BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

General => General discussion => Topic started by: dillinger on September 28, 2009, 09:16:01 am

Title: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: dillinger on September 28, 2009, 09:16:01 am
Hi Community!

It there a way to make online members' status (Age of Conan guild) visible on a website?

Thanx in advance!

Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Slacklin on September 28, 2009, 09:54:23 am
Try the script I posted here:

Should help you get a remote query to the bot database.
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on September 28, 2009, 09:26:28 pm
ok, I know this is probably a mysql issue, but was wondering if you could work me through it to see what I might be missing (google is threatening to boycot me because of all the queries)
first off, running 0.6.5 bebot for ao, mysql 5.2.1 on windows box....webserver is a shared hosting on linux box.

I run bebot locally, and have my web page hosted remotely. trying out your script, I found out that I had only allowed localhost connections to the bebot db. I added a new user to the db, for the sake of argument bebot2@'%'.

this allowed me to be able to connect to the db via mysql maestro from another computer on the intranet, so I think the command took.

So I uploaded the script to my webserver, changing the parts that needed to be changed and I get this when I run the script from a browser:
Code: [Select]
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'xx.xx.xx.xx' (113) in /<<path to script>>/onlinestatus.php on line 6
Error connecting to mysql2

so thought it might be a firewall setting, so checked both the router and the system, and firewall is disabled on both. made sure port 3306 was forwarded to that machine.  (basically have so many ports pointing to that machine, it might as well be on the DMZ)
everything should be fine, yet for some reason it does not allow me to connect.

I would rather not move the sql db to the remote hosting, as it is both slow and cumbersome for the bots. likewise, I would not want to move the hosting to the local machine as the office does not have enough bandwidth to support such an action.

Any help, nudges, pointers, subscriptions to rogaine to replace pulled hair, would be greatly appreciated..
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on September 29, 2009, 02:58:32 am
update: looks like I have to pull the rest of my hair out. Found out it is a hosting issue on the linux shared server blocking all outgoing ports, back to square one. Woulda been a nice script, if I coulda used it.
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: snyder on September 29, 2009, 11:12:40 am
make incomming connection then:)

update web db from your bot machine
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Slacklin on September 30, 2009, 10:01:03 am
I had the same problem with my host. I ended up contacting them and they unblocked the port for my account. Might be a good try.
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on September 30, 2009, 12:14:57 pm
yeah tried that, they said they wouldn't do it for a shared, but was a perfect time to upgrade to v-ded hosting. Gotta love a sales pitch.
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: snyder on September 30, 2009, 02:08:51 pm
this will create and upload your html table on web.
style it, or make xml, your choce. i made table so it will display characters immediately

calling of query file and upload, just configure it to your needs. didnt test but it should work

Code: [Select]
    this is part where you call query for online users
$data = ob_get_contents();
// make temp file
file_put_contents('temp.php', $data);
    make upload here
$c = ftp_connect('ftpserver') or die('Can not connect to FTP server!');
if (@!ftp_login($c, 'ftpusername', 'ftppassword')) {
    die('Can not log onto FTP server with given data!');
// here you put data to some file on your webserver
ftp_put($c, 'path-to-file', 'temp.php', FTP_BINARY);

unset($c, $data);

file where is actual query made, used one from someones post for online
Code: [Select]
    this will make list of your members that are online
    i used sql from
$sql "select o.nickname, w.profession, w.level, w.defender_rank_id from online as o, whois as w where o.status_gc = '1' and o.nickname = w.nickname order by o.nickname ASC";
$query mysql_query($sql) or die('error!<br>'.mysql_error());
if (
mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
    while (
$r mysql_fetch_object($query)) {


Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: snyder on October 07, 2009, 02:40:57 pm
did you try this clash? or this is not what you were looking for?
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 07, 2009, 02:44:55 pm
I haven't had a chance as of yet snyder...hopefully I'll get a chance this weekend to play around with the scripts and work something out...
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 07, 2009, 02:48:03 pm
and still toying with the idea of getting a vded and hosting the bot on that...with a combined db...
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 19, 2009, 06:54:35 pm
ok, I got the virtual dedicated, forums is working, I can connect to teh bot's sql but running the php as either a block or standalone gives no output whatsoever..I tested teh db connection and it works fine so it is hitting the db...just not getting any output
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Getrix on October 19, 2009, 07:23:13 pm
Try this code?

