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Multipple rolls


Hi I have just downladed Bebot and i rocks ^-^
However I do miss one functionality and that is to do multiple flat rolls at one time...

AFAIK you need to use raffle to flatroll but that can only roll one item at the time....

Or is it one of the other commands that can do that ? :oops:

Keep up the splendid work it totally rocks  :twisted:

Best regards

I'll work on it... I'm slow though, I make things as I need them, but this is in fact something I wish my bot had, so if anyone else wants to develope it, by all means don't wait for me. But if you wait long enough, I'll pull something off.

What do you mean with "flatroll"?
You can use !roll <number> to roll a random number from 1 to that number.
You can use !flip to flip a coin (get heads or tails as a result)
You can use !raffle to raffle items. It does a ton of rolls and announces one winner but you can click on "more info" (or something like that) and it will show you the list with who came in second, third, fourth etc. So lets say you want to raffle 5 items, you can just say "top 5 people in the list get it"...

If you're interested in the standard !loot format, I got it done.



--- Quote from: "craized" ---If you're interested in the standard !loot format, I got it done.

--- End quote ---

Thx this was what I was looking for... Splendid =)


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