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General => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: rmb on June 23, 2010, 10:02:00 am

Title: [AoC] character equipment overview - idea for new module
Post by: rmb on June 23, 2010, 10:02:00 am
I have a vision of a module that would give guild officers and raid leaders an overview of the guild/raid members equipment.
The idea behind this is that when you know who has what gear you can:
 - make better decision on raid roles (eg. conq with full t2 might be a better tank then guard in partial t1)
 - make better decision on loot distribution with master looter setup (eg. if someone is missing single part of the set you may want him to loot a tokens; you want to decide which of the 3 demos should take t2 helmet).

First there is a need for creating a characters' equipment database.
Each member should be allowed to add information on his current raid gear for each item slot: head, chest, legs, boots, wrist, hands, belt.
The same for weapons: main hand 1, off hand 1, main hand 2, off hand 2. 
For statistical purposes it might be good to add slots with non-raid equipment: back, left finger, right finger, neck.

I was not able to decide in my head what type of entries it should be: exact item (itemref) or just a type of item (green - enchanted, blue - rare, violet - epic, t1, t2, t3, t4, khitai). I fell more inclined to type of item since the vision is to make and overview rather than exact equipment database (for which you can use yg integration).

Obviously there is also a need to allow raid leaders and admins make corrections in the data of any character.

Second part is to make use of the data.
The longer I was thinking the bigger the feature list was. I try to describe a lot but feel free to skip or modify some of it as it may be too complicated to implement.

In raid situation raid leader should be able to see:
 - a list of characters in a raid with brief description of what they have on, eg:
Overview list:
Char1 - Armour: 3 x rare, 4 x t1; Weapon: 1 x epic, 1 x t1, 1 x rare.
Char2 - Armour: 2 x rare, 1 x t1, 4 x t2; Weapon: 3 x epic, 1 x t1,
Char3 - Armour: 4 x t1, 3 x t2; Weapon: 4 x t2,

(notice that only raid-lotable armour is listed here; weapons may need a better way to illustrate 2-handed - one item that takes two slots)

 - a list of specific class characters in a raid with brief description of what they have on, eg:
[same as above but for selected class]

 - a list of specific class characters with a description of specific item, eg:
List demo's head:
demo1: rare
demo2: t1
demo3: t3

 - an ability to see specific character equipment:
Demo1 equipment:
head - rare
chest - rare 
legs - epic
boots - t1
wrist - t1
hands - rare
belt - t1
back - epic
left finger - rare
right finger - epic
neck - khitai

main hand 1 - t1
off hand 1 - epic
main hand 2 - epic
off hand 2 - none

And here are my concerns form brain storm session:

Conversion of item type to some sort of points / weight system.
Generally good idea (bot could suggest a decision based on calculations of points), but the rules of what item type is worth how many points may differ from guild to guild. Plus if you start talking about raid and points people see it as crypto-DKP, which is not the point (and there is a dkp system already, so why making another?).
If there would be a way to code point conversion that would be configurable - I'm all for it. But since seams very complicated (separate commands for point scale setup and management plus all the calculations that would use the points) I do not think this is needed. Not at this stage.

It would be good if item types retain their colours (eg. wherever you see "rare" it ought to be in  blue).

It would be good if the characters on all lists would be a links to show details of that person. 

It would be good if on the general list there would be a links to call list for certain class.

It would be good if on the certain class list there would be a links to call list for certain item type.

It all sounds good for raids (max 24 chars). If you think about guild wide usage there is a need to limit the list. Perhaps make it for main characters only? This needs more brain storming.

Title: Re: [AoC] character equipment overview - idea for new module
Post by: Drizzurdeen on June 23, 2010, 11:45:59 am
hmmmmm don't know if it would help ... but we use just the !yg
only !yg [charname]
so we can see how the charakter ist equippet ... the easiest way in my opinion

greetz da drizz
Title: Re: [AoC] character equipment overview - idea for new module
Post by: rmb on June 23, 2010, 11:57:54 am
I noticed that YG profile is very often not up to date, so I would not relay on it too much.

Unless there is a method to force update of YG profile for all guild members?

And still I think that it would be good to have sort of an overview insted of manually check and note each person.
Title: Re: [AoC] character equipment overview - idea for new module
Post by: Kyr on June 25, 2010, 05:51:37 am
There is a yg updater you can install and have running while you play AoC.  It should update the yg db when ever you select a character.  Last I heard it wasn't working right now though. Stay tuned to the yg site for updates.
Title: Re: [AoC] character equipment overview - idea for new module
Post by: Getrix on June 25, 2010, 08:48:28 am
I think i got kinda same idea, but never had time to make it.

