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Author Topic: Member History Recorder [AO]  (Read 12273 times)

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Offline Threeze

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Member History Recorder [AO]
« on: December 31, 2009, 10:37:26 am »
So a change was made to the recruit message in AO in the past year... when someone is recruited, it says their name and their recruiter's name.

I made a crude module to keep track of who recruited who, and when, but it is very simple at the moment and I don't have the skill (honestly) to make it fully functional.

I was hoping for the bot to parse org messages, and keep a record of a member's history in it's DB, so you could do something like:

!info PLAYERNAME and it would result in:
::: History for PLAYERNAME :::
PLAYERNAME was recruited on XX/YY/ZZZZ at 11:22:33 by ORGMEMBER
PLAYERNAME left the org on XX/YY/ZZZZ at 11:22:55
PLAYERNAME was recruited on XX/YY/ZZZZ at 11:23:30 by DIFFORGMEMBER
PLAYERNAME was kicked from the org on XX/YY/ZZZZ at 12:22:55 by PRESIDENT
PLAYERNAME was recruited on XX/YY/ZZZZ at 12:23:30 by PRESIDENTSENEMY
PLAYERNAME left the org [side change] on XX/BB/ZZZZ at 13:12:12

So basically, it would keep a record of members who have passed into and out of the org, over the years. Auno can show what org a person has been in, but it can't keep track of who has been doing the recruiting of those people, and it's much harder to browse the history of an organization through auno.

The module would have to keep track of all activity regarding org members, and thus parse: recruit messages, leaving messages, kicked messages, leaving due to side changing, ... that's all i can think of for now?


On a side note, there are some possible secondary commands you could make with this, such as:
!recruits PLAYERNAME

::: PLAYERNAME Recruiting Activity :::
PLAYERNAME has recruited XX many people since TOTALBOTUPTIME
1) Bob
2) Sally
3) Joe

this command would be useful for when orgs undergo recruitment kicks and there are incentives to bring the most people into the org [like person who recruits 10 people first gets supple bots or something]. Also useful for when orgmates bitch at each other because they think the other isn't helping the org out by recruiting and stuff [clear history].

Any comments or anyone willing to take this on? It's not the most complex thing to code, I don't think.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 10:39:20 am by Threeze »


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