General > General discussion

AoC Bot !whois and online offline message

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Vivek Mjod:

The bot is not displaying when people go online and offline. Also, the !whois command does not work for the people the bot does not show log online and offline. When you look at the alts list of those people it does not even display an online offline status next to their names as it does for others. Anyone know why this is happening?

Vivek Mjod:
does it matter if the bot has a f2p toon as the Owner?

Vivek Mjod:
changed the owner to a pay account and did a clean up of all the rosters... seems to have fixed everything... problem resolved.

Vivek Mjod:
For some reason the bot is still not recognizing some people as they log in and out. These same people are not being recognized by the !whois command either.

To get added to bot, they need to say something in the guildchat and bot must be set to autoadd players.
If they do not show up in !whois, run it once more and if they are not member they will be added as anon.

PS: its long since i played, so this may have changed but i doubt it..


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