Code: [Select]
    this will make list of your members that are online
    i used sql from
print '<table>'
$sql "SELECT o.nickname, w.profession, w.level, w.defender_rank_id FROM online AS o LEFT JOIN whois AS w ON o.nickname = w.nickname WHERE o.status_gc = '1' AND o.botname NOT LIKE '%IRC' ORDER BY o.nickname ASC";

$query mysql_query($sql) or die('error!<br>'.mysql_error());
if (
mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
  while (
$r mysql_fetch_object($query)) {
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 19, 2009, 07:39:47 pm
yeah was figuring out how to put that in to the one with the remote db call as I can do that used the original code from here: ( I can connect to the remot bot's db, just doesn't display any output, not even an error
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Getrix on October 19, 2009, 07:44:01 pm
Code: [Select]
$result = mysql_query($query);To
Code: [Select]
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('error!<br>'.mysql_error());
Or even add this to afer <?php
Code: [Select]
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 19, 2009, 07:46:09 pm
still nothing, just a blank page
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Getrix on October 19, 2009, 07:55:36 pm
Make a new .php file with this content:

Code: [Select]

Im starting to belive you dont have mysql client or php installed on your webserver...
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 19, 2009, 07:59:07 pm
should, it's running smf there ;)

PHP Version 5.2.6
mysql 5.0.45
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 19, 2009, 08:09:09 pm
to rehash, the php file I am using is:
Code: [Select]

//set local variables
$dbhost "xx.xx.xx.xx:3306"
$dbuser "xxxxx"
$dbpass "xxxxx"
$dbname "xxxxx"

$db mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die                      ('Error connecting to mysql2'); 
mysql_select_db("$dbname",$db) or die ("Database $dbname not select.." mysql_error()); 

// $conn = mysql_connect('', 'bebot2', 'bebot') or die                      ('Error connecting to mysql2');
// mysql_select_db('bebot',$conn) or die ("Database $DB not select.." . mysql_error());

if (!isset($_GET['sorton']))
$sorton 'default';
$sorton $_GET['sorton'];

if (
$sorton == 'nickname')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY online.nickname ASC";
else if (
$sorton == 'profession')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.profession ASC, whois.level DESC, whois.defender_rank_id DESC";
else if (
$sorton == 'level')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.level DESC, whois.defender_rank_id DESC, whois.profession ASC";
else if (
$sorton == 'ai')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.level DESC, whois.defender_rank_id DESC, whois.profession ASC";
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.profession ASC, whois.level DESC, online.nickname ASC";

$result mysql_query($query) or die('error!<br>'.mysql_error());
$total_rows mysql_num_rows$result );
$content "<div style=\"text-align: center\">";
$content $content "<a href=\"\">There are <b>$total_rows</b> people online</a><br /><br /></div>";
$content $content "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\"margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;\"> \n"
$content $content "<tr><td><b><a href=\"\">Nickname</a></b></td></td><td><b><a href=\"\">Profession</a></b></td><td><b><a href=\"\">Level</a></b></td><td><b><a href=\"\">AI</a></b></td></tr>";
$onlinerow mysql_fetch_row($result))
$content $content "<tr>";
    foreach ( 
$onlinerow as $data )
$content $content "\t <td>$data</td>";
$content $content "</td>\n"
$content $content "</table>\n";

and used this php page to test db connection:
Code: [Select]
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>MySQL Test Script</title>
body { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; }
td { font-size: 10pt; }
th { font-size: 8pt; }


if ( isset ( 
$_POST['submit'] ) ) {

<table border="1" summary="" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<th bgcolor="#F2F2F2" colspan="2"><center><b>Connection Results</b></center></td>

if (!$link = @mysql_connect($_POST['mysql_hostname'], $_POST['mysql_username'], $_POST['mysql_password'])) {
<td bgcolor="red"><font color="white"><?php echo mysql_error(); ?></font></td>
} else {
<td bgcolor="green"><font color="white">Successful!</font></td>

if (!$dblink = @mysql_select_db($_POST['mysql_database'], $link)) {
<td>Database Selection:</td>
<td bgcolor="red"><font color="white"><?php echo mysql_error(); ?></font></td>
} else {
<td>Database Selection:</td>
<td bgcolor="green"><font color="white">Successful!</font></td>



<form method="post">

<table border="1" summary="" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<th bgcolor="#F2F2F2" colspan="2"><center><b>Enter Your MySQL Information</b></center></td>
<td>MySQL Hostname</td>
<td><input type="text" name="mysql_hostname" size="40" value="<?php echo $_POST['mysql_hostname']; ?>"></td>
<td>MySQL Username</td>
<td><input type="text" name="mysql_username" size="40" value="<?php echo $_POST['mysql_username']; ?>"></td>
<td>MySQL Password</td>
<td><input type="text" name="mysql_password" size="40" value="<?php echo $_POST['mysql_password']; ?>"></td>
<td>MySQL Database</td>
<td><input type="text" name="mysql_database" size="40" value="<?php echo $_POST['mysql_database']; ?>"></td>
<td colspan="2"><center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset"></center></td>


Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Getrix on October 19, 2009, 11:22:02 pm
Ah, maybe i should have been reading the whole script :P

You need print out the $content.

Code: [Select]
print $content;someplace after
Code: [Select]
$content = $content . "</table>\n";
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 20, 2009, 12:00:51 am
that was it! thanks gen
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: clashbot on October 22, 2009, 01:02:28 pm
Ok, I took the hard work you all did, and expanded it to include org names, and the ability to sort by org names.