What you want is to be able to run "!command Nick" and get a list like gives, but also contain what rarity level the item is (T1-2-3-4) without needing to remember what item it is or check the price to verify it.

If someone could provide med with a list over Class/ItemName/ItemID/RarityLevel(T1-T2) i may get some time to make this one day.
Title: Re: [AoC] character equipment overview - idea for new module
Post by: rmb on June 25, 2010, 02:48:59 pm
From rarmor.php:
Code: [Select]
      function get_armors()
         $armorslist = array( // Class [0], Tier[1], Item Type[2], Name [3], ID [4]
array("Soldier", "T3", "Head", "Helm of the Black Dragon", ""),
array("Soldier", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armguards of the Black Dragon", "4277845"),
array("Soldier", "T3", "Chest", "Chestguard of the Black Dragon", ""),
array("Soldier", "T3", "Wrist", "Vambraces of the Black Dragon", "4277841"),
array("Soldier", "T3", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Black Dragon", ""),
array("Soldier", "T3", "Waist", "Belt of the Black Dragon", "4277840"),
array("Soldier", "T3", "Legs", "Tasset of the Black Dragon", ""),
array("Soldier", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of the Black Dragon", "4277835"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Head", "Helm of the Valiant", "3763980"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armguards of the Valiant", "3763981"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Chest", "Chestguard of the Valiant", "3763982"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Wrist", "Vambraces of the Valiant", "3765040"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Valiant", "3765041"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of the Valiant", "3765042"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Legs", "Tasset of the Valiant", "3765061"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of the Valiant", "3765062"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Head", "Helm of Heroic Soul", "3765065"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armguards of Heroic Soul", "3765067"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Chest", "Chestguard of Heroic Soul", "3765068"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Wrist", "Vambraces of Heroic Soul", "3765069"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Hands", "Gauntlets of Heroic Soul", "3765075"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of Heroic Soul", "3765080"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Legs", "Tasset of Heroic Soul", "3765081"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of Heroic Soul", "3765082"),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Head", "Helm of the Invincible", ""),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armguards of the Invincible", "3765563"),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Chest", "Chestguard of the Invincible", ""),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Wrist", "Vambraces of the Invincible", "3765561"),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Invincible", ""),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of the Invincible", "3765559"),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Legs", "Tasset of the Invincible", ""),
array("Guardian", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of the Invincible", "3765557"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Head", "Helm of Black Spite", "3770004"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armguards of Black Spite", "3770017"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Chest", "Chestguard of Black Spite", "3770030"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Wrist", "Vambraces of Black Spite", "3770036"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Hands", "Gauntlets of Black Spite", "3770063"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of Black Spite", "3770067"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Legs", "Tasset of Black Spite", "3770074"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of Black Spite", "3770081"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Head", "Helm of Baleful Blood", "3770006"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armguards of Baleful Blood", "3770028"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Chest", "Chestguard of Baleful Blood", "3770031"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Wrist", "Vambraces of Baleful Blood", "3770037"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Hands", "Gauntlets of Baleful Blood", "3770064"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of Baleful Blood", "3770070"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Legs", "Tasset of Baleful Blood", "3770076"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of Baleful Blood", "3770082"),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Head", "Helm of the Painlegion", ""),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armguards of the Painlegion", "3770029"),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Chest", "Chestguard of the Painlegion", ""),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Wrist", "Vambraces of the Painlegion", "3770040"),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Painlegion", ""),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of the Painlegion", "3770073"),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Legs", "Tasset of the Painlegion", ""),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of the Painlegion", ""),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Head", "Helm of the Triumphant", "3768134"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armguards of the Triumphant", "3769910"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Chest", "Chestguard of the Triumphant", "3769449"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Wrist", "Vambraces of the Triumphant", "3768134"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Triumphant", "3769383"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of the Triumphant", "3769901"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Legs", "Tasset of the Triumphant", "3769910"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of the Triumphant", "3769923"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Head", "Helm of the Martial Paragon", "3768155"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armguards of the Martial Paragon", "3769384"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Chest", "Chestguard of the Martial Paragon", "3769455"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Wrist", "Vambraces of the Martial Paragon", "3769471"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Martial Paragon", "3769902"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of the Martial Paragon", "3769906"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Legs", "Tasset of the Martial Paragon", "3769913"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of the Martial Paragon", "3769949"),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Head", "Helm of the Victorious Elite", ""),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armguards of the Victorious Elite", "3769386"),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Chest", "Chestguard of the Victorious Elite", ""),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Wrist", "Vambraces of the Victorious Elite", "3769482"),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Victorious Elite", ""),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of the Victorious Elite", "3769907"),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Legs", "Tasset of the Victorious Elite", ""),
