Nice work Blonde, so thnx!
Now, it would be ubah if you could implement these changes too:
Sharing of points between Main and Alts
* Make it so when you add your !alts, the bot allows you to log on with your alt, and treats the alt as the main. This would make it alot easier for people to come with different chars etc etc on guildraids. Like, if we're short of docs, and not enfs, I'd come with doc instead etc - and be able to bid from the same point-account.
Option to disable the Give Points command
* Issues have surfaced about ppl giving raidpoints to another player etc. Some feel your points should stay *your* points. Not a huge issue for guilds, but it would be nice to have an option to disable it. Also, this could be troublesome with other more public raidbots like XTbot or Tnet where ppl join with several alts each and get activity on all alts, just to transfer points to main char.
Thanks! :p