im not sure what settings you speak of, i have went in since ur response and changed all sorts of things and got the exact same results.
i see that the logon/off notice is translated through the relay bot, but when that notice is received, nothing takes place.
orgbot1[BUDDY] [LOG] Lordtrader1 logged [off] (MEMBER)
orgbot1 [GROUP] [MSG] [The Musketeers II] orgbot1: Lordtrader1 logged off
orgbot1[PGRP] [MSG] [orgbot1] orgbot1: Lordtrader1 logged off
orgbot1 [PGRP] [MSG] [relaybot] orgbot1: !gcrc buddy 0 Lordtrader1 gc 2
above is toon logging off in org bot and communicating such to relaybot
orgbot2[PGRP] [MSG] [relaybot] orgbot1: !gcrc buddy 0 Lordtrader1 gc 2
all that is shown in the bot window, nothing is shown in actual ingame chat.
all other functions of the relay work as intended, except for the logon/off notifies via the relay.
can you possibly be more specific of the actual setting you speak of. this is nagging the hell out of me