General > General discussion
Bot hosting (UtAvDrift Hosting)
This service is no more
Update 23.10.16:
Services terminated
Update 02.06.15:
Still alive :)
Update 16.12.13:
New websites and products unveiled.
BeBot is still a part of our portfolio.
Update 22.05.13:
Nothing major to report.
The service is very much alive.
Update 12.08.12:
New panel is up.
It is now possible to buy the bot directly from the panel and set up recurrent payments.
Invoices generates automatically.
Added product: Mumble (for those who might want to be able to communicate with their guild over voip.
Update 05.07.12:
I have nothing to report. The service is still very much active with a couple of users.
All above info is correct
Update 28.02.11:
I have removed the payment system as it is a waste of money. Paypal works as goos as ever :P
Update 14.01.11:
control now in place and both released :)
Check out the first post for more info
Update 11.01.11:
# Added a new control panel.
# Increased the prizes for hosting. The reason for that is the EUR rates going down and also the control panel
Update 10.01.11:
# I have started setting up a system for automatic setup with payment options. Already set up is a full control panel with easy controlling and ticket system. In the next couple of days i will hopefully be able to let people start using it.
# I have added a convenience fee of 3,9 % as thats's what it costs for transactions through paypal
I have pondered setting up a hosting platform for bebot. Probably some sort of automated install setup, I do have a question for you, if you don't mind?
Have you heard any issues etc with funcom and 1 IP for multiple connections/accounts on the chat server at once? I.E. will they get pissy if the realize there are 30 accounts logged in at once on x IP?
At the moment I'm running 5 bots from one server and have had no issues.
I have had no problems with multiple connected bots either.
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