BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Development => Coding and development discussion => Topic started by: Wolfbiter on October 21, 2006, 11:21:41 pm
No, this isn't a whole new script, but just an idea I had.
To change the lookup function some, so it'll be "lookup($name,$noupdate=false)", so if $noupdate is true, it wont connect to FC server even if the char info is out of date.
This isn't really a revolutionary thing or anything like that, but might save some time during low priority lookups (like maybe alts list or such). Alts is actually the only place I can think of where it might be good to have, but maybe future things could benefit it too.
Not a bad idea really. :)
Actually a very good idea.
Well funcom's servers went wonky earlier and forced me to implement it on Campalot. Works great. 0.2.9 get_site() helps too. (darn highly customized raidbots...)
You would think with 6 bots hitting up the same whois cache database it would stay up to date, but no FunCom finds new ways to screw it up ;)
I'll go around and add it as soon as I find the time.