array("Conqueror", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of the Victorious Elite", "3769950"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Head", "Helm of Illuminant Conviction", "3773833"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Illuminant Conviction", "3769122"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Chest", "Achiton of Illuminant Conviction", "3769121"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of Illuminant Conviction", "3769123"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Hands", "Gloves of Illuminant Conviction", "3769124"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of Illuminant Conviction", "3769125"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Legs", "Poderes of Illuminant Conviction", "3769126"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of Illuminant Conviction", "3769127"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Head", "Helm of Effulgent Devotion", "3769128"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Effulgent Devotion", "3769129"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Chest", "Achiton of Effulgent Devotion", "3769130"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of Effulgent Devotion", "3769131"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Hands", "Gloves of Effulgent Devotion", "3769132"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of Effulgent Devotion", "3769133"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Legs", "Poderes of Effulgent Devotion", "3769136"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of Effulgent Devotion", "3769142"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Head", "Helm of Celestial Radiance", ""),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Celestial Radiance", "3769146"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Chest", "Achiton of Celestial Radiance", ""),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of Celestial Radiance", "3769148"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Hands", "Gloves of Celestial Radiance", "3769149"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of Celestial Radiance", ""),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Legs", "Poderes of Celestial Radiance", ""),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of Celestial Radiance", ""),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Head", "Miter of the Cloudcleaver", "3769171"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Cloudcleaver", "3769172"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Chest", "Telkari of the Cloudcleaver", "3769173"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Cloudcleaver", "3769178"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Hands", "Gyre of the Cloudcleaver", "3769177"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of the Cloudcleaver", "3769179"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Legs", "Gida of the Cloudcleaver", "3769180"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of the Cloudcleaver", "3769182"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Head", "Miter of the Riftcaller", "3769183"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Riftcaller", "3769184"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Chest", "Telkari of the Riftcaller", "3769185"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Riftcaller", "3769186"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Hands", "Gyre of the Riftcaller", "3769187"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of the Riftcaller", "3769188"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Legs", "Gida of the Riftcaller", "3769189"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of the Riftcaller", "3769190"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Head", "Miter of the Sundered Skies", ""),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Sundered Skies", "3769192"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Chest", "Telkari of the Sundered Skies", ""),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Sundered Skies", "3769194"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Hands", "Gyre of the Sundered Skies", "3769195"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of the Sundered Skies", ""),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Legs", "Gida of the Sundered Skies", ""),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of the Sundered Skies", "3769199"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Head", "Helm of Vernant Fury", "3770086"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Vernant Fury", "3770104"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Chest", "Jerkin of Vernant Fury", "3770192"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of Vernant Fury", "3770186"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Hands", "Handguards of Vernant Fury", "3770189"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of Vernant Fury", "3770192"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Legs", "Leggings of Vernant Fury", "3770199"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of Vernant Fury", "3770205"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Head", "Helm of the Savage Fang", "3770097"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Savage Fang", "3770107"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Chest", "Jerkin of the Savage Fang", "3770184"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Savage Fang", "3770187"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Hands", "Handguards of the Savage Fang", "3770201"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of the Savage Fang", "3770193"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Legs", "Leggings of the Savage Fang", "3770201"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of the Savage Fang", "3770207"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Head", "Helm of Clawing