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Author Topic: After windows 8.1 upgrade guild bot whois no longer works  (Read 30314 times)

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Offline movalsa

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After windows 8.1 upgrade guild bot whois no longer works
« on: September 22, 2014, 04:11:49 pm »
After my computer decided to upgrade to windows8.1 most of my guild bot works, but whois no longer works. I have J-soft-bebot-legacy ccb69 for my bot and am running mysql web-community, and as mentioned above windows8.1. I keep getting this error on the bebot,
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [SETTINGS] [LOAD]  Loaded settings
from database.
MySQL ERROR(# 758) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Ritvahavel'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 759) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('18612742', 'Ritvahavel', '39', 'Ranger', '', '', 10977643, 1, '1411374128')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(c
lass), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online)
, location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 760) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Ritvahavel'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 761) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Ritvahavel'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 762) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('18612742', 'Ritvahavel', '39', 'Ranger', '', '', 10977598, 1, '1411374231')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(c
lass), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online)
, location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 763) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Ibnmir'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 764) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61856213', 'Ibnmir', '80', 'Ranger', 'Weaponsmith', 'Alchemist', 11040859, 1
, '1411374908') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level),
class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online
= VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 765) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Ibnmir'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 766) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Ibnmir'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 767) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61856213', 'Ibnmir', '80', 'Ranger', 'Weaponsmith', 'Alchemist', 1411374964,
 0, '1411374959') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level)
, class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), onlin
e = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [BUDDY]    [LOG]   Ibnmir changed s
  • (MEMBER)

MySQL ERROR(# 768) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('61856213', 'Ibnmir', '80', 'Rang
er', 'Weaponsmith', 'Alchemist', 1411374964, 0, '1411374959') ON DUPLICATE KEY U
PDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VA
LUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUE
S(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [GROUP]    [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] F
orguild: Ibnmir logged off
MySQL ERROR(# 769) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Ritvahavel'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 770) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('18612742', 'Ritvahavel', '39', 'Ranger', '', '', 1411375241, 0, '1411375236'
) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES
(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(onlin
e), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [BUDDY]    [LOG]   Ritvahavel chang
ed status
  • (MEMBER)

MySQL ERROR(# 771) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('18612742', 'Ritvahavel', '39', '
Ranger', '', '', 1411375241, 0, '1411375236') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUE
S(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), cr
aft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  up
dated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [GROUP]    [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] F
orguild: Ritvahavel logged off
Forguild [SETTINGS]     [LOAD]  Loaded settings from database.
Forguild [SETTINGS]     [LOAD]  Loaded settings from database.
Forguild [VERSION]      [UPDATE]        Version check ran less than 23 hours ago
, skipping!
Forguild [SETTINGS]     [LOAD]  Loaded settings from database.
MySQL ERROR(# 772) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Alisterfiend'

Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 773) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('62099579', 'Alisterfiend', '80', 'Barbarian', '', '', 10978057, 1, '14113836
19') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VAL
UES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(on
line), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 774) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Alisterfiend'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [BUDDY]    [LOG]   Alisterfiend cha
nged status [1] (MEMBER)
MySQL ERROR(# 775) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('62099579', 'Alisterfiend', '80',
 'Barbarian', '', '', 10978057, 1, '1411383619') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VA
LUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1),
 craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),
 updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 776) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Alisterfiend'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [ERROR]    [AOChatWrapper_Core]
No user specified
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Forguild: "Alisterfiend" (Lvl  )
Logged On :: [link]Details[/link]
MySQL ERROR(# 777) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Alisterfiend'

Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 778) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Alisterfiend'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 779) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('62099579', 'Alisterfiend', '80', 'Barbarian', '', '', 10977617, 1, '14113838
54') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VAL
UES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(on
line), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 780) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Alisterfiend'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 781) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('62099579', 'Alisterfiend', '80', 'Barbarian', '', '', 11038882, 1, '14113839
72') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VAL
UES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(on
line), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 782) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Alisterfiend'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 783) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('62099579', 'Alisterfiend', '80', 'Barbarian', '', '', 11061613, 1, '14113843
06') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VAL
UES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(on
line), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 784) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 785) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61346611', 'Hittite', '80', 'Barbarian', 'Architect', 'None', 1411244360, 0,
 '1411384930') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), c
lass = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online =
 VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 786) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 787) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 788) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61346611', 'Hittite', '80', 'Barbarian', 'Architect', 'None', 11061720, 1, '
1411384931') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), cla
ss = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = V
ALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [BUDDY]    [LOG]   Hittite changed
status [1] (MEMBER)
MySQL ERROR(# 789) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('61346611', 'Hittite', '80', 'Bar
barian', 'Architect', 'None', 11061720, 1, '1411384931') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
 id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(
craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(loc
ation),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 790) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [ERROR]    [AOChatWrapper_Core]
No user specified
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Forguild: "Hittite" (Lvl  ) Logge
d On :: Alt of Draner :: [link]Details[/link]
MySQL ERROR(# 791) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 792) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 793) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61346611', 'Hittite', '80', 'Barbarian', 'Architect', 'None', 11058318, 1, '
1411384944') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), cla
ss = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = V
ALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [SETTINGS] [LOAD]  Loaded settings
from database.
MySQL ERROR(# 794) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Luizza'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 795) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('18509386', 'Luizza', '80', 'Priest of Mitra', 'Armorsmith', 'Weaponsmith', 1
1038882, 1, '1411387282') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUE
S(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2
), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updat
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 796) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Luizza'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [BUDDY]    [LOG]   Luizza changed s
tatus [1] (MEMBER)
MySQL ERROR(# 797) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('18509386', 'Luizza', '80', 'Prie
st of Mitra', 'Armorsmith', 'Weaponsmith', 11038882, 1, '1411387282') ON DUPLICA
TE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), cra
ft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location
 = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 798) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Luizza'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [ERROR]    [AOChatWrapper_Core]
No user specified
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Forguild: "Luizza" (Lvl  ) Logged
 On :: [link]Details[/link]
MySQL ERROR(# 799) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Luizza'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [GROUP]    [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] L
uizza: good morning everybody
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Alisterfiend: gd morning
MySQL ERROR(# 800) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Luizza'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 801) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('18509386', 'Luizza', '80', 'Priest of Mitra', 'Armorsmith', 'Weaponsmith', 1
1062171, 1, '1411387910') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUE
S(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2
), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updat
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 802) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 803) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61346611', 'Hittite', '80', 'Barbarian', 'Architect', 'None', 10978057, 1, '
1411388201') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), cla
ss = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = V
ALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 804) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 805) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Hittite'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 806) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61346611', 'Hittite', '80', 'Barbarian', 'Architect', 'None', 1411388273, 0,
 '1411388267') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), c
lass = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online =
 VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [BUDDY]    [LOG]   Hittite changed
  • (MEMBER)

MySQL ERROR(# 807) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('61346611', 'Hittite', '80', 'Bar
barian', 'Architect', 'None', 1411388273, 0, '1411388268') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDA
TE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUE
S(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(l
ocation),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [GROUP]    [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] F
orguild: Hittite logged off
MySQL ERROR(# 808) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Luizza'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 809) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('18509386', 'Luizza', '80', 'Priest of Mitra', 'Armorsmith', 'Weaponsmith', 1
1038882, 1, '1411389340') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUE
S(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2
), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updat
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 810) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Luizza'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 811) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('18509386', 'Luizza', '80', 'Priest of Mitra', 'Armorsmith', 'Weaponsmith', 1
1062380, 1, '1411389412') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUE
S(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2
), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updat
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [GROUP]    [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] L
uizza: Entity tonight :)
MySQL ERROR(# 812) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Movalsa'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 813) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61952835', 'Movalsa', '80', 'Priest of Mitra', 'Gemcutter', 'Weaponsmith', 1
411270336, 0, '1411390532') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VAL
UES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craf
t2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(upd
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 814) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Movalsa'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 815) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Movalsa'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 816) on query: INSERT INTO who
is (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUE
S ('61952835', 'Movalsa', '80', 'Priest of Mitra', 'Gemcutter', 'Weaponsmith', 1
1062551, 1, '1411390540') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUE
S(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2
), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updat
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [BUDDY]    [LOG]   Movalsa changed
status [1] (SUPERADMIN)
MySQL ERROR(# 817) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('61952835', 'Movalsa', '80', 'Pri
est of Mitra', 'Gemcutter', 'Weaponsmith', 11062551, 1, '1411390541') ON DUPLICA
TE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), cra
ft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location
 = VALUES(location),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existMySQL ERROR(# 818) on query: SELECT * FROM w
hois WHERE nickname = 'Movalsa'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [ERROR]    [AOChatWrapper_Core]
No user specified
Forguild [ERROR]        [AOChatWrapper_Core]    No user specified
MySQL ERROR(# 819) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Movalsa'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [TELL]     [OUT]   -> Hardrocks:
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Forguild: "Movalsa" (Lvl  ) Logge
d On :: [link]Details[/link]
MySQL ERROR(# 820) on query: SELECT * FROM whois WHERE nickname = 'Movalsa'
Table 'aocguild.whois' doesn't existForguild [GROUP]    [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] L
uizza: good morning Mo
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Movalsa: hello luizza :)
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Luizza: ? what are the 3 attribut
es for a conq (in order)
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Movalsa: i would have to be on co
nq to answer that
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Luizza: kk, duel weild or 2h?
Forguild [SETTINGS]     [LOAD]  Loaded settings from database.
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Movalsa: you can do boyh 2 handed
 is used in brute mode, duel is for carnage
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Luizza: kk tyvm :)
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Movalsa: Brute is for tanking, ca
rnage is for dps
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Movalsa: yw be back still working
 on the friggen bot
Forguild [GROUP]        [MSG]   [Shadowdancer] Luizza: kk gl ...again :)
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

Offline movalsa

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Re: After windows 8.1 upgrade guild bot whois no longer works
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2014, 07:09:38 pm »
Had to create a new database and that took care of the problem. :)


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