Heya Mage and thanks for your interest in Bebot.
First gotta say i'm no Rasberry hardware expert, but from what i can see here
https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/ its OS/software is debian-like so very common nux family of commands should work in it.
Therefore, you should be able to follow the usual Bebot install steps that are detailed in both :
- README of the official distro
https://github.com/J-Soft/BeBot/#readme- Installation page of the new wiki
http://wiki.bebot.link/index.php/InstallationTo sum this all up you'll have to :
- get PHP in a compatible version (anything from 5.4 upto 8.1 should work, yet we're preparing some patches for 8.2/3) to run bot code itself
- run a local SQL-like service (e.g. Mysql or Mariadb) in which your bot will store its long term memory/settings/etc and retrieve all its datas.
Now, hardware wise i think most Rasberry should be able to run it all :
- for CPU anything over 1 Ghz works (x64 best but x86 can work with old versions)
- OS itself should require like 500 Mo RAM + 850 Mo HD
- an SQL service should take from 50 Mo upto 150 Mo of RAM
- each PHP Bebot will need even less, say 10 Mo of RAM
- for hard disk SQL+PHP+Bebot will require respectively 200+100+50 Mo of HD
=> so count at least (to be comfortable) 1 Go of RAM + 1,5 Go of HD (or more)
Hope this all helps and covers your questions.
As an ITC teacher myself, though, i'd advice you do NOT front all aspects together at once immediately.
Follow a tutorial for each part based on upper README/wiki + some searchengine results first.
Once you think you're comfortable with each part, only, you may try to assemble them all to run your first bot and make it come to life (online !).
Also beware we provide some support via Discord. I'm giving you the link in private to avoid getting fishy spammers there (gotta filter them subscribing here already xD).