Might", ""),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Clawing Might", "3770108"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Chest", "Jerkin of Clawing Might", ""),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of Clawing Might", "3770188"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Hands", "Handguards of Clawing Might", "3770191"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of Clawing Might", ""),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Legs", "Leggings of Clawing Might", ""),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of Clawing Might", "3770208"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Head", "Helm of Violent Rage", "3769461"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Violent Rage", "3769485"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Chest", "Harness of Violent Rage", "3769631"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of Violent Rage", "3769900"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Hands", "Gauntlets of Violent Rage", "3769909"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of Violent Rage", "3769917"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Legs", "Tasset of Violent Rage", "3769976"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of Violent Rage", "3769996"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Head", "Helm of Brutal Carnage", "3769470"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armband of Brutal Carnage", "3769487"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Chest", "Harness of Brutal Carnage", "3769632"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of Brutal Carnage", "3769905"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Hands", "Gauntlets of Brutal Carnage", "3769911"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of Brutal Carnage", "3769924"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Legs", "Tasset of Brutal Carnage", "3769977"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of Brutal Carnage", "3769997"),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Head", "Helm of the Savage Slaughter", ""),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armband of the Savage Slaughter", ""),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Chest", "Harness of the Savage Slaughter", ""),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Savage Slaughter", "3769908"),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Hands", "Gauntlets of the Savage Slaughter", "3769912"),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of the Savage Slaughter", "3769926"),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Legs", "Tasset of the Savage Slaughter", ""),
array("Barbarian", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of the Savage Slaughter", "3770000"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Head", "Hood of Deadly Guile", "3748601"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Shoulders", "Arm-straps of Deadly Guile", "3748681"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Chest", "Tunic of Deadly Guile", "3746141"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of Deadly Guile", "3748697"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Hands", "Gloves of Deadly Guile", "3748571"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Waist", "Belt of Deadly Guile", "3748493"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Legs", "Leggings of Deadly Guile", "3748485"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Feet", "Padsoles of Deadly Guile", "3748517"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Head", "Hood of Black Whispers", "3748629"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Shoulders", "Arm-straps of Black Whispers", "3748656"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Chest", "Tunic of Black Whispers", "3748471"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of Black Whispers", "3748703"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Hands", "Gloves of Black Whispers", "3748583"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Waist", "Belt of Black Whispers", "3748496"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Legs", "Leggings of Black Whispers", "3748491"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Feet", "Padsoles of Black Whispers", "3748519"),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Head", "Hood of Dark Malice", ""),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Shoulders", "Arm-straps of Dark Malice", ""),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Chest", "Tunic of Dark Malice", ""),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of Dark Malice", "3748704"),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Hands", "Gloves of Dark Malice", "3748589"),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Waist", "Belt of Dark Malice", "3748497"),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Legs", "Leggings of Dark Malice", ""),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Feet", "Padsoles of Dark Malice", ""),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Head", "Hood of Jagged Barbs", "3770092"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Jagged Barbs", "3770096"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Chest", "Harness of Jagged Barbs", "3770102"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of Jagged Barbs", "3770112"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Hands", "Handguard of Jagged Barbs", "3770642"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of Jagged Barbs", "3770117"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Legs", "Leggings of Jagged Barbs", "3770125"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of Jagged Barbs", "3770641"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Head", "Hood of the Swift Talon", "3770094"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Swift Talon", "3770098"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Chest", "Harness of the Swift Talon", "3770105"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Swift Talon", "3770113"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Hands", "Glove of the Swift Talon", "3770643"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of the Swift Talon", "3770118"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Legs", "Leggings of the Swift Talon", "3770130"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of the Swift Talon", "3770640"),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Head", "Hood of the Ravenflight", ""),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Ravenflight", ""),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Chest", "Harness of the Ravenflight", ""),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Ravenflight", "3770114"),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Hands", "Glove of the