BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

General => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: nullerman on September 27, 2007, 10:32:53 pm

Title: setting request for !timer
Post by: nullerman on September 27, 2007, 10:32:53 pm
it would be nice to get a setting for the !timer command, cus currently it seems like it is spamming alot, now sometimes it is nice, as in timers for mobs and spawns, but, when the timer is used for regular stuff, it seems like it is spamming org chat.

so i was thinking like a commands string like:
"!timer M 8:00:00 big evil buggiman spawning" (command activates the timer function as it is in build 1092)

"!timer N 2:00:00 perk reset"  giver you a 10 min waring, 5 min warning, and a time is now.


Title: Re: setting request for !timer
Post by: Alreadythere on September 28, 2007, 11:12:58 am
It's on the todo list. Right now you can at least chose between the Default notifies and a LowSpam class which has less notifies. Try /tell botname !set Timer DefaultClass LowSpam. To go back to the old just do /tell botname !set Timer DefaultClass Default.

Both command will only influence new timers, they don't change already running ones.

Future versions of timer will allow the selection of a timer class when you create the timer with the !timer command. Haven't found the time for that yet.
Title: Re: setting request for !timer
Post by: Nogoal on October 03, 2007, 11:50:47 am
I changed it to LowSpam but bot keep spamming at 30 15 5 1 .5 ...
Title: Re: setting request for !timer
Post by: Alreadythere on October 03, 2007, 11:59:59 am
Use the code below to create the notifies you want. I'll try to get around to add the class parameter to the timer GUI soon.

Just add the code into the constructor of the Timer_Core.php or TimerGUI.php, or create some custom module doing just that.
Code: [Select]
$classid = $this -> create_timer_class("AlmostNoSpam", "Timer class that only spams at 5 and 10mins left.");
$nextid = $this -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -1, 300, "Timer", "has five minutes left");
$nextid = $this -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 600, "Timer", "has ten minutes left");
Title: Re: setting request for !timer
Post by: Alreadythere on October 03, 2007, 12:24:24 pm
Added timer class as optional first parameter to !timer calls.

!timer lowspam 15m title will create a timer using the lowspam class, !timer 15m title will create a timer using the default class (whichever that is).

Btw if the class name AlmostNoSpam is too long for your taste you can change it to anything you want, as long as it's unique and only contains letters. So your example above would work if you replace the name with just N. Case of the letters doesn't matter.

All you need is to grab the TimerGUI.php linked here (,894.0.html).
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