. And some small fixes
2009-10-16 - v1.2.2 - Fixed bug with HoX, PoM ToS not working and added ability to use shortcuts for class. Added "!dkp raid [raidid]" to query Raidplanner.
2009-10-16 - v1.2.1 - Fixed "!dkp online" and color bug. Added "Raid count" in player display
2009-10-15 - v1.2.0 - Added Item History, Raid Attendance and Adjustment History to !dkp nick <nick> display
2009-10-15 - v1.1.0 - Added !dkp online [class] command ([class] is optional)
2009-10-14 - v1.0.2 - Fixed listing classes with spaces "!dkp class <Class with space>"
2009-10-14 - v1.0.1 - Fixed adjustment calculation
2009-10-14 - v1.0.0 - First release

!dkp // Returns DKP info for player that runs the command
!dkp nick <nick> // Returns DKP info for <nick>
!dkp class <class> // Returns DKP info for that class ordered by top
!dkp online [class] // Returns DKP info for online players ([class] is optional, and will return class spesific if set)
!dkp raid [raid_id] // Shows upcomming raids and details if [raid_id] as optional is set.
!dkp debug // To give me some info to debug with.

!set EQdkp DB_host <host> // Default localhost
!set EQdkp DB_user <username> // Default eqdkp
!set EQdkp DB_pass <password>
!set EQdkp DB_name <databasename> // Default eqdkp_plus
!set EQdkp DB_pref <tableprefix> // Default eqdkp_ (Remember underscore if you have that)
!set EQdkp // To se more settings

Known bugs:
Non atm
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 10:56:10 pm by Getrix »
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Offline Runemy

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2009, 12:06:03 pm »
Cheers mate, look forward to using it!  :)

And yeah, I'll try to fool around with more additions to this mod as soon as my time available permits it.
Wood of Exalted
Age of Conan
Aquilonia - EU

Offline Margon

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 01:54:34 pm »
nice plugin.
but there is a little bug.

!dkp class <a class with space>

doesnt work
like "Tempest of Set"

Offline Drizzurdeen

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 02:37:54 pm »
hiho ... very nice plugin ... so now my request ;)

there ist a raid-module here where u can sign up for raids or events ... my idea is to have a raid-module with this features

- eqdkp-connection
- dkp info from the eqdkp
- creating eqdkp-accounts automatic by bot-member (only when u set ur status on "raider")
- creating eqdkp-chars automatic by bot-member and alts
- when u sign up for an event by the bot u should automitc sign up by the raid in the eqdkp
- when u sign up for a raid in the eqdkp u should automatic sign up for the bot-event
- created events on the bot should be automtic updatet in the eqdkp
- craeted events on the eqdkp shoud be automati updated on the bot

this would be the most butiful module ... but hardly to create such a module i think ..

for any how would work on it ... u can use my eqdkpplus (latest release) an u would get a test-bot

so long

Offline Getrix

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 03:24:31 pm »
2009-10-14 - v1.2 - Fixed listing classes with spaces "!dkp class <Class with space>"
Thanks for headsup Margon.

This module is built as basic eqdkp-connection. Everything queried is real data from EQDKP.
Making a GUI to administrate is possible, but would take some time to find out how stuff is working in the system. And as im not using EQDKP myself, im not sure if its worth it for me if theres only few ppl that need more functions...
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Offline Drizzurdeen

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 03:31:37 pm »
an when u will get a test eqdkp including sql access and a testbot ???

Offline Runemy

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2009, 04:04:22 pm »
I think it's quite a lot of guilds using eqdkp and I know I would really appreciate every single functionality you put into this, but I think most understand it if you won't go too deep into this since you're not using it yourself.

Just a quick question, there's nothing stopping me from writing to the db as well, is there? Upon loot, it would be excellent to incorporate a !dkp adjust functionality as well. !dkp adjust <unique charname> <+/- dkp points> <item/reason>

Edit: hmm.. just came to mind that eqdkp handle Items in a own table with an itemid to every item. Might cause problems.. :)

Edit 2: Then again, the adjustment table doesn't require an itemID.
Code: [Select]
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `eqdkp_adjustments` (
  `adjustment_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `adjustment_value` float(11,2) default NULL,
  `adjustment_date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `member_name` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `adjustment_reason` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `adjustment_added_by` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `adjustment_updated_by` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `adjustment_group_key` varchar(32) default NULL,
  `raid_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`adjustment_id`)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 04:16:34 pm by Runemy »
Wood of Exalted
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Aquilonia - EU

Offline Getrix

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2009, 04:21:40 pm »
The problem as i see it is that EQDKP doesnt store info just in one Table. Stuff is linked to another table etc.
So when you are going to write a new entrie you need to make sure you update every table that are linked to that row. And thats the only big problem that takes time to find out of.