Ravenflight", "3770644"),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of the Ravenflight", "3770119"),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Legs", "Leggings of the Ravenflight", ""),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of the Ravenflight", "3770137"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Head", "Helm of the Ecliptic", "3762521"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Ecliptic", "3762530"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Chest", "Shatush of the Ecliptic", "3762461"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Ecliptic", "3762542"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Hands", "Gloves of the Ecliptic", "3762503"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Waist", "Girdle of the Ecliptic", "3762472"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Legs", "Gida of the Ecliptic", "3762527"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of the Ecliptic", "3762488"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Head", "Helm of the Bloodmoon", "3762522"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armbands of the Bloodmoon", "3762540"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Chest", "Shatush of the Bloodmoon", "3762481"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of the Bloodmoon", "3762543"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Hands", "Gloves of the Bloodmoon", "3762514"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Waist", "Girdle of the Bloodmoon", "3762483"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Legs", "Gida of the Bloodmoon", "3762528"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of the Bloodmoon", "3762489"),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Head", "Helm of Pandemonium", ""),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Pandemonium", "3762541"),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Chest", "Shatush of Pandemonium", ""),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of Pandemonium", ""),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Hands", "Gloves of Pandemonium", "3762515"),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Waist", "Girdle of Pandemonium", "3762485"),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Legs", "Gida of Pandemonium", ""),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of Pandemonium", ""),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Head", "Helm of Ardent Fire", "3762920"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armband of Ardent Fire", "3762942"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Chest", "Bindings of Ardent Fire", "3762743"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of Ardent Fire", "3762951"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Hands", "Handguards of Ardent Fire", "3762903"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Waist", "Belt of Ardent Fire", "3762688"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Legs", "Shendoh of Ardent Fire", "3762924"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of Ardent Fire", "3762793"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Head", "Helm of Infernal Zeal", "3762922"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armband of Infernal Zeal", "3762945"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Chest", "Bindings of Infernal Zeal", "3762745"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of Infernal Zeal", "3762952"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Hands", "Handguards of Infernal Zeal", "3762909"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Waist", "Belt of Infernal Zeal", "3762736"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Legs", "Shendoh of Infernal Zeal", "3762926"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of Infernal Zeal", "3762844"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Head", "Helm of Conflagrant Flame", ""),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armband of Conflagrant Flame", "3762950"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Chest", "Bindings of Conflagrant Flame", ""),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of Conflagrant Flame", ""),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Hands", "Handguards of Conflagrant Flame", "3762910"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Waist", "Belt of Conflagrant Flame", "3762737"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Legs", "Shendoh of Conflagrant Flame", ""),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of Conflagrant Flame", ""),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Head", "Helm of Dark Terror", "3763826"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Dark Terror", "3763862"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Chest", "Bindings of Dark Terror", "3762969"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Wrist", "Bracers of Dark Terror", "3763866"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Hands", "Talons of Dark Terror", "3763061"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Waist", "Belt of Dark Terror", "3762958"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Legs", "Gida of Dark Terror", "3763854"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Feet", "Boots of Dark Terror", "3763018"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Head", "Helm of Necrotic Dread", "3763827"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Necrotic Dread", "3763864"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Chest", "Bindings of Necrotic Dread", "3763015"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Wrist", "Bracers of Necrotic Dread", "3763873"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Hands", "Talons of Necrotic Dread", "3763808"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Waist", "Belt of Necrotic Dread", "3762961"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Legs", "Gida of Necrotic Dread", "3763856"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Feet", "Boots of Necrotic Dread", "3763019"),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Head", "Helm of Black Oblivion", ""),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Shoulders", "Armbands of Black Oblivion", "3763865"),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Chest", "Bindings of Black Oblivion", ""),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Wrist", "Bracers of Black Oblivion", ""),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Hands", "Talons of Black Oblivion", "3763812"),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Waist", "Belt of Black Oblivion", "3762962"),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Legs", "Gida of Black Oblivion", ""),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Feet", "Boots of Black Oblivion", "")                );

