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BeBot + YG Integration

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I remember seeing a thread over on the YG Forums where Kentarii had managed to pull their xml data and use it in the whois module
Would love to see the module updated with this information


anyone able to look into this?

see how possible it is?

Seeing as they do provide XML it's possible to do this.

However as far as i know, none of the active BeBot developers play AOC and thus have no way of testing things with AOC nor much incentive to work on it. And the developers that originally forked BeBot to bebot-hyborian also seem to no longer play AOC leaving AOC support somewhat in limbo for the time being.

If someone is willing to write the code for it, we would be more than happy to include it provided someone can test and verify that it actually works.

Anyone interested in seeing if they can get this to work?
Unifying YG + Bebot would be awesome, especially now that players themselves can download the YG Updater allowing character to be continously updated.


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