Code: [Select]

//set local variables
$dbhost "xx.xx.xx.xx"
$dbuser "xxxxx"
$dbpass "xxxxx"
$dbname "xxxxx"

$db mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die                      ('Error connecting to mysql2'); 
mysql_select_db("$dbname",$db) or die ("Database $dbname not select.." mysql_error()); 

if (!isset(
$sorton 'default';
$sorton $_GET['sorton'];

if (
$sorton == 'nickname')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.org_name, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY online.nickname ASC";
else if (
$sorton == 'profession')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.org_name, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.profession ASC, whois.level DESC, whois.defender_rank_id DESC";
else if (
$sorton == 'level')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.org_name, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.level DESC, whois.defender_rank_id DESC, whois.profession ASC";
else if (
$sorton == 'org_name')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.org_name, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.org_name ASC, online.nickname ASC";
else if (
$sorton == 'ai')
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.org_name, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.level DESC, whois.defender_rank_id DESC, whois.profession ASC";
$query  "SELECT online.nickname, whois.profession ,whois.level, whois.org_name, whois.defender_rank_id FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY whois.profession ASC, whois.level DESC, online.nickname ASC";

$result mysql_query($query) or die('error!<br>'.mysql_error());
$total_rows mysql_num_rows$result );
$content "<div style=\"text-align: center\">";
$content $content "<a href=\"\">There are <b>$total_rows</b> people online</a><br /><br /></div>";
$content $content "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\"margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;\"> \n"
$content $content "<tr><td><b><a href=\"\">Nickname</a></b></td></td><td><b><a href=\"\">Profession</a></b></td><td><b><a href=\"\">Level</a></b></td><td><b><a href=\"\">Org</a></b></td><td><b><a href=\"\">AI</a></b></td></tr>";
$onlinerow mysql_fetch_row($result))
$content $content "<tr>";
    foreach ( 
$onlinerow as $data )
$content $content "\t <td>$data</td>";
$content $content "</td>\n"
$content $content "</table>\n";

Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Ossii on November 11, 2009, 12:30:24 am
Cant get this to work, seems maybe it not ready for 0.6.5?

First when I use the script as is I get:

Unknown column 'whois.profession' in 'field list'

So I check the whois table and online table and end up removing: whois.profession and whois.defender_rank_id as those doesnt exist, rest does though.. Now I get the error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickna' at line 1

/usr/bin/mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 5.2


PHP 5.2.6-1+lenny3 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Apr 26 2009 22:16:23)
Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: snyder on November 11, 2009, 11:26:32 am
post full sql pls :)
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Ossii on November 11, 2009, 12:34:04 pm
Hmm dont think that will help? Its the default .sql thats created when installing BeBot 0.6.5, just lots of data filled. Would prefer to not post the whole .sql due to information in it, but what I see regarding the problem is that for example whois.profession would probably be whois.craft1 and whois.craft2

Code: [Select]
-- Table structure for table `whois`

  `ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `nickname` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `level` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  `class` enum('Commoner','Conqueror','Dark Templar','Guardian','Bear Shaman','Priest of Mitra','Scoin of Set','Tempest of Set','Assassin','Barbarian','Ranger','Demonologist','Herald of Xotli','Lich','Necromancer') NOT NULL default 'Commoner',
  `craft1` enum('','Alchemist','Architect','Armorsmith','Gemcutter','Weaponsmith','None') default NULL,
  `craft2` enum('','Alchemist','Architect','Armorsmith','Gemcutter','Weaponsmith','None') default NULL,
  `location` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
  `online` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `used` bigint(25) NOT NULL default '0',
  `org_rank_id` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
  `org_rank` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
  `org_name` varchar(15) default '',
  `updated` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`nickname`),
  KEY `ID` (`ID`),
  KEY `Class` (`class`),
  KEY `updated` (`updated`),
  KEY `used` (`used`)

But then again, I got past this issue by removing the references to the non-existing tables.

Main problem now seems to be the query lines, or maybe not? :p

Code: [Select]
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickna' at line 1
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: snyder on November 11, 2009, 02:29:26 pm
i meant whole sql query you are useing:)
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Ossii on November 11, 2009, 04:04:47 pm
$query  = "SELECT online.nickname, whois.level, whois.org_name, FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY online.nickname ASC";
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Getrix on November 11, 2009, 04:12:06 pm
Code: [Select]
$query  = "SELECT online.nickname, whois.level, whois.org_name FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY online.nickname ASC";
You got a "," to much after "whois.org_name,".. This was caused when you removed the other values...
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: Ossii on November 11, 2009, 05:18:45 pm
Code: [Select]
$query  = "SELECT online.nickname, whois.level, whois.org_name FROM online, whois WHERE online.status_gc = 1 AND online.nickname = whois.nickname ORDER BY online.nickname ASC";
You got a "," to much after "whois.org_name,".. This was caused when you removed the other values...

Now look at that :) Solved it
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: snyder on November 12, 2009, 12:45:25 pm
thats why i wanted you to post sql :)
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: snyder on January 12, 2010, 12:25:21 pm
module for bot, you need to make how it is saved and displayed on your web
Title: Re: Post On-/Offline Status to a Website
Post by: knutarn on March 15, 2010, 10:38:29 am
Hey .. Is there anyone who can make a html or php file. who works on the
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