         return $armorslist;

Title: Re: [AoC] character equipment overview - idea for new module
Post by: rmb on June 25, 2010, 02:51:08 pm
[Second post dut to post lenght limitation]

From rweapon.php:

Code: [Select]
      function get_weapons()
         $weaponslist = array( // Class [0], Tier[1], Item Type[2], Name [3], ID [4]
array("Guardian", "T1", "One-Handed Edged", "Broadsword of Okeanos", "3770675"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Polearm", "Trident of Okeanos", "3770712"),
array("Guardian", "T1", "Shield", "Aegis of the Warlord", "3770703"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "One-Handed Edged", "Edge of the Golden Age", "3770701"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Polearm", "Teeth of the Drowned", "3770713"),
array("Guardian", "T2", "Shield", "Aegis of the Jackal", "3770704"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "One-Handed Edged", "The Baleful Blade", "3770801"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Shield", "Gorulga's Shield", "3770817"),
array("Dark Templar", "T1", "Talisman", "Gorulga's Mark", "3771955"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "One-Handed Edged", "Blade of the Fallen King", "3770812"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Shield", "The Shield of Alkmeenon", "3770828"),
array("Dark Templar", "T2", "Talisman", "The Mark of Gwahlur", "3771968"),
array("Dark Templar", "T3", "Talisman", "The Eye of the Bretheren", "3771969"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "One-Handed Edged", "Bloodseeker Blade", "3770717"),
array("Conqueror", "T1", "Two-Handed Edged", "Bloodseeker Claymore", "3770774"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "One-Handed Edged", "Sovereign Battleblade", "3770719"),
array("Conqueror", "T2", "Two-Handed Edged", "Bloodregent Claymore", "3770775"),  
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "One-Handed Blunt", "Vise of the Anointed", "3773832"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Shield", "Pavis of Fealty", "3773873"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Staff", "Staff of Devout Piety", "3773907"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T1", "Talisman", "Tome of Holy Obeisance", "3773913"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "One-Handed Blunt", "Hammer of Solemn Vows", "3773842"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Shield", "The Haven of War", "3773874"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Staff", "Staff of Eternal Confluence", "3773909"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T2", "Talisman", "Tome of Deific Reverence", "3773914"),
array("Priest of Mitra", "T3", "Shield", "Feretrum of Mitra", "3773897"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "One-Handed Blunt", "Mace of the Cloudseer", "3774386"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Polearm", "The Cloudscar", "3774384"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Shield", "The Storm Harbor", "3774406"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T1", "Talisman", "The Tome of Storms", "3774410"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "One-Handed Blunt", "Heaven's Torment", "3774392"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Polearm", "Spear of Ishti", "3774387"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Shield", "Shedu of Arcing Skies", "3774408"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T2", "Talisman", "Scripture of Coronal Skies", "3774411"),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "One-Handed Blunt", "Maahes' Crackling Spite", ""),
array("Tempest of Set", "T3", "Talisman", "Tome of the Black Gale", "3774412"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T1", "Two-Handed Blunt", "Hammer of Primal Wrath", "3773797"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T2", "Two-Handed Blunt", "Arm of the Great Bear", "3773813"),
array("Bear Shaman", "T3", "Two-Handed Blunt", "Hammer of the Void", "4281141"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "One-Handed Edged", "The Crescent of Blood", "3772397"),
array("Barbarian", "T1", "Two-Handed Edged", "The Twinned Moons", "3772413"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "One-Handed Edged", "Axe of Red Ruin", "3772403"),
array("Barbarian", "T2", "Two-Handed Edged", "Greataxe of the Crimson Sea", "3772414"),
array("Assassin", "T1", "Dagger", "Song of Demise", "3772330"),
array("Assassin", "T2", "Dagger", "The Silent Knell", "3772333"),
array("Assassin", "T3", "Dagger", "Fury of the Void", "4281142"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Ammunition", "Bolts of Black Sorrow", "3772260"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Ammunition", "Quiver of Barbed Tongues", "3772301"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Bow", "The Fleeted Wing", "3772217"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Crossbow", "Draw of Fangs", "3772172"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Dagger", "The Gilded Grave", "3772166"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "One-Handed Edged", "The Scimitar of Dunes", "3771998"),
array("Ranger", "T1", "Shield", "Sepulcher's Ward", "3772163"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Ammunition", "Spines of Repose", "3772282"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Ammunition", "Quiver of Black Asps", "3772320"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Bow", "Brace of Kuthchemes", "3772220"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Crossbow", "The Serpent's Pull", "3772173"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Dagger", "The Agony of Ages", "3772168"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "One-Handed Edged", "Sirocco's Lament", "3771999"),
array("Ranger", "T2", "Shield", "The Shield of Entropy", "3772164"),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Ammunition", "Bolts of Raked Flesh", "3772288"),
array("Ranger", "T3", "Ammunition", "Quiver of Raked Flesh", "3772321"),
array("Ranger", "T3", "One-Handed Edged", "Blade of the Void", "3772000"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Dagger", "Blade of Marred Spirits", "3772420"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Staff", "Stave of Malefic Rites", "3773762"),
array("Demonologist", "T1", "Talisman", "Fetish of Caged Fiends", "3772416"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Dagger", "Zukala's Rites", "3773744"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Staff", "Clutch of Black Terrors", "3773763"),
array("Demonologist", "T2", "Talisman", "Zukala's Reliquary", "3772417"),  
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Dagger", "The Death of Innocents", ""),
array("Demonologist", "T3", "Staff", "The Helot of Sacrilege", ""),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Dagger", "The Lost Soul", "3770878"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Talisman", "Blood Scripture of Xotli", "3771989"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T1", "Two-Handed Edged", "Rage of Xotli", "3771971"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Dagger", "Pain of the Damned", "3771941"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Talisman", "Elder Scripture of Xotli", "3772002"),
array("Herald of Xotli", "T2", "Two-Handed Edged", "Fury of Xotli", "3771975"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Dagger", "Edge of Tartarus", "3772283"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Staff", "Axis of Tartarus", "3772404"),
array("Necromancer", "T1", "Talisman", "Opus of Ash and Blood", "3772246"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Dagger", "Knife of Dessication", "3772286"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Staff", "The Narthex of Hell", "3772406"),
array("Necromancer", "T2", "Talisman", "Tome of the Undying", "3772248"),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Staff", "The Necros of Dagon", ""),
array("Necromancer", "T3", "Talisman", "Epithet of Skelos", "3772250")

         return $weaponslist;
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