I got a plain EQDKP Plus up and running, but im not expert on using it :P And the reason i made the basic today is because im sick and dont have much todo. But hey, maybe i will take a deeper look. Cant promise anything ;)
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Offline Runemy

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2009, 04:41:25 pm »
hahaha, here's me hoping you'll stay sick a while ^^
Wood of Exalted
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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2009, 05:06:41 pm »
Hehe, you wish :P Good that in Norway you can be away from work for 3days without going to doctor to still get paid for days away;)

Back to EQDKP.
Could you give me some info on how EQDKP works? The Adjustment, isnt that just to adjust players as in give them points that have been forgot put there or just a bonus?
How is a ordinary raid with players getting there DKP being done? (Create raid, signup etc?)
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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2009, 05:24:25 pm »
Well, the adjustments are mainly for just that; adjustments. But, depending of ones rules of course, there can be quite a lot of adjustments. I have adjustments for raid leading, resource gathering, turning up late, leaving early, not signing up etc.

Item's which was my initial thought is not handled by adjustments directly, but looking at the contents of the table everything ends up in that table, from normal dkp bonus for joining rids, through buying of items to the individual odd adjustments.

As a how-to on the usage I can run you through a small one here, there are probably different ways to use it as well as it is a rather advanced system:
1. Events are created for the different raid instances
2. Add raids through the Raidplanner by clicking on the date and then choosing the event. Here you can set the value of the raid as well.
3. People sign up for the raid (event)
4. When the raid is done an admin can through the option button in the detailed view of the raid, "Transform  it to a Raid".
5. You will then get a confirmation window with all the confirmed attendees plus the dkp awarded.
6. Next windows brings up the opportunity to "Add Items from this Raid"
7. Doing this gives you the opportunity to choose the player, the item (if earlier been entered in the database and also the opportunity to add a new item), and the value of the item. This item will then be linked to the raid in all instances of eqdkp.

But then, when we have people leaving early, coming late, raid leading or other various things we will need to add this to individual adjustments.

But looking at the database table of adjustments it seems that all things end up in the adjustments table.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 06:23:07 pm by Runemy »
Wood of Exalted
Age of Conan
Aquilonia - EU

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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2009, 07:20:48 pm »
Awesome job Getrix.

Thanks for picking up and running with this. (God bedring)
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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2009, 10:18:52 pm »
Did dig a bit into EQDKP code and here is what i have found out so far:

Raid create should be on page i think. It will be to much code to get it work ingame.
The stuff i think will be usefull ingame is give DKP to raid and adjustment along with current query.

Adjustment can be tricky, if you need to get a costume Event for every adjustment you will add.
Ex, when you are adding a adjustment it seems that you can:
1: Add a new event for this adjustment
2: Use a old adjustment event.

And after that add adjustment value,reason,user.
The problem here is that in game you cant do "dropedowns" like you do in a webpage. It will then be tricky to make the user to do 1 or 2 because he needs to do that before passing the adjustment_value,reason,user to the bot. And adjustment event is stored in own table with id/ref link to adjustment table.
What we can do is make a "static" adjustment event called "BeBot in game adjustment" and use that event id/ref link when calling ex "!dkp adjust <nick> <amount> <reason>" And later edit it on webpage if needed.

It can also be done with some session saving (Wizard that following you thrue command by command), but its gonna be much clicks etc for the administrator in game...

EDIT: uh yeah was abit tired when writing so maybe it doesnt make any sense :P
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 09:36:17 am by Getrix »
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Re: EQDKP - ingame query module
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2009, 11:28:41 am »
Starting to understand the EQDKP Plus backend code now. But still have some problem with how stuff should be made.

1: When you are going to adjust a member, how important is it to "bind" that adjustment to a event? Is it ok to just set the Event as "BeBot" to show it was added ingame and then use reason to explain why this adjustment happen? Ingame adjustment is for individual anyway, so if you gonna adjust multiply players do that via webinterface i think...

2: Is raidplanner a plugin? I only find "Add Raid" in "Administration" and there i can add ppl that joined the raid and select event. No signup page...
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