BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Development => Coding and development discussion => Topic started by: lazarus on August 08, 2007, 04:30:27 pm

Title: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: lazarus on August 08, 2007, 04:30:27 pm
Hey all ur genius people.
have anyone every made a scipt that can communicate thro a website to the ingame chat?
i would do working just like the guest channel.
as the bot is the one type in ingame chat.
[org][bot][web]nick: Hey yo all

but for this to work I will need to have the bot log all the chat into the database.
and then just a php script that update a window with info from this database.

This last step is the easy part, but the bot coding is alittle over my head I think.
Thro I have not looked to much into it.

Where do I hook the chat input in the bot?
Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: Ebag333 on August 08, 2007, 05:27:54 pm
It's fairly easy actually.

Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: lazarus on August 09, 2007, 03:12:29 pm
Well I dont use IRC.

I was thinking on having a log table and a queue table.
Then the bot run a script to write the queued to the org chat, and by that get into the log table.

The log table is then showing to the website user.

ofcause the users would have to logon to the webpage and from that the username will be extracted.

Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: Temar on August 09, 2007, 03:53:27 pm
there is a module called AutoMsg but not the 1 i posted
this module checks a table for entires and then relay to gc or wateva if anything is found
then all u need to do is have your site make the entires
Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: lazarus on August 20, 2007, 10:42:51 am
Nice :) but how do i get the ingame chat to the database? :)
anyone have made a logger to database? :)
Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: Ebag333 on August 20, 2007, 05:47:39 pm
Logging chat to the database would be rather slow, and eat up a lot of processing/etc.

Writing to a text file is quicker and probably better.

You could write a module to capture all GC chat, write to a text file, then have your webpage script pick that up, and output it.
Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: lazarus on August 23, 2007, 01:04:37 pm
What if I had a dedicated bot to only log the GC chat? with a continued open connection to the SQL?
or the text thing is better?
Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: Ebag333 on August 23, 2007, 05:29:57 pm
Every time you write to SQL, it's expensive.

No one's saying you can't do it, just that it won't be that fast.
Title: Re: Website Chat to ingame Chat.
Post by: Lawbrkr on August 24, 2007, 01:43:48 am
You really you should look into  (, It works well and can be integrated into a forum or web page quite nicely. I have it set up on my forums using SMF. Certainly less complex than any other method I can come up with.
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